日本放弃为2020年夏季奥运会实施“夏令时” [日本媒体]




Year-round daylight saving time? More dark mornings is just one downside

South Korea set its clocks back an hour in 1987 and 1988 when it hosted the Summer Olympics in Seoul. After the Games it reverted to a regime of no daylight saving time.



YubaruToday 07:05 am JST 5( +8 / -3 )
Here is one for the public! (sarcasm) Seriously if public opinion swayed the government here to do ANYTHING we'd have a new PM by now.....(more sarcasm)


I wonder what is the skin cancer rate here.


Vince BlackToday 07:24 am JST 2( +4 / -2 )
Hardly surprising.
Theyre going to be in deep trouble and have a lot of countries to answer to when athletes suffer from heat stroke


Ganbare Japan!Today 07:39 am JST -5( +5 / -10 )
Wise decision. The problems of changing PC systems disrupting public train timetables working scedule and farms etc is not worth just for 2 weeks of Olympic games.


Do the hustleToday 07:27 am JST 2( +6 / -4 )
[citing the time and effort to adjust computer systems as well as disruptions to public life.]
Exactly how long does it take to change a clock on a computer? 30 seconds? I cannot understand these ‘disruptions to daily life’ they keep harping on about either. Half of the modern world uses daylight saving and have done for decades. Perhaps Japan is not the ‘modern’ country they pretend to be.


kwattToday 09:23 am JST 2( +2 / -0 )
Daylight saving time in Japan? Because of 2020 Olympics? This is so stupid from beginning. Wonder who said that first? Daylight saving seems very irrelevant from games. Better do marathon during all night.


kohakuebisuToday 10:04 am JST 1( +1 / -0 )
Just change time zones to an hour earlier.
For heat during the Olympics I suspect the real risk is to spectators in the stands in mid-afternoon possibly for events like rowing where there is heat and UV reflected back off the water.


Three-quarters of Japanese firms oppose the proposal to adopt daylight saving time ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
So its not public opinion against it but the corporate buddies not wanting to have their profits disrupted....typical Japan


sf2kToday 08:24 am JST -1( +0 / -1 )
[public opinion]
you mean company opinion. Good. No reason to change for a few weeks to a stupid timing system the rest of the world would be better off losing as well
