中国学校要求学生像电脑一样写英文单词 [英国媒体]


Can you believethis essay is handwritten? Chinese school forces pupils to write English letterslike a computer - and each character must be identical EVERY TIME


A Chinese middleschool rose to fame this week after its pupils' English handwriting amazedinternet users.


Photographs fromChinese social media show the students at Hengshui Middle School, centralChina, were required to write English letters as if they were printed off fromcomputers, reportedPeople'sDaily Online.


They were eventold to write each letter in the exactly same way every time.


Hengshui MiddleSchool, in Heibei Province, is one of the best in the country.


Themilitary-style boarding school has more than 5,000 pupils between the ages of15 to 18.


The school isfamous for helping pupils achieve high scores in the yearly University EntranceExamination.


theyareallgangshtersh,Nuneaton, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Once,handwriting was taught in British schools. Now the kids can barely speakEnglish.


LibLabConMerchants,Wakinup, United Kingdom, 12 minutes ago
I remember inthe 50's being caned on the hands because my writing wasn't up to standard. Icouldn't hold the pen afterwards and then got whacked for making ink blots. Thecontent of our essays didn't mater it was how it was presented that wasimportant. I wonder what type of handwriting is acceptable now in BirminghamSchools?


EnglishAleDrinker,Winchester, United Kingdom, 9 minutes ago
I know this is afunny post and everything, but something about this makes me sad deep down.English can be an utterly beautiful language, but it seems our children are sooften robbed of it. In short, it's a total disgrace. Language is the foundationof all civility and freedom.


MG Worcester.,Worcester, United Kingdom, 13 hours ago
Doctors shouldtake a look at this.


the tetrarch,leeds, 11 hours ago
So true, everydoctor I know (I work in a hospital) has horrendous handwriting. I sometimeswonder if they have lectures at uni on how to write as badly as possible, or isit some sort of badge of honour thing amongst the medical profession?


Surr, Leeds,United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
My mum oncediscussed my brothers spider handwriting (which was illegible) with hisheadmaster - his basic reply was - IF your son makes it in life professionally,his handwriting will be irrelevant as his secretary will complete such mundanetasks for him. Technology has now replaced many of those secretaries - it'scalled progress?


Zee Chen, BayArea Ca, United States, 12 hours ago
You cannot evenread most handwriting in the schools now. My son has the worst chicken scratchever. His teachers gave up on him early and let him do all homework on thecomputer.


dumbanddumber,auckland, New Zealand, 12 hours ago
we were taughtin the past to write and print like that.


Arthur45,Bedfordshire, 12 hours ago
Me too ! We hadto follow the school's version of copperplate handwriting and any deviationshad to be corrected on Friday afternoon (and approved) before being allowed toleave. This was in the 60's.


Rod58Cornwall,Plymouth, United States Minor Outlying Islands, 11 hours ago
Yes I was too .We were all taught to write in cursive handwriting. Looping a letter the wrongway resulted in a swift clip across the knuckles with a ruler. I also practicedfor hours printing letters in Roman script which was an essential skill for workbefore computers, e mail and texting were invented.


Voice ofexperience, Santacruz, Spain, 12 hours ago
Maybe we shouldsend our children to china to learn ?


David, Stone, 10hours ago
Learn what?Creativity?


Gowlos, London,United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
The medicalprofession should learn a thing or two from this - the majority of theirhandwriting is appalling!


CorinthiansFan,São Paulo, Brazil, 8 hours ago
its seems to beeverywhere too because Brazil is the same


AndyH, Aberdeen,United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
Might look goodbut the English makes no sense at all! Maybe should pay more attention to thegrammar than the look.


Scotty1973,Manchester, United Kingdom, 11 hours ago
And how's yourChinese grammar?

