Panel calls for penalties fordating services using schoolgirls
TOKYO — A panel set up by Tokyo police called Wednesday for tighteningregulations on dating services offered by teenage schoolgirls, includingpenalties, with the aim of protecting them from crimes.
In response to a report compiled by the panel, the Metropolitan PoliceDepartment will consider making a new ordinance or revising the existing one totake proper countermeasures.
Such services, dubbed “JK business” with the acronym standing for “joshikosei” meaning female senior high school students, includeaccompanying male customers on walks, massaging or bed-sharing in a room.
这些服务,被称为“JK business”,JK是“joshi kosei”的首字母缩写,意思是高中女生,包括与男性顾客散步,按摩或者同床共枕。
The services have drawn international criticism, with Maud de Boer-Buquicchio,U.N. special rapporteur on the sale of children, childprostitution and child pornography, urging Japan to ban it in March, saying itcould lead to sexual exploitation of children.
这种服务引来了Maud deBoer-Buquicchio和联合国的国际谴责。贩卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情的特别专员敦促日本在三月之前禁止这些活动,这些活动可能导致对儿童的性剥削。
Currently police have no powers to conduct any on-site inspections because suchbusinesses are not subject to the sex industry law. The report pointed out theneed for legal regulations.
The report made a proposal that obliges JK business providers to notify theTokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission, the regulator, when they launch orclose their businesses as well as change their businesstypes.
报告提出了一个建议,当开办、关闭他们的生意或者调整他们的业务类型时,强制JK business 的提供者向大都会警察安全委员会报告,委员会作为调整员。
The panel said that attracting customers with girls aged 17 or younger andsoliciting boys and girls as customers and employees should be prohibited.
In the case of a breach, the panel proposed that operators and their employeesbe penalized if they do not comply with administrative orders to improve theirbusiness practices.
According to a survey by Tokyo police covering 423 girls between 15 and 18 inMarch, some 10% of respondents said they knew someone involved in JK business,while around half of them expect the number of high school girls joining suchbusinesses to rise.
根据三月东京警察覆盖423名年龄在15到18岁的女孩的调查,调查对象的10%表示知道有一些人参与了JK business,他们中大约一半人认为高中女孩参与这些生意的人数有所上升。
Tokyo police detected a total of 174 locations providing JK business withinTokyo as of January, up 42 from June last year.
东京警察一月份在东京发现总共174个提供JK business的营业场所,比去年六月多了42处。
YubaruMay. 26, 2016 - 05:56AM JST
A panel set up by Tokyo police calledWednesday for tightening regulations on dating services offered by teenageschoolgirls, including penalties, with the aim of protecting them from crimes.
Penalties? How kind of the police, sounds like a slap on the wrist.
Better yet, how about using and followingthrough with harsh penalties, severe penalties, and include prison sentences of5 to 10 years with fines as well.
smithinjapanMay. 26, 2016 - 09:32AM JST
Yubaru: "Better yet, how about using and following through with harshpenalties, severe penalties, and include prison sentences of 5 to 10 years withfines as well."
Even better, how about shutting them downon penalty of massive jail sentences if they operate them despite being shutdown? This is just more lip-service law, and very typical of Japan.
sensei258May. 26, 2016 - 06:15AM JST
accompanying male customers on walks,massaging or bed-sharing in a room.
I like how they avoid saying or implyingthat these children are actually having sex for money. They don't have to callit prostitution, they're getting paid for the companionship, and if they havesex (or not) that's an unrelated matter.
kurisupisuMay. 26, 2016 - 06:39AM JST
To put a minor in this type ofcompromising position should be banned - sharing a bed with a payingcustomer is plain creepy!
koiwaicoffeeMay. 26, 2016 - 06:39AM JST
There's a place I walk past on my way towork that offers that kind of "school girls entertainment". Theyusually put a girl dressed like a schoolgirl at the door. It's not like theyare trying to hide it, they even have a big ad on the top of the building. Ican't come to understand how that business can be legal, or how is it open andnobody complain or care about it.
SensatoMay. 26, 2016 - 07:16AM JST
bed-sharing in a room
Japan has no shortage of euphemisms (as I roll my eyes), but"bed-sharing in a room" has got to be one of the more egregious ones.
"Bed sharing in a room" was most likely used in this article asthe translation for "soi-ne" (添い寝) services, where prices typically start roughly at around Y5,000($50) to sleep next to a girl for 30 minutes. A google search of the term"添い寝" in conjunction with "JK"(high school girl) brings up scores of these barely legal "JKbusinesses."
For instance, this one called "MilkyRolik" was toward the top of the search results. It claims to be theAkihabara's number one "JK rifure" parlor. Here is a listing of thehigh school girls supposedly on today's menu: http://milky-rolik.com/today.html
“同床共枕”则可能在翻译比如soi-ne"(添い寝)的文章中使用,在一个女孩旁边睡半个小时价格大概是5000(50美元)。在谷歌上搜索"添い寝"和"JK"(译注:JK是日语“高中女孩”的意思)会出现很多的几乎不合法的"JK businesses."
rainydayMay. 26, 2016 - 07:22AM JST
Always interesting, and often shocking, toread about the things Japanese law fails to provide any punishment for.
Lloyd WeemsMay. 26, 2016 - 07:31AM JST
I can't come to understand how thatbusiness can be legal
It's very easy to understand. Such"businesses" are run by yakuza or yakuza linked people who pay offthe local police. Bingo!
goldorakMay. 26, 2016 - 07:32AM JST
it could lead to sexual exploitation ofchildren.
It already is a form of exploitation. A 15yo massaging a bloke or "sharinga bed in a room" as they put it (whatever it means) is morally wrong fullstop. By allowing it we are exploiting their naivety. No one is going to makeme believe teens gain positive self-esteem or a strong sense of identity/valuesout of it. How about later in life once they realise they were taken advantageof?
I don't get that some are still debatingthat these are 'normal jobs'.
TheGodfatherMay. 26, 2016 - 07:57AM JST
soliciting BOYS and girls as... employees
At least this article is acknowledging thefact that SCHOOLBOYS engage in JK business, and I would suggest that theapparent obsession with schoolgirls is in fact a smoke screen for the realbusiness that Japanese men like to do.
至少这个文章承认了事实,在校小男孩在JK business工作,事实上我认为表面上的对学生妹的痴迷是日本男人喜欢这样做这一真正的事实的烟雾弹。
gogogoMay. 26, 2016 - 08:12AM JST
I seriously hope they address this but apanel in Japan is waste of money and time. Their resolutions are not binding,you might as well call it a "spend money to hope" group....
glasshouseMay. 26, 2016 - 09:38AM JST
Look what Indonesia has just done regardingpedophiles and they are not a first world country.Japan is backwards in so manyways...
Danny BloomMay. 26, 2016 - 09:48AM JST
Yaks control this jk stuff, in cooperationmoney with cops. Until the yaks are outlawed, this cat mouse game will go on.This is Japan writ large. International shame.
Wc626May. 26, 2016 - 10:47AM JST
Such services, dubbed “JK business” withthe acronym standing for “joshi kosei” meaning female senior high schoolstudents, include accompanying male customers on walks, massaging orbed-sharing in a room.
Pretty sure there's a lot more activity going on than this. You'd be afool to think otherwise. Money talks.
It's very easy to understand. Such"businesses" are run by yakuza or yakuza linked people who pay offthe local police. Bingo!
And don't some yaks manage the love hotels?
这些服务,被称为“JK business”,JK是“joshi kosei”的首字母缩写,意思是高中女生,包括与男性顾客散步,按摩或者同床共枕。
dcog9065May. 26, 2016 - 11:31AM JST
These industries exist solely because thereis high demand. Banning these types of industries will only push themunderground. Changing this would require a cultural shift, which can't be donethrough legislation or overnight. Therefore the best we can hope for at thepresent time is to reduce abuse and of the people working in these industries.The Tokyo police's response here is appropriate I think
Peter QinghaiMay. 26, 2016 - 11:51AM JST
@dcog9065, yes it all springs from the'traditional' (read: outmoded) mindset. I'm for keeping traditions, but certainaspects of all cultures need to be abandoned in order for the society to grow,and treating childern (and women) as lesser beings is one such culturalthrowback.
dcog9065May. 26, 2016 - 11:56AM JST
@peter Qinghai: I agree that this part ofJapanese culture should be reformed and abandoned, however I also believe thatbanning it overnight will only push it underground where the minors will beabused and victimised far more than they would be with the industry out in theopen
Kobe White BarOwnerMay. 26, 2016 - 12:07PM JST
Lets call it what it is, they are notlolicons they are Shōniaisha's. No space for euphemisms on such a serioustopic.
descendentMay. 26, 2016 - 12:47PM JST
Well that's funny, I could've sworn theJapanese government was all up in arms, denying such practices exist andDEMANDING a retraction from the UN Special Rappoteur.
[email protected]. 26, 2016 - 01:01PM JST
The only reason they are worried is thatthe Yakuza and the Cops on the take are not getting a piece of the action.
anotherexpatMay. 26, 2016 - 01:53PM JST
Actually, if there is no legislation inplace the police are powerless to enforce the law, as it doesn't exist. It ismore likely that politicians who could introduce legislation are either in bedwith organized crime or subject to blackmail than that the police are on thetake.
bonesMay. 26, 2016 - 07:10PM JST
Whats disturbing to me is the thought thatmany of the men using these "SERVICES" probably have daughters!
Jumin RheeMay. 26, 2016 - 08:49PM JST
"In response to a report compiled by the panel, the MetropolitanPolice Department will consider making a new ordinance..."
While banning the sxual aspect is a good idea, police do not have theability to enact ordinances (laws) - that's the purview of the legislatures.
Peter Qinghai:
I'm all for banning sxual portions of theindustry, but you must take your blinders off regarding your own culture.Children are still seen as "lesser people" as despite many beingcitizens, they may not vote or have representation. More disturbing as theworking teens in vast majority of countries pay taxes on their income, butcannot choose their representative. Taxation without representation.
Peter Qinghai,我同意禁止性产业,但是不要被所谓文化一叶障目。孩子们被看成是“低等人”尽管很多人是市民,他们没有选举权,没有代表。绝大部分工作的童工交税,但是不能选择他们的代表。没有代表的纳税人。
Citizen2012May. 27, 2016 - 02:46AM JST
I can't come to understand how thatbusiness can be legal, or how is it open and nobody complain or care about it.
It seems to be a Japanese cultural thing toallow underage prostitution.
MsDeliciousMay. 27, 2016 - 11:32AM JST
How much per hour do these girls get paid?
Perhaps if part time jobs offered the sameamount of money, they girls would take those in a flash.