卡斯特罗要求美国归还关塔那摩湾 [英国媒体]

古巴总统劳尔 卡斯特罗和美国在哈瓦那的有史以来的第一次峰会上,要求巴拉克奥巴马归还关塔那摩湾并且完全终止美国的贸易禁运(该会议见证了对他们政治价值观的意外冲击)。英国网友:奥巴马很软弱而且全世界都知道,他是个废物并且会像一个没有勇气的胆小鬼一样鞠躬道歉。


President Raúl Castro of Cuba demanded that Barack Obama hand back Guantánamo Bay and fully end the US trade embargo as their historic first summit in Havana witnessed an unexpectedly spirited clash of political values.

古巴总统劳尔 卡斯特罗和美国在哈瓦那的有史以来的第一次峰会上,要求巴拉克奥巴马归还关塔那摩湾并且完全终止美国的贸易禁运(该会议见证了对他们政治价值观的意外冲击)。

Despite emotional scenes of reconciliation that earlier saw the Star Spangled Banner played to spine-tingling effect by a Cuban band in Revolution Square, the two leaders made clear that rapprochement had only come so far.


“There are profound differences between our countries that will not go away,” said Castro as he turned the tables on the question of human rights and criticised the US for its failures to ensure universal healthcare and equal pay for women.

”我们两国之间有些重大分歧还没有解决,“ 当卡斯特罗将话题转到人权并且批评美国没能保证大众医疗和妇女的薪资平等时说道。


“In our view, civil, economic, social and cultural rights are indivisible, interdependent and universal,” he added. “We find it inconceivable that a government does not defend and secure the right to healthcare, equal pay and the rights of children. We oppose political double standards in the approach to human rights.”

在我们看来民主,经济,社会和文化权利是不可分割的,相互依存的并且是普世的,”他补充道。“我们觉得政府不去维护和确保医疗保健,收入平等还有儿童的权利是不能想象的。 我们反对面对人权时双重的政治标准。

The Cuban leader also angrily rejected questions by a US journalist who questioned his country’s human rights record, a subject he said should not be “politicised”.



When asked why Cuba still held political prisoners, a visibly irritated Castro responded by asking: “What political prisoners? Give me a list of the political prisoners and I will release them immediately.

当问到为什么古巴还在关押政治犯时,卡斯特罗给了一个明显是被激怒的质问作为回应:”什么是政治犯? 给我一个政治犯名单而我将会立即释放他们。“

“If we have those political prisoners they will be released before tonight.”


The Cuban government released 53 political prisoners soon after announcing the restoration of diplomatic relations with the US in December, but human rights groups say that dozens more remain in the country’s prisons.



WSCrips 2h ago
Notice that Fidel was not there to meet the Great Community Organizer


ronnewmexico  WSCrips 2h ago
Yeah he's real old and in poor health..so what?


dusablon 2h ago
The drones love to reference Batista as if they got their history from Mario Puzo fiction.


Batista ruled Cuba for a whopping seven years as a dictator; Fidel and his gang of thugs have ruled for 57 years and won't quit until Satan calls them home.


I'll assume even the fellow travelers and useful idiots can do the math(s).



ronnewmexico dusablon 2h ago
So what…Cuba was poor then and it is poor now. So what?


Roodan 2h ago
I guess my object in the end to the rhetoric within expressed in the article and the comments on the article; is the schoolyard tone that underpins a proposition that the constant scrapping between nations, should continue regardless of how pointless and puerile the disagreements.


Human rights should be universal; not a tool of war mongering sectional western leaning journalistic propaganda.


Roodan 2h ago
Washington, meanwhile, is encouraging the US racist pinal system to press forward with market reforms, improve human rights and allow the populace to have a opportunity to contribute to socity and have a fullfilled future .



Rick Reinke 2h ago
obama is so weak and the world knows it, he is a piece of shit and will be bowing and apologizing like the gutless whimp he is.

ronnewmexico  Rick Reinke 2h ago
What do you want him to do? What is your solution to the Cuban problem?

 你想让他做什么? 古巴问题你有什么解决办法吗?
EightEyedSpy 2h ago
Tragic that more Cuban refugees have died at sea trying to escape the Castro dictatorship.


This recent exodus reflects worry among Cubans that Obama may revoke the US government's "Wet foot, Dry foot" policy, whereby the US turns back to Cuba all Cuban refugees/immigrants intercepted at sea but permits Cubans who touch dry land in the US to remain in the US legally and to be fast-tracked for permanent residency.


This "Wet foot, Dry foot" policy gives special treatment to Cuban refugees/immigrants that no other ethnic group receives, and this has been a source of resentment toward Cubans in the US by immigrants (legal and illegal) from other countries.



ronnewmexico  EightEyedSpy 2h ago
Exactly good valid point.
crankyatheist 2h ago
Guantanamo would make a pretty good theme park, experience water boarding, standing in uncomfortable postures and sleep deprivation for yourself.
dusablon  crankyatheist 2h ago
Get fed three squares a day, have your Koran handed to you with white gloves, receive the first medical and dental care you've ever had...
ethylAAA  dusablon 2h ago

Yep them millions in u$a prisons-for-profit got the high life ain't they. And them millions of homeless livin the life of u$a luxury . . . and they even add lead to the drinking water back east in Flynt to stimulate cephalic development. Howz them F-35s cummin these days?



ronnewmexico  dusablon 2h ago
Sure lets then open the doors to the place and see how many then stay there..


Pretty much I'd guess they will all just stay in their cells so we can save on guards.


Yunnaan 2h ago
It's rather sad to see so many so called liberals refuse to criticise a dictatorial regime that allows no freedom of speech and no right if assembly.


Regardless if your opinions about other nations, you should still criticise a regime that systemically abuses human rights and not allow it to be absolved of these crimes.

Hoi Wong  Yunnaan 2h ago
Its a shame that donald trump allows no freedom of speech and often seen chanting racist remarks. Abusing human rights? America did much more in guantanamo and iraq. How they treat chelsea manning and snowden? And the media is controlled by the wall street. You may talk anything in america but you wouldnt get any coverage. If its anti wall street.

惭愧的是唐纳德特朗普允许无言论自由并且经常被看到高喊种族主义言论。 侵犯人权?美国在关塔那摩和伊拉克做的多的多。他们是如何对待切尔西曼宁和斯诺登的? 而且媒体是被华尔街所掌控的。你也许可以在美国讨论任何话题但是如果说的是反对华尔街的,你将不会得到任何媒体关注。


Bill Simpson 3h ago
They could lease it to the Chinese or Russians, again.

Extracrispy  Bill Simpson 2h ago
Hell... Russia is so poor they can't rent a one-bedroom Palapa on the bad side of Havana... which is every side.


Roodan  Bill Simpson 2h ago
What is wrong with that ? its a "free market" even Australia lease its ports it's China

 这有什么错吗? 这是自由市场,澳大利亚甚至将港口租给中国。
eminijunkie 3h ago
Their can be no greater measure of insane hypocrasy than criticizing Castro for keeping prisoners while we have GITMO.


Makes you wonder.


Extracrispy  eminijunkie 2h ago
Makes you wonder.


About your state of mind?



Hallatt 3h ago
the Cubans certainly have a point on the failure of the Us and the radical Christian groups that oppose abortion but who will not adopt the unwanted born, provide medicare for these children or provide State full education to help them avoid poverty.


Political prisoners are another interesting issue think of Bradley, Assange's and the effort to extract Snowden? Presidents in the US just like in Cuba violate their constitutions and citizens civil rights, spy on the people and eliminate or crush vocal opposition.


The two nations are so similar as are the administrations.


Luckily the citizens of each nation would enjoy each others company and could drink coffee together in a local shop.
