长期贸易战会给全世界人一种自己积蓄在被抢劫的感觉 [英国媒体]


A long trade war will leave the world feeling its piggy bank was robbed


Don’t be fooled by China’s as-yet muted response: a decades-long battle with the US over tariffs is a real, and scary, possibility


trade war between China and the US that lasts 20 years or more is a barely believable idea. It offers an Orwellian vision of ceaseless and debilitating battles between trading blocs – battles that give politicians a convenient enemy and the leverage to impose themselves domestically.


Ma says Beijing should now understand that its 40-year project of improving China’s living standards by exporting huge amounts of stuff to the US is over. The next 40 years will be about exporting to the fast-expanding economies of the Middle East and Africa and even to Europe, which lies at the end of the Silk Road.


It is a situation that China’s communist leaders have been considering since the 2008 financial crash, when it became obvious that the inherent instability of the US economy was a long-term problem.


So the US remains an important destination for Chinese goods, and will do for some time. Maybe that is why Beijing followed the softly, softly approach adopted by Mexico and Canada in response to Trump’s belligerence.


Last week, China increased trade tariffs on only $60bn of US goods, in response to the US’s slapping duties on $200bn of Chinese imports. Beijing knows that with the US midterm elections looming in November, the US president was primed to go further if provoked.


Sure enough Trump tweeted: “There will be great and fast economic retaliation against China if our farmers, ranchers and/or industrial workers are targeted!”


The outcome of these skirmishes matters. Yet there is an inevitability about a long-drawn-out war, given that both countries are – almost at the same time – entering an arc of decline brought on by ageing populations. This makes the battle for technological advances and intellectual property even more intense.


That, however, could just be wishful thinking.

