China expanding PLA’s reach around world: US美国:中国军队的触角延伸至世界各地 “China will seek to estab
有你所以幸福 2019-05-06 阅读(436)
PLA holds ground combat drills in Tibet to test their skills解放军在西藏举行陆地作战演习,以检验他们的技能BEIJING: The spec
山河永慕 2018-07-22 阅读(174)
Beijing held a live-fire exercise off its south-east coast yesterday, according to Chinese state med
五毛网 2018-04-21 阅读(196)
Close ties between China, Pak armies will help maintain regional peace: PLA解放军: 中巴军队的亲密关系,有助保持地区和平BE
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(64)
China's military could soon rival American power 'across almost every domain': Top US Admiral美国海军上将:
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(49)
PLA equips troops along Indian border with US army-style combat gear: Report部署在中印边界的解放军配备美式装备BEIJING
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(39)
Army keeps close watch on Chinese troops, infra build-up in Doklam印度军队继续密切监视洞朗的中国军队和基础设施建设NEW DELHI:
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(63)
China silent over Gen Rawat's remarks on PLA troop reduction in Doklam印媒:印陆军参谋长称解放军在洞朗削减兵力,中方对此表示沉默C
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(60)
As China aims for 'world-class army', Asia starts to worry中国目标是“世界一流军队”,亚洲开始担忧BEIJING: C
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(54)
How India stacks up against China, and why China can't win despite its military superiority尽管具有军事优势,
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(42)
China moved huge military hardware into Tibet after Sikkim standoff: Report报告:锡金对峙后,中国往西藏运输大批军用物资BEI
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(63)
Amid Sikkim stand-off, Chinese army conducts exercises simulating battle scenarios锡金对峙之际,中国军队在高海拔地区模
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(36)
Chinese army denies violating Bhutan's territory中国军队否认侵犯不丹领土BEIJING: Chinese military on Thursday r
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(41)
Chinese military modernisation is focused on defeating American in Asia: US general美国将军:中国军队现代化主要着眼于
五毛网 2018-04-12 阅读(57)
-------------译者:丘林-The grandson of a First World War army hero has stumbled upon an collection of gl
五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(69)
Taiwan simulates 'Chinese invasion' during military exercise amid growing tensions with Beijing与北京的关
五毛网 2018-04-07 阅读(88)
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