不要在这些全球经济恐慌上指责中国 [英国媒体]


-------------译者:ooohmygod-审核者:水 古 月------------

作者:英国剑桥大学政治经济学系张夏准(Ha-Joon Chang)博士

In truth the west failed to learn from the 2008 crash. Any economic ‘recovery’ was built on asset bubbles


The US stock market has just had the worst start to a year in its history. At the same time, European and Japanese stock markets have lost around 10% and 15% of their values respectively; the Chinese stock market hasresumed its headlong dash downward; and the oil price has fallen to the lowest level in 12 years, reflecting (and anticipating) worldwide economic slowdown;


According to the dominant economic narrative of recent times, 2016 was the year when the world economy would recover fully from the 2008 crash. The US would lead this recovery by generating growth and jobs via fiscal conservatism and pro-business policies. Reflecting the economy’s robust growth, the US stock market reached new heights in 2015, although disrupted by the mess in the Chinese stock market over the summer. By last October, US unemployment had fallen from the post-crisis peak of 10% to 5%, bringing it back close to the pre-crisis low. In a show of confidence, last month the US Federal Reserve finally raised its interest rate for the first time in nine years.



Not far behind the US, the story goes, have been Britain and Ireland. Hit harder than the US by the financial crisis, they have,
however, recovered handsomely because they kept their nerve and stuck to the right, if unpopular, policies. Spending cuts, focused on
wasteful welfare spending, accelerated job creation by making it more difficult for people to live off the taxpayer. They sensibly
didn’t give in to the banker-bashers and chose not to over-regulate the financial sector.


Even the continental European economies have been finally picking up, it was said, having accepted the need for fiscal discipline,
labour market reform and cutting business regulations. The world – at least the rich world – was finally set for a full recovery. So
what has gone wrong?



Those who put forward the narrative are now trying to blame China in advance for the coming economic woes. George Osborne has been at
the forefront, warning this month of a “dangerous cocktail of new threats” in which the duation of the Chinese currency and the fall
in oil prices(both in large part due to China’s economic slowdown)figured most prominently. If our recovery was to be blown off
course, he implied, it would be because China had mismanaged its economy.


China is, of course, an important factor in the global economy. Only 2.5% of the world economy in 1978, on the eve of its economic
reform, it now accounts for around 13%. However, its importance should not be exaggerated. As of 2014, the US (22.5%) the eurozone
(17%) and Japan (7%) together accounted for nearly half of the world economy. The rich world vastly overshadows China. Unless you are
a developing economy whose export basket is mainly made up of primary commodities destined for China, you cannot blame your economic
ills on its slowdown.



The truth is that there has never been a real recovery from the 2008 crisis in North America and western Europe. According to the IMF, at the end of 2015, inflation-adjusted income per head (in national currency) was lower than the pre-crisis peak in 11 out of 20 of those countries. In five (Austria, Iceland, Ireland, Switzerland and the UK), it was only just higher – by between 0.05% (Austria) and 0.3% (Ireland). Only in four countries – Germany, Canada, the US and Sweden – was per-capita income materially higher than the pre-crisis peak.


Even in Germany, the best performing of those four countries, per capita income growth rate was just 0.8% a year between its last peak (2008) and 2015. The US growth rate, at 0.4% per year, was half that. Compare that with the 1% annual growth rate that Japan notched up during its so-called “lost two decades” between 1990 and 2010.



To make things worse, much of the recovery has been driven by asset market bubbles, blown up by the injection of cash into the financial market through quantitative easing. These asset bubbles have been most dramatic in the US and UK. They were already at an unprecedented level in 2013 and 2014, but scaled new heights in 2015. The US stock market reached the highest ever level in May 2015 and, after the dip over the summer, more or less came back to that level in December. Having come down by nearly a quarter from its April 2015 peak, Britain’s stock market is currently not quite so inflated, but the UK has another bubble to reckon with, in the housing market, where prices are 7% higher than the pre-crisis peak of 2007.


Thus seen, the main causes of the current economic turmoil lie firmly in the rich nations – especially in the finance-driven US and UK. Having refused to fundamentally restructure their economies after 2008, the only way they could generate any sort of recovery was with another set of asset bubbles. Their governments and financial sectors talked up anaemic recovery as an impressive comeback, propagating the myth that huge bubbles are a measure of economic health.



Whether or not the recent market turmoil leads to a protracted slide or a violent crash, it is proof that we have wasted the past seven years propping up a bankrupt economic model. Before things get any worse, we need to replace it with one in which the financial sector is made less complex and more patient, investment in the real economy is encouraged by fiscal and technological incentives, and measures are brought in to reduce inequality so that demand can be maintained without creating more debts.


None of these will be easy to implement, but we know what the alternative is – a permanent state of low growth, instability, and depressed living standards for the vast majority.



GeorgeMeany 9m ago
Lots of interesting talks by Ha-Joon Chang on YouTube. Check out 'Economics, But Not as You Know It', delivered at LSE last May: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEVLkX0SSug


NOSuddenMovements 10m ago
Bearing in mind our recent deals with China, particularly on nuclear energy provision, I would like to see this analysis expanded to take into account the UK current account deficit. There are so many variables there and potential attempts at a remedy (depending on how necessary you think a remedy is) that I can't help thinking that, with the above suggestion that China could be a scapegoat, either something very clever or something very silly has just happened. It's beyond my poor brain to work it all out.


JingBrit 22m ago
Spot on.
But does the public have the patience, resilience and stamina to deal with the protracted pain of a long restructuring process? Which politician is going to sell that solution? All I see are people demanding immediate solutions, usually ones that involve confiscating money from the rich.



NotFobbedOff 25m ago
Yes and no. 
What is written about the US and UK economies is perfectly true, QE and cheap money have fuelled asset bubbles and growth is both fragile and not sustainable.
 That does not mean that what is happening in China doesn't matter. The transition from an export led economy to a more balanced model is not going well and there are enormous pools of debt at the Provincial government level and within the banking system which as well as looking very shaky is also shrouded in secrecy. In the last 7 years, China's economic management has been every bit as bad as that in the west.


NoSuddenMovements  NotFobbedOff 6m ago
Or the shrouds of secrecy could mean that it's playing the best game of them all. It is after all the newcomer to the poker game of capitalism and retains its fondness for market interference far more than the West has ever experienced.



tater 30m ago
No mention by Ha-Joon Chang that his recommendations for the UK economy correspond closely with the economic policy being developed by the Labour party under Corbyn.


bigishwilly 49m ago
Hits the nail on the head pretty much.


F.A. Hutchison 1h ago
The Rothchilds and bankers control these cycles, and make money either way.


worried 1h ago
dear worried..please read to the end of atls before mouthing off. OK? Tks.


PollitoIngles 1h ago
George's Marvelous Medicine - hic!



Triple750  worried 1h ago
You're not alone in thinking that

evaelbee537 1h ago
Agree - QE was a compensation policy - it restored wealth to the wealthy . Economic growth
achieved through manipulation of housing market creates illusion of restored wealth to house owners encouraging spending/borrowing/ accumulation of personal debt - against inflated asset that Government now cannot allow to fall. Trapped in a bubble of its own making - if it bursts another debt crisis is inevitable. Chancellor Osborne is in deep trouble on many economic fronts.



NoSuddenMovements  Banditolobster 1h ago
ONS figures from 2013 show US and the EU close together over 20% and China on 12%. Just use Google.

VengefulRevenant  Banditolobster 51m ago
The eurozone is not the EU.

Banditolobster  VengefulRevenant 50m ago
Ah I misread that thanks.



irreverentnurse  Ubermensch1 2h ago
well said. It is all a delusion built by the elite so we can be exploited. The only pockets it affects are those of the workers, whether it goes up or down, we pay. They know the price of everything and the value of nothing.

说得好。 这一切都是精英们制造的幻想,导致我们被骗。财产受到影响的只有工人们,无论它上升还是下降,我们来买单。他们知道一切的价格却不知道价值(形容Cynics,愤世嫉俗者)。

PapersNotInOrder  Ubermensch1 1h ago
..and yet the cost of technology and a wide assortion of labour saving devices has become within reach of ever more people.
Need keeps you alive, but it is blind to the future.

JingBrit  Ubermensch1 13m ago
Too many people seem to think only the rich are greedy.
Most people are greedy.
A few are financially successful.
The greed of the less successful is manifest in their demands to confiscate the wealth of the rich and use it to provide public services for themselves.
They try to disguise their greed by denouncing inequality, as if equality was inherently right and inequality inherently wrong.



hugin1 2h ago
Ha-Joon Chang...... the voice of reason and common sense here on the Guardian. And not for the first time. Keep them coming Mr. Chang.... the world is ready for and needs what you write!


MehKybosh 2h ago
I just try to borrow fuck all, aside from the mortgage. No outstanding balance on the credit card. I recommend it.


Luciano Giampaglia  MehKybosh 2h ago
Given the high cost of renting most young family's today do not have such a care free option.
Washing machine breaks, well there's no extra income and your kids need clothes, debt.
Car breaks, parents haven't had a rise in 5 years, they live pay check to pay check due to the high costs of living and low income. Debt.
Dads one of the now 4 million self employed earning less than 20k and breaks his ancle. No sick pay and doesn't earn enough to save anything. Debt.
Your attitude is an example of ignorance and naked individualism.
