东京 -为了提高对于职业生涯构建(有所帮助的)英语能力和阅历,越来越多的日本人寻求去菲律宾学习,由于她远比在英美留学便宜得多。日本网友:很多日本民众轻视菲律宾这个第三世界国家不完备的教育体系,然后英语水平如此之高以至于很多日本民众去菲律宾去学习英语。
TOKYO —To brush up their English skills and get experiences useful for building up a career, more and more Japanese are looking to study in the Philippines, which is much cheaper for studying than the United States or Britain.
东京 -为了提高对于职业生涯构建(有所帮助的)英语能力和阅历,越来越多的日本人寻求去菲律宾学习,由于她远比在英美留学便宜得多。
Not only individuals but many Japanese corporations are encouraging their employees to study in the Philippines, where English is one of the official languages.
Since five years ago, a manufacturer of automotive parts in Gunma Prefecture has sent 10 to 15 of its employees to the Philippines every year to join a three-month language study program.
Mitsuba Corp. has expanded its production bases to overseas and English is now one of the skills that the firm’s workers need to acquire.
Marilita Fabie-FujisawaAPR. 09, 2016 - 07:53AM JST
Yes! Yes! I highly recommend English lessons in the Philippines.Not only cheap, but the Filipinos are considered one of the best English speakers in the world!How times have changed! I remember coming to Japan 30 something years ago and was looking for a simple teaching job to those who wanted to take some basic English lessons and was turned down everywhere I went for the reason that I wasn't considered a native of "British" and "Australian" English.Learning in interviews that my first langauge was Spanish made it even worst.They couldn't understand that I could speak three different languages at an early age!
BertieWoosterAPR. 09, 2016 - 08:06AM JST
Ironic, isn't it?
Many Japanese people look down on the Philippines as a third world country with a poor education system, yet the standard of English is so good there that Japanese people are going to the Philippines to study English!
How can the education system in Japan be so wonderful when it can't even teach students to communicate in English?
sensei258APR. 09, 2016 - 08:30AM JST
for the reason that I wasn't considered a native of "British" and "Australian" English.
@ Marlita - We are still dealing with that bias. My wife is Filipino, and she's a veteran teacher with many years of experience. She lead a three-day "English Camp", and they called in an inexperienced man from New Zealand for the first day, so he would be the one interviewed for the local television news.
AkulaAPR. 09, 2016 - 09:30AM JST
Can see why I suppose. NZ and Australia for example would be starting to look pretty expensive compared to years gone by.
Gary RaynorAPR. 09, 2016 - 09:35AM JST
Philippine English pronunciation sucks to such a level that it is more a dialect of English than an internationally acceptable version of English: on par with Indian English.
Philippine English lacks labio-dental consonant distinctions from labial consonants ( v / f / p / b ). It has a number of the pure vowels missing ( /I/ /ae/ /u/ ) and don't even mention the schwa.
菲式英语缺乏唇齿辅音的区别即唇辅音(v/ f / r / b)。还有一些纯元音丢失了( /I/ /ae/ /u/ ),甚至没有提到中性元音。
The word stress of Philippine English is also messed up.
This is OK for native speakers speaking to Philippine people and vise versa because both groups have such a large vocabulary corpus that they can infer the semantic meaning, but for non-native speakers who have a very limited exposure to English, they run into the same problems that they have when they speak to Indians who use their dialect, instead of a internationally accepted standard of English.
Still it's a cheap way to learn English and when have the Japanese ever been serious about learning spoken English, so where's the harm?
tinawatanabeAPR. 09, 2016 - 11:16AM JST
Many Japanese people look down on the Philippines as a third world country with a poor education system
yet the standard of English is so good there that Japanese people are going to the Philippines to study English!
that means Japanese people don't look down on them.
YubaruAPR. 09, 2016 - 11:43AM JST
Sounds like an advertisement for Human Academy.
Philippine English pronunciation sucks to such a level that it is more a dialect of English than an internationally acceptable version of English: on par with Indian English.
That is using a rather large paintbrush to stereotype the Filipino teachers of English. I could just as easily say that "American" English, native speakers mind you, pronunciation sucks to suck a level that no one outside of Boston, New York, New Orleans, Mississippi, etc etc etc and is more a "dialect" than one "internationally" accepted.
English in English, get used to it. The world, particularly Japan, does not need to keep on trying to copy "so-called" American English, more non-American's speak English in the world and Japanese people who want to learn in the PI, go for it say, it's a great place to learn, the people are friendly, and the teachers are highly dedicated.
I know plenty of English teachers in the PI, Cebu to be exact, and their English, pronunciation and all, is light years better than plenty of people I grew up with in the US south. Go figure huh.
It isnt about pronunciation, it's about communication! Take the time to listen and learn..
关键 不在于发音而在于交流!花时间去听并学习吧。。。
TessaAPR. 09, 2016 - 01:55PM JST
We are still dealing with that bias. My wife is Filipino, and she's a veteran teacher with many years of experience.
I hear you. One of the schools I worked at hired an experienced and qualified Filipino teacher - with barely a trace of an accent, by the way - but so many students balked at being taught by her that she was fired. Her replacement was an incoherent twit from Down Under (who once asked me how to spell the word "umbrella"). No more complaints after that!
NerakaiAPR. 09, 2016 - 03:16PM JST
School principals used to be stupid enough to just hire white people with no teaching certificate or previous experience over someone who has master's degree in education and experience (he was a British with a dark skin) with excuse that parents want the white people and so do the students.
elyusaiAPR. 09, 2016 - 03:35PM JST
Thus the constant complaints by non-native speakers that Singlish, Indlish or Pinelish is incomprehensible, even though they've spent many years and a large fortune on studying English as a vehicle for international communication
If Philippine English is so incomprehensible then why do most American companies outsource their businesses in the Philippines for so many years now? Philippines is now the call center capital of the world because our business English communication skill is so excellent. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-philippines-economy-20150202-story.html
anon_APR. 09, 2016 - 04:01PM JST
This is happening because the Japanese public has seen through the eaikawa scam. EFL/ESL training in Japan is very expensive but comes with very low quality.
之所以有越来越多的日本人想去菲律宾学英语,是因为日本公共受到Eaikawa欺骗。日本的二外 培训班不仅贵而且质量很差。
The domestic companies charge about 6-8k yen per lesson only to hire unqualified, unexperienced, uninterested "teachers" and pay them less than half of the lesson fee. This results in pathetic quality which is exactly what the companies want because if the customer learns, they stop coming back. Add to that the fact most companies use EFL/ESL books that are only designed to sell not academic quality. The whole system in Japan is designed to exploit foreigners for profit which results in bad quality.
WarwickNchuaaAPR. 09, 2016 - 04:01PM JST
Isn't it strange that the Japanese will think nothing of paying 1500 yen for a cup of green tea if the lady making it insists they sit awkwardly in silence on the floor for 20 minutes first, bt for something as useful as professional language learning, the only yardstick is how cheaply they can get it?
And yes, it is a sad reflection that, no matter how many hours of study they've had for ten years of Japanese education, and how much money they have to throw at jukus to scrape through a test, the average person from a still-developing country like the Philipines can knock their ability to communicate into a cocked hat.
I got a call from EIKEN a few weeks ago, asking me to help out with some proficiency interviews, and the chap running the programme couldn't speak a word of English. It really is beyond parody.