打造令人生畏的海军:中国第一艘国产航母开始了历史性的海试 [英国媒体]


China has taken a historic step in its bidto build a navy that rivals the world's finest by sending the country's firstdomestically built aircraft out for sea trials.


The vessel has the temporary name Type 001Aand set out yesterday from Dalian after President Xi Jinping announced a'world-class' navy under the Chinese Communist Party's regime.


The 50,000-tonne carrier is the first to bewholly built and designed in China, and is set to become the navy's secondaircraft carrier by 2020.


The runway on the new vessel models theskip slope design of its predecessor. Though China still lags behind the UnitedStates in terms of military might, the Communist government is increasing thecountry's dominance in Asia, where only Japan seriously rivals it


The vessel - temporarily named Type 001A -was sent out for sea trials at 7am today as President Xi Jinping pushes aheadwith modernisation in the country's Navy. Experts say that it still won't beenough to seriously challenge the dominance of the USA within the next 12 years


Currently the country only has aretrofitted Soviet-era aircraft carrier called the Liaoning, which was launchedin 2012.


But CNN reports the new vessel still won'tbe enough to rival the United States, but will boost the navy's standing inAsia.  


Sam Roggeveen, senior fellow at Sydney'sLowy Institute, said: 'This is, in and of itself, not designed to be somefrontal challenge to US power in the Asia Pacific, because it simply isn't inthe class of America's aircraft carriers.'


It is a retrofitted Soviet-era vessel,showing the marked difference between the communist country's capabilities ascompared with that of the US


The new aircraft carrier weighs 50,000tonnes and analysis of recent satellite images suggest that modifications havebeen made for the ship to transport an additional eight aircraft. Unlike thenuclear-powered carriers the United States fields, the Chinese rely on lessinnovative means of propulsion


More than 1,000 feet in length and 246 feetwide, the new ship uses conventional propulsion as opposed to nuclear andrecent analysis of satellite images suggests modifications have been made tohold up to eight additional aircraft.


Its predecessor was intended more as atraining base, but the new ship is likely to be deployed for combat, puttingChina alongside the US, the UK, Russia and France in its globalcapability.  


But it is still the US that fields moreaircraft carriers than any other country. As of this year it fields 11nuclear-powered carriers with 'catapult' technology, in which pistons orelectromagnetic rails speed aircraft up as they leave the runway.


This gives them an advantage over theChinese planes, which rely on their own power and the ski-jump designs on bothcarriers.


The ship is China's latest attempt toassert its military might and follows a surge of investment from 2010 to 2017,when the Navy's ship complement increased from 210 to 320. The country is fastdeveloping capabilities to maintain presence in distant waters  


Once this latest addition passes seatrials, it will need to be further vetted before it is deemed combat-ready. Andplenty can still go wrong during the current trial, as the UK's HMS QueenElizabeth proved last year when a leak left it in need of repair.


And the US Navy's newest warship - the USSGerald R Ford - has been blighted by glitches despite it being the world's mostexpensive at $13 billion.


The 100,000-tonne vessel's catapultlauncher, the equipment for catching planes upon landing and its radar were allfound to be faulty.  



Although China is far from catching up withthe US, its military budget this year rose by eight per cent as the militarypushes for modernisation.


The Navy's ship complement increased from210 to 320 between 2010 and 2017, with 2016 alone seeing an increase of18.  


American sea power is expected to continuedominating over the next 10 years, but China is fast developing capabilities tomaintain presence in distant waters.  


Last week US intelligence suggested thereis a high probability that the Chinese fired missiles to three artificialislands in military drills.  


1、Yet, UK aid (£47Million DM 25th April 2018) goes to China because they are a"developing" country, but will be pretty soon the world's largesteconomy. Remind me of the meaning of "developing country" Alsobecause they are "developing" they are building lots of coal firedpower stations,that kick more rubbish into the air in 1 week, than we do in ayear and we are the one's getting hammered for supposed Green taxes.


(回复1)Well, you can take comfort in knowing that a little of the taxes youhave paid has bought a nice aircraft carrier!!


(回复2)But at the same time, that amount of money is nothing. Chinaprobably forgot its getting 47 million in aid from the UK because in the grandscheme of things that doesnt accomplish much at all.


2、So why does Chiiinaneed miIIIitary islands so far south that they should rightly be part oflndonesia?


(回复1)Chinese are back stabbers, they think they can fight with USA andthe rest of the world with their not so reliable weapons.


(回复2)US has Diego Garcia and British have Falklands, French have theirown colonies ...Every country aspiring to be a big power does this ...Itsnothing new


3、The world is armingitself and liberals in the UK wants to fight everyone with hugs


4、Military hardware isnot in the same league as cheap consumer goods. China maintains high qualityassurance on their military hardware, especially their aircraft and navalsystems. I had the opportunity to examine Chinese-built aircraft at the 2016Zhuhai airshow (where I also watched the British Red Arrows give an excellentperformance). The new generation of Chinese aircraft are in the same league asRussian and U.S. aircraft. Sadly, enthusiasts were not permitted near theirJ-20 or J-31 5th generation fighters (security concerns), but we got to examineall their 4th generation fighters and their new helicopters. This myth about"Made in China" is propagated by "patriots" from the West, perhapsout of contempt that another military can compete with their own. But the mythis a farce. China doesn't spare any expense on it's air force or navy. Onlytheir army seems to have some expenses spared i.e; shortage of body armor,modest field rations (when compared to the American MRE), etc.


5、Every last detail iscopied from western technology - a cheap imitation.


6、China-the emergingmilitary superpower.


(回复1)Do you really think China does not keep pace with westerntechnology? The biggest mistake we can make is to underestimate them. They alsohave tremendous economic clout- any country that holds dollar reserves canwreck the US by dumping them on world markets, and China is just one of thecountries that has threatened to do so.


(回复2)Why would they dump their dollars and watch the value of theirinvestments tank? Its in their interest to support the dollar.


7、300 ships! We've gotabout 15 fighting ships nowadays. In mid 80's when I left RN we had about 75!The demise of the Royal Navy! Well done politicians!


(回复1)Of those 300 ships most aren't deep sea worth, or are old projectswhich China has taken on (such as the carrier).


(回复2)The government had other priorities.


8、Just imagine thenavy we would have if countries were lining up to give us millions , like wegive to China each year .


(回复1)Yiour Upcoming Queen Elizabeth Carriers make this look like garbage.



9、Paid for by wal-martcustomers in the U.S


(回复1)And Asda in UK.



(回复2)And Apple customers all over the world.


10、And we have 10 plus2 more under construction. just saying.


(回复1)Nothing a few tomahawk type missiles can't sort out. Naval warfarehas become less relevant by the year, world war one showed air power issuperior and now, ballistic missiles, drones and so on will soon render shipsuseless against other modern military powers.


11、And to think 'we'helped contribute towards this with 'our' tax money, by giving China around£35m in aid every year. Just how stupîd are we ?


(回复1)Future generations will despise us for the weak fools we are.


(回复2)No, they won't, they (unlike you) might recognise that internationalaid is not aid but a bribery system used by first world countries to getbenefits in return. Unless you idiots get in charge and cancel it all and we becomeglobally irrelevent and then, yes, future generations will despise us forletting idiots take charge of us.


12、Russia and China...the developing New World order, two countries who notably have adhered to oldfashioned values whilst the West decays in a liberalist midden.


(回复1)Old fashioned ideas = pedatory imperialism.

旧式思想 = 掠夺成性的帝国主义

(回复2)Time will tell as to which proves the better governmental system andsocietal ideology. Most developed liberal western nations have only progressedthrough time and upon wealth - having all been feudal totalitarian systemsinitially.


13、And they don't haveto worry about a single emmission as they are immune. Just keep stealing andbuilding islands then make yourself leader for life. United nationssay......Britain is raci ist over brexit lol.


14、The UK has 10 timesas many Admirals and captains than ships


15、I wonder what LordNelson would have to say about our Royal Navy.



(回复1)He would probably say, "I must keep an eye out for ournavy".


16、It is interestingfor me in a sad way having now watched the demise of the British Empire, thesolid security of the United States dominance for the last 50 years and now theemergence of China. The world just keeps turning. The problem with China isthat is can act without fear of internal scrutiny or backlash from voters. Acommunist empire? It is the stuff of science fiction movies.


17、Britain and Americaneed to wake up and develop a joint and equal military otherwise the likes ofRussia and China will take advantage. You can see signs of it already.


18、What now Britain? Chinahas 2 carriers to your 1, and their's has planes and your one doesn't.Commision a rowboat? You can't even hold up your end of NATO! Kneel before themullahs of Iran and beg for mercy, and then make more cuts.


19、The world will have toaccept China becoming a super power, let's hope they will join the free nationsof the the world someday.


20、If it has anescalator on it, the sailors will all end up dead anyway.


21、That is what I calla really big rice burner.


22、Oh the brits can'tstand that other countries are doing way better than you..lol. Well you havebrexit, you'll be fine


23、the whole idea of aChinese Navy in the modern world is to stop their rivers being sailed up..weBrits used to do this when we had a new one sided treaty we wished them tosign..gunboat diplomacy is something China has been on the receiving end of afew times..colonial powers don't carve off places like Macau and Hong Kong byjust asking for their territory..Also if the US and China ever go to warAmerica will try to blockade China and cut it off from world trade..hence theirgreat road project, the island fortification and DF-21.

