泰国虎庙中又发现20具虎崽尸体被泡于瓶里 [英国媒体]


Thai police charge Tiger Temple monks withwildlife trafficking after yet another gruesome discovery of 20 dead cubs injars


Thai policehave charged 22 people, including three Buddhist monks, with wildlifetrafficking as they continue to make gruesome discoveries at the  infamousTiger Temple.


Wildlife officials found around 20 jarscontaining the preserved dead bodies of tiger cubs at the Wat Pha Luang Ta Buatemple in Kanchanaburi province, north-west of Bangkok on Friday.


They made the horrifying find just two daysafter uncovering the bodies of 40 dead tiger cubs in freezers on the temple'sgrounds.  


The temple has long been a major tourist attraction, with visitors paying 600baht (£12) admission to pose for photographs with the tigers.


clew37, Clinton, United States, 3 hours ago
All those beautiful cats, lost to theworld...


nodstarz, london, United Kingdom, 4 hoursago
I said this year's ago. Everyone thought Iwas being stupid. I saw a tiger be injected while I was visiting when I askedwhy. I was told tale your picture nd leave. But two seconds later two monksapproached and said I had to leave thier premises


Winston Churchill, Dumaguete, Philippines,7 hours ago
Where is the Dalai Lama, most probablyliving it up in Hollywood. Religions are OK, it's the people in charge that arethe problem.


Dave, Wimbledon England, United Kingdom, 6hours ago
He lost his country, is not connected tothe Thai temple and lives in a modest house in India.


already1984, Chonburi, Thailand, 2 hoursago
He is not Thai ,stupid .


VaBa, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 7 hours ago
For monks to do that.... It's justdisgusting and evil. poor animals... I hope the abusers burn in hell for eternity!


boredstiff, Melbourne, Australia, 7 hoursago
Asia, land of the barbarians.


animalfriends, nottinghamshire, UnitedKingdom, 6 hours ago
Kill them all


boredstiff, Melbourne, Australia, 7 hoursago
I hope this place never reopens and all themonks and staff serve long prison sentences in Thai jails, never to be let outagain. Horrendous crimes.


Angela Ghedini, Hobart, Australia, 8 hoursago
I visited this Tiger Temple when in ChiangMai a few years ago now and I thought then that the baby tigers were pretty sedatedfor handling by tourists. I am ashamed I even gave this place a look in! By thelooks of the dead baby ones, they were probably overdosed and died and thenpreserved. Shut this place down, there is no room for such cruelty and not tomention the endless suffering sustained by all of the animals. I hope thosethat have been rescued get to enjoy somewhere closer to their natural habitat.


me, sheffield, 8 hours ago
They should take a look of Tiger KingdomThailand next. A place where tigers are taken away from their mothers, kept incages and you go in and use them as pillows. Dubious.. Disgraceful


boredstiff, Melbourne, Australia, 7 hoursago
And the poor elephants and cat population.


Chloe Smith, Sydney, Australia, 9 hours ago
Buddhism is BS. Their spiritual leader isan eternal sponger.


midwestgirl2, ausabigcity, United States, 9hours ago
This makes me sick to my stomach. How canthey do that to one of the most endangered and beautiful creatures on ourearth? Unless the tiger was getting ready to attack, there is no excuse for it.


Lychee4U, Sepang, Malaysia, 11 hours ago
tigers safer in zoo, not temple...


Journey, OKC, 12 hours ago
I am so heartbroken by all this....Iactually believed they were doing good things there. I had heard about themyears ago but thought they were legit Color me gullible...


Renizzo, Toronto, Canada, 12 hours ago
Monks?? Outrageous! They are supposed to bemore enlightened than the rest of us! And most of us wouldn't put majesticendangered animals in jars!

