特朗普在贸易和联盟的立场可能损伤亚洲关系 [日本媒体]

华盛顿和日本的政府官员们必须面对一个问题的挑战:什么时候开始消除因美国总统候选人唐纳德·特朗普的言论所造成的双边关系的误解。日本网友:但是特普朗总说日本窃取了美国的就业机会,他总说他将会把那些被日本窃取的就业机会带回美国 ,我已经不相信他了,希拉里才是赢家。

Trump's position on trade, alliances could strain Asia ties



WASHINGTON — Japanese government officials are faced with a challenging question: when to begin the work of clearing up misunderstanding caused by U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump’s remarks about bilateral relations?


On the campaign trail seeking the Republican Party’s presidential nomination Trump criticized Japan, along with China and Mexico, saying Tokyo has deliberately lowered the yen’s value against the U.S. dollar, making American products less competitive and hurting U.S. employment.


Bringing jobs back from Japan and other countries has become his signature phrase to please the crowds. The 69-year-old businessman also claims the 1960 bilateral security treaty is unfair as it only obliges the United States to defend Japan.


“We have a trade deficit with China of $500 billion a year. We have a trade deficit with Japan of over $100 billion a year,” Trump told a press conference after winning in three primaries Tuesday. He blasted Japan for buying “practically nothing” from the United States.


Trump said Japanese construction machinery manufacturer Komatsu Ltd. threatens its American competitor Caterpillar Inc. thanks to what he called Japanese currency manipulation.


Some senior Japanese government officials and Washington-based experts on bilateral relations said that while Tokyo recognizes Trump’s rhetoric is over the top, it is hard to identify whom to raise this with on his staff.


The U.S. goods trade deficit with Japan came to $69 billion and that with China stood at $366 billion in 2015, according to the U.S. Commerce Department.


Trump continues to be the front-runner in the presidential nomination race both in terms of support ratings in opinion polls and the number of delegates secured so far.


“I’ll refrain from commenting on him,” Japanese Ambassador Kenichiro Sasae told a recent press conference after being asked for his views, apparently out of concern that any hasty bid to correct Trump’s statements could backfire.


One of the Japanese officials said, “We don’t think now is the best time” to challenge Trump as he is not thought to have set up a full-fledged foreign policy team.


Trump’s solid popularity, in spite of his derogatory remarks about Hispanics, Muslims and others, and the growing possibility of him becoming the Republican presidential candidate in July, have been making big headlines in Japan for months.


If Trump wins the nomination, even if he does not become the next U.S. president, “it will have a negative effect” on bilateral relations between the United States and Japan, James Schoff, a Washington-based expert, said.


“There will be a little bit less trust, less confidence by Japan in America writ large,” said Schoff, senior associate of the Asia Program of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace think tank.


In early March a group of Republican security experts, including former Cabinet members, released an open letter criticizing Trump’s remarks on foreign policy, saying, “We are united in our opposition to a Donald Trump presidency.”


“His insistence that close allies such as Japan must pay vast sums for protection is the sentiment of a racketeer, not the leader of the alliances that have served us so well since World War II,” they said. The undersigned included former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and former Trade Representative Robert Zoellick.


Japan earmarked 189.9 billion yen ($1.7 billion) to host U.S. military bases in Japan in the current fiscal year through March 31.


Trump also criticized a sweeping free trade deal President Barack Obama’s administration signed with Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim countries.


Approval by the U.S. Congress is necessary for the Trans-Pacific Partnership to take effect, but Trump and other candidates such as former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who leads the Democratic nomination race, are critical of the initiative.


“Every month that goes by I think it gets harder and harder,” Schoff said, referring to passage of the TPP through the legislature, given Trump’s growing sway over the Republican Party, which normally has been supportive of free trade.
“That would have a long-term impact on…America’s reputation in the region and on that issue going forward,” Schoff said.


gokai_wo_manekuMAR. 12, 2016 - 07:12AM JST
Prepare yourselves for the impending disaster of the implosion of the USA! Also, is Trump going to apply the 45% tax to his clothing line that is made in China? Abe must love him for supporting the re-militarization of Japan. For sure, within 5 years young Japanese will be dying in Trump started wars somewhere in the world. The US has gone bonkers. It is certainly not the USA I spent a year at studying at the end of the 90s.


Alex80MAR. 12, 2016 - 07:14AM JST
Trump is even more obsessed with Japan than with China.


KurobuneMAR. 12, 2016 - 07:38AM JST
Ya think ?


paulinusaMAR. 12, 2016 - 08:59AM JST
He has accused India and Vietnam, which have pulled closer to the U.S. as China’s might has grown, of taking American jobs.
No Donald, Chinese, not U.S. jobs, are migrating to India and Vietnam. This from a guy who constantly touts his business expertise.


toshikoMAR. 12, 2016 - 09:01AM JST
In order to win GOP Michigan primary, Trump said if he is elected, he will stop daily import of many ten thousand Japanese cars to USA, Instead of projected Ohio Governor Trump won Mich.


mr_jgbMAR. 12, 2016 - 09:05AM JST
Likely Scenario: Chinese Reminbi at 5 versus 1 USD, Japanese Yen at 90 versus 1 USD. Huge political pressure on Asian currencies can be expected after US Presidential Election both from Trump and Clinton. US is going protectionist. All big Asian exporting nations are going to experience serious trading and economic setback.
Military tension in Asia can be expected to increase. It's going to be difficult.


And Trump always say Japan stole American jobs. He used to repeat he will bring back all stolen jobs back from japan, I am not going to worry him. Hillary will win.

但是特普朗总说日本窃取了美国的就业机会,他总说他将会把那些被日本窃取的就业机会带回美国 ,我已经不相信他了,希拉里才是赢家。
