朝鲜发生“人造地震”,怀疑是核测试 [英国媒体]



North Korea is thought to have conducted its fourth nuclear test after an “artificial” earthquake was detected near the country’s main nuclear testing site on Wednesday morning.


Speculation that the regime in Pyongyang had conducted a surprise nuclear test rose after seismologists from South Korea, China and other countries said they were confident the earthquake, which struck at around 10am local time (1am GMT), had been caused by an explosion.



Transfinite_Cardinal 3m ago
Fat boy triggers little boy. Sorry couldn't resist.

 小胖墩激活了“小男孩”(美国投放在日本的核弹)。 抱歉实在忍不住要吐槽下。

Canajin 6m ago
This is what happens when you call a country an 'Axis of Evil'. Two out of the three labelled that by Dubya went on nuclear binges quickly after the other one was bombed.

 当你把这个国家称作“邪恶轴心”的时候这种事必然会发生。三个被小布什贴上这个标签的国家, 当其中一个遭到美国狂轰滥炸之后另外的两个迅速走上了突破核门槛的道路。

Bobtoo 6m ago
This really is a blast-from-the-past,in every sense of the term.

 这实在是《超时空恋爱》(1999年上映的美国电影,有关核危机背景)的现实版本, 从各种意义上来说。

BruceSmith1 6m ago
The one small heartening thing i get from this is China's inclusion in the reporting of the quake. They could just as easily not have said anything, in support of their "ally".


Eric Mintz 9m ago
Now if he could only feed the populace, North Korea would be really threatening.


TonyB999 9m ago
When "we" (the West) branded North Korea as part of the Axis of Evil and said they were a danger to everyone and then "we" invaded some other Axis of Evil countries (Iraq) it's no surprise that NK built up their defenses.
If someone was using those terms about me I'd get ready to defend myself.



transmitter14 9m ago
You've got to laugh at the N.K. officer leaning to the left of, 'bad-hair cut day' looking with crazed expectant sycophancy… like a faithful lapdog waiting for his psychopathic master to throw him a bone.


Hsapiens 9m ago
It's somehow comforting that Kim's antics seem to unite almost everyone...almost no one on either left or right likes him.


dikcheney 10m ago
The North Korean people need food not fusion. Kim Jong Un derpants would look better if he wore them over his head, like John Major, another nuclear nutter.


The world has so many inept, inadequate nuclear energy nutters that we can only hope they all go away some time soon. The dreadful nuclear pollution legacy in the USA, Russian Federation and Japan is a serious threat to many generations to come. Every step to block and eliminate nuclear energy is a good step.



KevinHamiton 13m ago
Kim Jong Un fell over
PlanetNat 14m ago
Lunatics all.
TIM Anderson 18m ago
Does this feed into the illuminati nuke craze that the whackos on the internet are predicting? Follow the money trail.
kenalexruss 19m ago
It could just be a stampede of unicorns...
1ClearSense 22m ago
Too much news from middle east lately, Kim felt left out.
Haggala 23m ago
I guess Isao Hashimoto needs to update this now
Sobering !
HarryPrince 26m ago
Probably best when North Korea are at least on the radar. Possibly more concerning when all is quiet in that neck of the woods. Hopefully Kim's gout is under control.
Jack Everett 27m ago
Can't trust what the N. Korean propaganda machine says but America is not interested, it's like Wolfowitz said. "N. Korea is just an empty rock with nothing of value to steal."
The only ral threat to America is to our troops that secure the border for S. Korea while they put their money in to economic development.
America troops are toast if Kim falls off his chair and get loony.

