中国敦促日本不要将南海争议加入G7议程 [日本媒体]

东京——有外交人士透露:中国敦促日本不要在即将到来的五月份于日本召开的G7政府首脑会议上提出北京与地区周边国家的南海领土争端问题,辩称触碰该问题将会妨碍改善双边关系的努力。日本网友: 须有人将此事提上议程。在南海发生的争议对于卷进其中的国家是件大事。如果不是日本,也有其他国家发掘这事槽事。


TOKYO —China has pressed Japan not to broach Beijing’s disputes with regional neighbors in the South China Sea at the upcoming Group of Seven summit to be held in Japan in May, arguing that touching on the issue would hamper efforts to improve bilateral relations, diplomatic sources say.


China pressed the point to Japan at a vice foreign ministerial gathering held in Tokyo in late February, the sources told Kyodo News.

根据东京新闻的线人爆料, 中国在二月底的同日本召开的在东京的副外交部长级会议时阐述了此观点。

But Japan rebuffed the Chinese demand, saying the international community cannot accept China’s building of artificial islands in the sea and their militarization, they said.



TheTigerMAR. 21, 2016 - 03:53PM JST
Such a complicated and delicate issue....


edojinMAR. 21, 2016 - 04:19PM JST
Somebody has to raise the issue at the summit. What is happening down there in the South China Sea is very important for those nations involved in this dispute. So, if not Japan, hopefully somebody else digs into this mess.


AkulaMAR. 21, 2016 - 05:54PM JST
Good on Japan for standing their ground against Chinese aggression. China is systematically bullying its neighbours in the South China sea.


kwattMAR. 21, 2016 - 05:56PM JST
It seems that Japan would positively pick it up on the agenda whatever China says as more countries want it there.



Thunderbird2MAR. 21, 2016 - 05:59PM JST
China has pressed Japan not to broach Beijing’s disputes with regional neighbors in the South China Sea at the upcoming Group of Seven summit to be held in Japan in May, arguing that touching on the issue would hamper efforts to improve bilateral relations, diplomatic sources say.


Ah, a threat... how nice.

The Chinese diplomat went on to warn that how Japan approaches the issue at the G-7 summit will be a litmus test of whether bilateral ties can be improved and that China will be watching closely, the sources said.

I'd give them the 2-finger salute and tell them where they can shove their bilateral ties. Who do they think they are?



moilolMAR. 21, 2016 - 06:33PM JST
I'd give them the 2-finger salute and tell them where they can shove their bilateral ties. Who do they think they are?

 我已经再次警告并且告诉过他们可以 疏远中日关系(作死的)底线在哪里。他们到底以为他们算哪根葱?

Sure you can do that, nobody care anyway . But japan government still need to improve tie with china for economic reason.


TriringMAR. 21, 2016 - 06:39PM JST
A nation with a bubble that is going to burst at any moment? Keep relationship at a minimal for the time being since they are going to be on their knees once it does.


TamaramaMAR. 21, 2016 - 06:45PM JST
But Japan rebuffed the Chinese demand, saying the international community cannot accept China’s building of artificial islands in the sea and their militarization,


Good, so they should. I'm pleased to see Japan calling them out on their aggression and covert bullying.



LagunaMAR. 21, 2016 - 07:17PM JST
...Japan, which is not involved in the rows, is acting like a concerned party.


A tremendous amount of Japanese trade passes through that area. Japan may not have any territorial claim, but it is very concerned.


erlolsMAR. 21, 2016 - 07:17PM JST
China tries to occupy territories everywhere, but it's Japan bringing this up that damages bilateral relations...sure, it makes perfect sense.


Also very consistent to talk about bilateral relations when CCP has been feeding anti-Japan propaganda to Chinese people for the past 30 years...


China is a joke.


smithinjapanMAR. 21, 2016 - 07:26PM JST
Japan always tries to turn the international stage into a forum for bilateral issues when it is the victim, asking the world to ignore and forget when it is the aggressor instead. They're not about to change here just because China has advised them not to.

当日本是受害者时总是试图将国际舞台变成双边问题的论坛,当他们是迫害者时却要求世界忽视和遗忘。 他们不会因为中国要求他们不要做而改变。


GWMAR. 21, 2016 - 07:59PM JST
Chinese govt can get stuffed! The entire world has issues with China & its idiot behavior in SE Asia.


Except maybe NKorea & perhaps Russia, ahhhh lovely company there!

 也许除了朝鲜和俄罗斯,啊啊啊 那是多好的组合啊!

China the monster, how will it all play out, THATS the question. China's internal problems are going cause it severe grief, like I have been saying fro ages China, will it explode, implode.........or BOTH!!


TamaramaMAR. 21, 2016 - 08:09PM JST
Japan always tries to turn the international stage into a forum for bilateral issues when it is the victim, asking the world to ignore and forget when it is the aggressor instead. They're not about to change here just because China has advised them not to.

 当日本是受害者时总是试图将国际舞台变成双边问题的论坛,当他们是迫害者时却要求世界忽视和遗忘。 他们不会因为中国要求他们不要做而改变。

Off topic much? What do you make of Chinese aggression and bullying Smith? That is the subject of this article after all.

严重跑题? 史密斯,你怎么看待中国的侵略和欺凌的? 毕竟这才是文章的主题。


Thunderbird2MAR. 21, 2016 - 08:29PM JST
Japan always tries to turn the international stage into a forum for bilateral issues when it is the victim, asking the world to ignore and forget when it is the aggressor instead. They're not about to change here just because China has advised them not to.

当日本是受害者时总是试图将国际舞台变成双边问题的论坛,当他们是迫害者时却要求世界忽视和遗忘。 他们不会因为中国要求他们不要做而改变。

Japan hasn't been an aggressor since 1945... Smith you are so wrapped up in your anti-Japanese bias it isn't even funny.


bjohnson23MAR. 21, 2016 - 10:00PM JST
Japan is always being criticized by China as being aggressive, well if you call a dog a dog then next time China encroaches on Japan, then Japan should just blow their aircraft or ships out of the water and systematically apologize, nothing short of what China wouldn't do.

