川普女儿坑爹 旗下2万条中国产围巾被召回 [英国媒体]

大约20000条中国制造的Ivanka Trump牌丝巾被召回,原因是它们过于易燃,给消费者带来一定的风险。英国网友:特朗普当然可以选择美国的服装生产线,前提是有美国人在那工作的话。如果你每周都无所事事还能从奥巴马叔叔那儿领到支票,那为什么还要去制衣厂工作呢?中国从来没有放弃任何东西。人们被迫工作甚至不吃饭也要工作。或许该对我们的一些肥胖的福利接受者试试一点中国的对待方法了。


Around 20,000 Ivanka Trump brand scarves that were made in China are being recalled because they are too flammable and pose a 'burn risk' to consumers.

大约20000条中国制造的Ivanka Trump牌丝巾被召回,原因是它们过于易燃,给消费者带来一定的风险。

The recall involves rayon scarves, which sold from October 2014 through to January 2016 in department stores, including Lord & Taylor, Century 21 and TJ Maxx, and online at Amazon and Loehmanns, for between $12 and $68.

这次召回的主要是2014年10月至2016年1月在百货商场售和网站上出的人造丝围巾,这些商场包括lord & Taylor,Century 21 和TJ Maxx,网站包括亚马逊和Loehmanns,丝巾价格在12到68美元之间。

On Wednesday, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission said that no injuries have been reported involving the scarfs.



The recall involves two styles: Beach Wave, in blue, coral and yellow, and Brushstroke Oblong, in blue, red, neutral and green.


The scarves are 100 per cent rayon, which is highly flammable, feature a machine-rolled hem and a black label with ‘Ivanka Trump’ embroidered in silver.


Ironically, Trump's father, GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, has criticized companies that move manufacturing outside the United States and has threatened to impose steep tariffs on Chinese imports if elected.


He has acknowledged, however, that some of his own products were made outside the U.S.



Should've made them in the US


Jack Torrence
I read a comment just yesterday from a trumpette saying anyone who manufactures outside of the us should do 10 yrs!! Of jail time I wonder if he or she has changed their stance


It's amazing how people are justifying Trump no matter what happens. She could have charged a little more, or heaven forbid made a little less and be made in America. No one forced her. She made crummy products, and now it's blown up in her face....or rather her neck.


beckimouse -> Amurphy85
The whole Trump family are a bunch of hypocrites. They all outsource everything , enjoying the $ 1 hour workforces in China and Bangladesh and Mexico to inflate their profits and then they have the nerve to slam other companies for doing the same thing.



She sells her scarves for $60....and they are made of cheap rayon. Are you telling me she couldn't find American's to make a scarf and still turn a profit at $60 a piece.


Feel The Bern....


I cannot understand how people who love Trump cannot see this family's hypocrisy. He says he wants to bring jobs back from China yet their clothing lines are being made in China and overseas. He doesn't even elaborate on how he is doing to implement this grandiose plan of his. 


Seadog9 -> Electralights
Don't know about the scarves, but Trump said he wanted his neckties produced in the USA, but could not find a company to make them. That sounds right. One can travel across several southern states and see closed mills in most cities and towns. Same in New England. Mills that once wove cloth are now closed. 



cgfunk126 -> Electralights
@Seadog, so why do Trump supporters complain about not having jobs? From what you are saying, the demand is there but Americans dont want to provide that service. On the other hand, its wrong for companies like GM, Carrier, and others to do the same like Trump. Sounds a little hypocritical to me......


Its not the cost of production, its the laws and regulations that cause businesses to go overseas with their work. All businesses do it. Oil and gas, automotive industry, etc. For g o d sakes, even John Deere is made overseas now. America has governed and lawed itself into a hole. 



Trump may have chose to have the clothing line produced in America, if Americans would work there. Why work at a clothing factory if you can sit on your front porch and get a check from uncle Obama every week for doing nothing? China doesn't give away anything. People are forced to work or they wont eat. Maybe some of our fat welfare recipients could use a little Chinese treatment. 


cgfunk126 -> HeritageNotHate
I can tell you are a Trump supporter. Just like him...you make no sense. Goverment funding has been around forever not since Obama came around. Its crazy how you Trump supporters blame everything on Obama. Lol, you do realize that more people have jobs now compared to the Bush era right? WAKE UP!!!!!!



CD64 -> HeritageNotHate
You mean it's the minum wage laws and the difficulty in hiding sweatshop conditions.


FYI, it's nearly impossible to quality control your goods in China. Many companies have full time employees in the factories there just to ensure that the factories actually produce the product as contracted. You can't leave for even a day, or they'll change it to make it cheaper, crappier.


Hey Trump supporters....Im sure Trump will still bring back plenty of jobs instead of sending them overseas. /s



Donalds slogan should be Do as I say , Not as I do ... And that goes for all the Trumps . Hypocrites the lot of them.


when did Century 21 start selling scarves?


SA Sarrakis -> Mel
Century 21, the department store not the real estate company, has been selling clothes since the 60s. 


Cheap and nasty .....


Feeling the bern Ivanka?



So what! That just proves Trumps point! He's never denied making goods in China, his point is that due to NAFTA and now TPP manufacturing in the USA is no longer cost effective. He wants to change that! He wants to bring jobs back here ensuring that workers here have jobs. Obama has done NOTHING for minorities in 7 yrs, and Bernie is toting more pie in the sky promises. The fact that Obama says the wall to Mexico will cause their economy to collapse is outrageous, we are not a welfare country here to ensure their economy is strong instead of ours. Do you realize we export nothing to China, how is that fair?



That lady
All these people just appalled about them being made in China. Go take a look in your closets and read the tags. Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines. Where were your phones made? Where were your oven mitts made? Not in America I'm betting.


HeritageNotHate -> That lady
Why is everyone so angry? Take a deep breath..... 


Cartiergirl -> That lady
Ivanka's cheap wares are all made in China. Trash selling trash. 


Make China great again! Lols


janebug 922
Wait a minute! Trump has them made in China? I thought the slogan was make America great again, not make China great again.

