Daily chart
Household income inequality: ladders toclimb
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IN 1980 livingstandards in China were the lowest among the G20 countries. Since then, medianincome in China has grown at an average pace of nearly 12% a year: twicethe rate of a fast-growing economy like South Korea and three times faster thanIndia. As a result, China’s middle class is richer today than Brazil’s,according to data from theGlobal Consumption and Income Project, whichcompares disposable incomes across countries.
America’s position on the income ladder, meanwhile, has beenslipping. Middle incomes in America have grown barely 1% a year: one of thelowest rates in the G20, and less than half the rate of Australia or Britain.Today it is Canada’s middle class, rather than America’s, that is the richestin the G20. Further down the income spectrum, where growth has been even lesspronounced, America has been surpassed by Western European countries such asFrance and Germany. The bottom 10% of American households are now level withSouth Korea and Japan.
Faster-growing incomes in the developing world, particularlysince 2000, have contributed to a convergence with incomes in rich countries.According to the GCIP authors, inequality within countries has increased since1980, but between countries it has decreased. Assuming the growth rates of thepast 35 years continue in the future (a big if), and adjusting for differencesin purchasing power, median incomes in South Korea will catch up with those inAmerica in ten years. For China, that would take 25 years. But growth at thetop in China has been so turbo-charged that catch-up with the top 1% ofhouseholds in other countries will be much quicker than for the medianhousehold: just six years for Britain or Germany, and just over ten forAmerica. The cost of this top-heavy income-surge is that China has become thesecond-most unequal country in the G20 after South Africa.
In other developing countries such as India and Brazil, incomeshave grown much more inclusively than in China. But when it comes to catchingup with the rich world, the picture for such countries is considerably lessupbeat. While incomes are growing faster than America in percentage terms, theyare growing from a much lower base, meaning that in absolute terms the gap isstill increasing. According to Gregor Semieniuk, of Sussex University inBritain, and Sanjay Reddy of the GCIP team, middle incomes in India won’t evenstart closing in on those in America for another 100 years, while for Brazilthe gap won’t start to close for another 60 years. In the uncertain world ofeconomic forecasting, Mr Semieniuk notes, one might as well say that it willnever happen.
guest-snmojen Apr 30th, 01:39
Something does not add up....
Russia $1.7933 Trillion USD
Brazil $2.3094 Trillion USD
Per Capita Income
Russia $12,735.92 USD
Brazil $11,384.62 USD
Disposable Income
Russia $7,641 USD
Brazil $3,022 USD
Other Indicators
"How did Vladimir Putin afford his £450,000 watchcollection worth six times his annual salary?
Russian president's watch collection includes
a £300,000 timepiece, opposition group claim
Putin has casually given away three £7,000 watches
Despite this his salary is listed as only £72,000<----
"RIO DE JANEIRO—A former executive of Petróleo BrasileiroSA has begun to pay back the nearly $100 million he said he amassed throughbribery while at the Brazilian state oil company."
No wonder the masses' eyes and hearts are focused on
Vodka and Carnaval respectively.
Kenneth711 Apr 29th, 22:00
"Today it is Canada’s middle class, rather than America’s,that is the richest in the G20."
Looking at the charts, as soon as you get above the 50thpercentile, American household income exceeds Canadian household income. At the60th percentile it is only about $40 but grows to $5000 at the 90th percentile."Middle class" is a flexible definition but most Americans wouldconsider the middle class to end at about the 95th percentile. The OccupyMovement would peg it at 99th percentile. In the USA the 95th percentile wouldinclude doctors and lawyers, two very highly paid groups of people but they arestill people who have to work for their money and often they work well beyond 9to 5 hours.
So the conclusion of the article is suspect. What the chartsshows is the large income gap in the USA between the top and bottom halves ofthe income spectrum. OTOH in China, S. Africa and Brazil the charts indicate anever greater income gap than the USA. So these daily charts do not seem to supportany conclusion or alternatively any conclusion you want.
AdentoAntarctica in reply to Cynical Hawk Apr 30th, 12:55
It is called an average.
Cynical Hawk in reply to canabana Apr 30th, 04:12
So you would expect a 1 year old to have the same income as a 25year old in the same household?
Canabana in reply to Cynical Hawk Apr 29th, 21:51
"Annual disposable income per household member"
I think the charts show 'per household member'.
HarryBingham100 Apr 30th, 10:50
An awesome graphic. Thank you. Very interesting indeed.
AdentoAntarctica in reply to guest-snmojen Apr 30th, 02:55
It adds up because these are reported survey incomes, which aretypically lower, sometimes a lot lower, than GNI per capita.
guest-simmllj 1 hour 3 mins ago
Is widening gap in income inequality an indication of a bleakerchance for vertical social mobility?
Turkish live in china 1 hour 20 mins ago
They are good graphics, appreciate TE. Need to add Dept Ratiosalso, because, need to give idea also about future, what will be those numbersper country. Under recession like 2008, how they will be affected need to knowalso.
guest-lawelsj 1 hour 47 mins ago
Where is it written that disposable income should or must keeprising (above the rate of inflation), let alone at a given rate of increase?What is wrong with having the same purchasing power today that one had ten ortwenty years ago, provided it suffices to live at least at a middle classlevel? And except for bragging rights, what difference does it make whichcountry's families come out on top?
谁说了收入就应该或者必须持续增长(超过通胀率)了? 何况还要在一个给定的速率上增长?假如能至少活在中产阶级水平上的话,购买力哪怕停留在十年前或者二十年前又怎么了?而除了获得吹牛的权利之外,哪个国家的家庭收入拔得头筹又有什么区别?
AdentoAntarctica in reply to Cynical Hawk Apr 30th, 12:55
It is called an average.
Mr Lincoln Apr 30th, 08:37
The assumption of continual and constant growths is problematic,particularly in the context that catching up dynamics involve stages, growth isfaster in some stages and slower in other stages. It would be more interestingto explore more plausible assumptions based on observed more sophisticated pastpatterns.
Bampbs Apr 30th, 02:56
Don't forget that the name of the game is "Chutes andLadders".
kevinahcc20 in reply to Kenneth711 Apr 29th, 23:04
My takeaway exactly...it appears that the bottom of the USA andCanada charts are quite similar (despite Canada's more generous welfare state)and that at each step the USA band is equal or wider implying that the broadconclusion of the article is at least dubious and arguably false.
Cynical Hawk Apr 29th, 21:15
We don't use household income as a metric, since household sizesvary over time, so we are always comparing abstract categories of people atdifferent stages of their lives, and who is working at their correspondinghousehold size. It would be interesting to know what our 'clever' liberalintelligencia believe is the arbitrary correct level of 'income inequality',unless they believe that no 'income inequality' is the most desirable.