中国航天局首次公布登月飞行器照片 [英国媒体]




The Chinese space agency has made its library of high-resolution images of the moon available to the public for the first time.


Hundreds of images released this week show the incredibly uneventful, yet spectacular, lunar surface in detail and are some of the best pictures of the moon available.


China National Space Administration (CNSA) lifted the veil of government secrecy to showcase the wealth of images and video clips captured by its Chang'e 3 lunar lander and Yutu rover.


Chang'e touched down on the lunar surface in December 2013, and was the first craft to soft land on moon in almost 40 years. 


Along with its Yutu 'Jade Rabbit' rover it has amassed a wealth of information, despite the rover grinding to a halt within weeks on the surface.



xuezhuyingji, Pyongyang, North Korea, 2 days ago
China clearly has a better studio than America
kimking, Pyongyang, North Korea, 2 days ago
I don't think the US moon landings is a hoax, but it seems China actually did fake some of its space mission videos, at least its first and only space walk video is highly suspicious, just search 'china space walk' on youtube and you will see, it's far more convincing than anything the US moon landing conspiracy theorists have ever provided.

M1LL3R_UK, Manchester, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Nice to see all the shadows are in the right place :)

wickedwoods, Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
And the photos show the moon looks just like the photos the Americans took. Just wanted to point that out to the conspiracy theorists



dbunk, Australia, Australia, 1 day ago
How can some people be so st upid so consistently and for so long? They know nothing at all!

Scruffbags, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
The stupid people, dbunk, are those who research nothing and question nothing then have the temerity to insult those who do...

Ra Kohler, NY, United States, 2 days ago
Glad someone is doing something in space exploration. US is asleep.

Galahad, The Meadows, United States, 2 days ago
Asleep? It was just 6 months ago that NASA's New Horizons probe did an exploration of Pluto and its moons. No one else has done that.
RussianEagle, London, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Yeah U.S. is asleep they are to busy moving the Rover they have on Mars, you know the actual planet, but yeah your right they are doing nothing.

Klopp1956, Moscow, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
But, but, there's no stars in the sky and some of the shadows dont all fall in the same direction! Come on you conspiracy theorist, where are you all?
Ami bovered, Singapore, Singapore, 2 days ago
Why wasn't Brooklyn Beckham allowed to take these photos?
Just saying..., E Sussex, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Good to see new pics of the moon.



armstrong11, london, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Two years to release these pictures, thankful anyway. And it looks like China's lander is nearly identical to the 1960's Lunar Module descent stage that landed men on the moon. Just shows how good the engineers where who designed the Apollo spaceships over 50 years ago, just amazing.

perlcat, Omaha, United States, 2 days ago
Form follows function.

samsungworker, Jeju, South Korea, 2 days ago
Nice...those are beautiful pictures that hold clues about the mysterious planet. 


andy, rochdale, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
The Moon is a satellite, not a planet. But totally agree that they are great pictures.

dbunk, Australia, Australia, 1 day ago
I don't think that flag should be waving, as there's no wind. But it was filmed in a nuts are pitiful.

Boondocker, Roscommon, United States, 1 day ago
Conspiracy nuts are borderline ill. The reason that no conspiracy goes un discovered is that people talk. It may take ten years but eventually they talk.

DMnemesis, doomed city, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Or simply you'll believe any old c r a p.



Scruffbags, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Looks like they used the same studio as NASA...


Gavin, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Considering the moon landings weren't faked I don't understand your comment...

Candidly, Sydney, 2 days ago
Now they will be claiming the Moon as theirs.

Kobe Bryant, Los Angeles, United States, 1 day ago
It is. Who's gonna stop them? Certainly not us.

RobertEsquire, Tamworth, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Well I see no stars again

treek, london, 2 days ago
How many stars can you see during the day on Earth? The rover is in sunlight, is it not?


Melody Makhir, Adelaide, Australia, 2 days ago
In the second last pic ... there is a shadow near the middle of the pic that is out of line with other shadows. Not drawing anything from it ... it's just wrong

PatrickHFriel, Phoenix, United States, 2 days ago
No, I agree with Melody. I copied the photo; zoomed in on the oddly shaped shadow and it does NOT look right. The small rock behind it has no shadow and should have one in front of it. Anywaayyy! Oh, I'm bein' followed by a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow Leapin and hoppin' on a moonshadow, moonshadow, moonshadow

dbunk, Australia, Australia, 1 day ago
OK, so if it is a studio and all fake, and lit by powerful spotlights, HOW DID THEY MAKE ONE SHADOW angled differently to ALL THE OTHERS?

EndApostropheAbuse, Cornwall, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
There are fewer knuckle-dragging flat-earthers and conspiracy nuts commenting than I would expect. Can it possibly be gradually dawning on some of them how ridiculous they are ?

tootak, lahore, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
and you still have trouble with china made products?.



Gavin, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
Still there are people who believe the moon landings were faked. Those poor small minded people. They went and it was great!!

disgruntled, Pie in the Sky, 2 days ago
No blast crater beneath a 10,000 lb thrust rocket. No stars. Fake, fake, fake. Oh, wait. No such things as conspiracies, LOL.

andy, rochdale, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
No conspiracies, just fools who think there are. There are no stars for the same reason you do not see stars from Earth at certain times, namely it is the Lunar daytime. And who says there's a 10,000lb thrust rocket on the lander?

Gullible, London, United Kingdom, 2 days ago
Oh yeah, the people in the know forgot to add them, to appease you fools.

Anciento, Winds, Christmas Island, 2 days ago
There seems to be a lot more rocks and objects on this Moon.......maybe Neil landed on another one, hahahahahhaha. Great Photoshops guys, nice and clean studio shots, got to love it.
