韩国表示可能会缓解对朝鲜的制裁,特朗普感到愤怒 [英国媒体]


Trump angry after SouthKorea signals it may ease North Korea sanctions


South Korean foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha

President says Seoul will‘do nothing without our approval’ after foreign minister says sanctions reviewunder way


South Korea has consideredlifting economic sanctions designed to force North Korea to relinquish itsnuclear weapons, drawing a swift rebuke from Donald Trump and exposing a riftin Seoul’s alliance with Washington.


The stark difference inmessaging has exposed a long-simmering rift between South Korea and the US overhow to deal with North Korea. Moon’s liberal government has favoured closerties with the North, but has also vowed to adhere to international sanctionswhich bar most trade with the regime.


“No matter the substantive disagreement between the two sides, I thinkSeoul and Washington will move quickly to paper over his comments and maintaina facade of alignment,” said Mintaro Oba, a former US diplomat who worked onNorth Korea policy.


South Korea still hopes topress ahead with improving ties with its neighbour, Oba said, and Moon “willcontinue to test the envelope but avoid any actions he thinks will cause opentensions with the United States”.


“Sanctions are the very leverage we have to denuclearise the North,” theeditorial said. “If the Moon administration believes Pyongyang will moreactively denuclearise as long we show sincerity, that’s wishful thinking.”

