日本:日本家长为何要让孩子自己去上学? [日本媒体]


Documentarylooks at why Japanese parents let young kids walk to school by themselves


TOKYO — Many foreigners in Japan are shocked to see youngJapanese schoolchildren walking to and from school by themselves, or eventaking the trains or buses alone. While these sights would probably lead tomore than a few concerned stares in many countries overseas, they’re perfectlytypical scenes in Japan.


AustralianTV channel SBS 2 recently shared a mini-documentary titled “Japan’s independentkids” on YouTube, which gives a brief look at the differences between one youngJapanese girl’s commute to school versus that of a young Australian girl, whileexamining some of the societal factors that lead to differing expectationsregarding independence for children in each country.


Takea moment now to watch the approximately eight-minute video below, then scrolldown for our summary of its major points and net user comments.


Theshort documentary begins by sharing the Japanese proverb “Kawaiiko ni wa tabi o saseyo,” or “Send the beloved child on a journey.” Thissaying, which holds that children should learn to take on challenges anddifficulties from an early stage in life, alludes to the fact that Japanesechildren are typically socialized into becoming independent and taking care ofthemselves at a younger age than are many children in Western countries. Onestriking example of this young independence is in how Japanese elementaryschool students commute to school on a daily basis.

该短片以日式谚语“Kawaii ko ni wa tabi o saseyo(将爱子送上旅途)”或称“将爱子送上路途”作为开篇。这句话的意思是,孩子们应勇于接受生活中的挑战和困难。也就是说,比起西方国家的孩子,普通日本孩子能够更早地适应社会、独立自主。(日本)小孩为何早早就能自立,这里有个突出的例子,从日本小学生每天上下学来一窥究竟。

Viewersnext meet the adorable seven-year old Noe Ando during a typical day on hercommute to elementary school, which she makes alone by train. She even has totransfer once at JR Shinjuku Station, which is the busiest station in the worldby number of passengers. Just walking through the station can be a harrowingordeal in itself for an adult, let alone for a tiny child during rush hour.


Whilesending a seven-year-old off by herself to navigate public transportation wouldbe unthinkable for many parents outside of Japan, Ando’s mother shares her ownperspective: “Her parents won’t be with her so she has to learn how to solvethings herself. If she gets lost or catches the wrong train, she has to figureit out on her own.”


Thefilming crew then interviews Jake Adelstein, an American investigative journalistknown for being an expert on organized crime in Japan, who experienced culturalshock on a personal level when his own four-year-old daughter began to walk toschool on her own in Japan. He makes an observation later in the video thatJapanese society and work culture would have to be completely reorganized ifparents were held accountable for transporting their children to and fromschool every day.


Finally,we meet the Fraser family from Australia, whose 10-year-old daughter Emily isdriven to and from school every day by her father. When told that if she livedin Japan she would’ve already been traveling to school by herself for fouryears, she replies, “It’s cool.” Fraser is already looking forward to highschool, when she will be allowed to walk home and let herself in with a keyindependently.


Thedocumentary then transitions into a brief discussionsurrounding the societal differences and expectations for children in Japanand Australia. As one Australian man comments, “Our society suffers from a paranoia about leaving children on their own.” Thenarrator also reveals that Japan has more than five times the population ofAustralia, but less than one-fourth the homicide rate.

面对日澳不同的社会(文化)和对孩子的期望的不同,这部纪录片随后转入到一种初步探讨的氛围之中.引用一位澳大利亚男士的评论,“让孩子们自己出去闯,我们社会有种不安全感。” 这位男士还透漏,日本有超澳大利亚人五倍的人口,但凶杀犯罪率却不及澳大利亚的四分之一。

English-speakingInternet users who saw the video shared some of their comments on online forum Reddit:


“I think besides the lower crime rate, Japanese communities tend tobe a littlemore collective when it comes to child rearing…I think thatmany [Japanese] kids if they were lost or in trouble would have very littleproblems with asking strangers for help, especially elderly people. I wasraised to be the complete opposite, every stranger is a possible criminal whomay want to hurt me. ”


“The girl is the video is not a normal case: she has to travel thatfar by herself because her parents are sendingher to some kind of special private school. It’s far more common for elementaryschoolers in Japan walk a short distance to the school nearest to their home.The younger kids rarely walk alone: there are designated spots where they meetup with other neighborhood kids and walk to or from school as a group. Theolder kids act as leaders for the group.”


“I think, in general, the point it is making is true. Japanese kidsare expected to be a lot more independent a lot earlier than their westerncounterparts. Not necessarily in all cases, or situations…but in general. Theyjust picked a somewhat extreme set of examples to make the point.”


Howwas your own experience going to school as a child compared with that of thetwo girls interviewed above?

