日本将不再在其旅游地图上使用纳粹十字记号 [英国媒体]


Japan to drop the swastika from its tourist maps


Japan is to drop the use of the swastika and other confusing symbols on maps for foreign tourists following complaints that they are offensive or hard to understand.


With Japan due to host the Rugby World Cup and the summer Olympics in the next four years, the country’s Geospatial Information Authority has released a new set of pictograms it believes will clear up any misunderstandings among overseas visitors.


The chief culprit is a symbol closely resembling Nazi Germany’s swastika, which is used to indicate a Buddhist temple. The swastika will be replaced with a three-storey pagoda symbol when the new designs are unveiled at the end of March.


Others have simply left visitors flummoxed. They include a simple “X” – meant to represent two truncheons – for a police box that will be replaced with a saluting officer, and a cross that is supposed to symbolise a church but which could be mistaken for a graveyard.


delectric 21 Jan 2016 05:47
Britain enslaved and killed those it considered subhuman, took more land than any other Empire in the world, created a 'lebensraum' in North American, Oceania and South Africa for it's settlers. ALL THIS WAS DONE UNDER A FLAG CONTAINING THE CHRISTIAN CROSS!!! It's still in use today too and has been used much longer than the Nazi flag.
Just because Hitler appropriated this symbol doesn't mean we should. The war is finished, it wouldn't be too hard to actually teach our children the real ancient use of the symbol?


Theethou 7m ago
It's a symbol used by many ancient religions, most prominently Hinduism. Nazis and their usage of the swastika is a blip on the long history of this symbol. While being politically correct, I am sure instances like this only prevents people from gaining a different perspective on the world and religions.


Wade Cox 23m ago
The swastika is the reverse of the ancient Sanskrit symbol and actually means bad luck in its use whereas the other way around it is a symbol of good fortune. Some idiot in Germany reversed the symbol meaning bad luck and they sure got it in the neck all right. It was taken by the Nazis from a church near where Hitler was raised. Hitler was in fact a Jew on both sides.


frankenwood1610 34m ago
The title 'Japan to drop the swastika from its tourist maps' is massively inflammatory. It's not even the same symbol as a swastika; as the article explains it's a Buddhist symbol with legs fanning in the other direction. Unfortunately due to people's ignorance of the origins of the symbol and the author's paralleled ignorance (or more likely, the author's deliberate use of the word swastika in a headline to garner more views on their published article) the gist of this that will stick in most people's heads is: 'Japan, still fascist, I bloody knew it'.
Fanning the flames of bigotry just for the sake of a few more views on your article. Hats off to Justin McCurry.


Matthew McGee 1h ago
I don't support this unless they change either both maps for Japanese as well or don't change either. But I live in Japan and I'm tired of the higher ups assuming that us foreigners are just too stupid to understand any aspect of Japan.
Why change the symbols? Why not just add a table explaining them? That would make more sense than dumbing things down for us dirty barbarians to understand. 
What's next, providing us with crayons instead of pens at the airport?


BlooperMario 2h ago
Ban the swastika and also the Imperial Warmongering Japanese battle flag.


jonarthur  BlooperMario 1h ago
.....and the union jack, st. georges cross etc i hope


Matthew McGee  BlooperMario 1h ago
If we're going to ban flags that have been used to commit atrocities.. We may as well ban them all.


James-Henry Holland 2h ago
This article includes an oft-repeated mistake: "is in fact slightly different from the one preferred by Nazis. The legs on the former run anti-clockwise; in the latter, they flow in the opposite direction." Many temples in Japan have a pair of swastikas on outside pillars, one turning clock-wise, the other counter-clock-wise.


Matthew McGee  James-Henry Holland 1h ago
True, but the point is still that these temples were using the symbol centuries before the Nazis.

