中国活煮切片:鱼沾酒后复活的可怕瞬间 [英国媒体]



This is the shocking moment a fish served on a dinner plate appears to come back to life after receiving a shot of alcohol.


The clip, believed to have been captured in China, shows the carp with large slices cut into its back - but it is unclear as to whether it is currently dead.


It remains very still as one of the diners pours a shot of alcohol into its mouth before presumably getting ready to eat it.


Suddenly the fish gulps - closing its mouth tightly and opening it once again - and appears to swallow the liquid before returning to a vegetative state.



Since appearing online the footage has sparked debate - with many disgusted viewers believing the fish to be alive.


One suggested the creature had been prepared in the style of Yin Yang fish - where the animal has its head wrapped in a wet cloth to keep it alive while its body is cooked.


The practise has been banned in many countries and has been heavily criticized by animal rights activists due to its excessive cruelty.


It is not clear whether the fish has indeed been prepared in this way, however.



Christine Matic, Sydney, Australia, 16 hours ago
I'm not one of those peta hippies, but I found this disturbing.

Bob, Swansea, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Some people online say that it is yin yang fish - google it - that is cooked and served in a horrendous way.

bips, melb, Australia, 59 minutes ago
good on you.. btw did you know the meat you eat at home was a live animal before that had gone through worse at the slaughterhouse?

Rightbucket, Bucketville, United States, 15 hours ago
Why is the fact that this happened in China NOT surprising?!

Hugh G. Hampton, Sandy Balls Hampshire, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Faye as you've never been to Japan (I have many times) you must have watched the same youtube video more than once. I love sashimi and have never seen or heard of this while there. The youtube generation believe everything they see, I feel sorry for you.

费伊,正如你从来没去过日本(我已经去过很多次了),你一定不只一次看过这类的youtube视频。我爱吃生鱼片,但在日本我从来没有目睹或耳闻过这种事。 Youtube世代总是轻信他们看到的所有事,我为你感到遗憾。


bips, melb, Australia, 58 minutes ago
pointing fingers at others as usual... check how animals are treated at KFC or how the meat on your plate is prepared... you will be shocked

 必须指出 别的餐馆也是一样的啊,看看KFC是怎么对待那些动物的,或者你吃的肉是怎么做的,你会被震惊的。
chancel, manchester, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago
Disgusting people.

LukaLukalawaihe, Luganville, Vanuatu, 14 hours ago
its always China isn't it

Derek Eyebrow, london, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Or Japan

jls85, salem, 13 hours ago
I'm getting really sick of seeing all these stories of vile things in China. Shame on them! Hope they die miserable deaths, the people who do these sick things and support them.

Ryan Bass, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 3 hours ago
Just looked at your past comments on migrants. You have more sympathy for a (already-dead) fish than your fellow human beings. Sort out your priorities. I'm sure this goes for many other commenters here too.

看了你之前在migrants 网站(移民网?)的评论。你同情一条死鱼更胜于活着的人类。你也分分重点好不好。我相信这也适合很多其他类似的人。(点赞)


bips, melb, Australia, 57 minutes ago
check how animals are treated in slaughterhouses in Europe/America... it is far worse than what the fish has gone through

 查一下欧洲和美国的屠宰场是如何处理动物的... 远比这条鱼所经受的更糟
Danielle Leblanc, Perth, Australia, 15 hours ago

mr zen, cheshunt england, 12 hours ago
It's common in China and Japan to eat living animals, they should eat each other.

Sarah, Perth, 15 hours ago
This is foul!

sws63075, NY, United States, 14 hours ago
No, it's a fish...

someguy, somewhere, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago
Fowl will be the next one they do it with.

R.soal, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 15 hours ago
Never eat anything that has a face

Person0, Hope, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago
or dairy or eggs. Those industries are just as bad if not worse than the meat industry.

Aongus, Dublin, Ireland, 7 hours ago
Well said. There is such a variety of food that we humans, as omnivores, have available to us, and there is no need to pay others to kill sentient beings for us to consume...


bellapops, Surrey, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
China, the country that skins dogs and cats alive then eats them. Is there any creature they wouldn't eat.

Scott Webb, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
China disgusts me..

yodemo, Brisbane, Australia, 6 hours ago
Few instances from time to time, most of them blown out of proportion by the media and now you find the entire country disgusting? What a ignorant fool... I'd seen Bear Grylls, and that is the typical behaviour of Brits and you guys disgust me since you eat everything raw and rotten.

googleyboy, derby, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
They really are disgustingly cruel.



Allen Sykes, Orange, United States, 7 hours ago
This is a very common method of cooking in Asia, i have similar picks from China, Japan and Korea. Thats how they entertain themselves during dinner. i have seen korean video of a dog being boiled alive and repeatdly trying to jump out of the cauldron. These people have no feelings for animals.

Hugh G. Hampton, Sandy Balls Hampshire, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago
But more significantly you've never been have you? You see it on some daft video and you believe it's real or is common practice.

logical, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
This is your third stupid comment on here hugh hampton and it tells me you are one cruel B

lpf22, London, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
What's up with Chinese and terrorising animals??

Geko747, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
So no one in this country goes fishing?

