Japanplans to export nursing care system to other Asian nations
TOKYO — Japan plans tolaunch a project this summer to export the country’s nursing care system andreap profits by helping other Asian countries such as China and Thailand cope with rapidly agingpopulations, government sources said Sunday.
The Japanese government views medical and nursing care as a strategic growtharea and hopes to introduce Japanese nursing care services to the rest of Asiaand boost exports of robots and other related equipment, the sources said.
The new public-private initiative is expected to enable Japan, one of the world’s fastestaging countries, to share its expertise and technology in nursing care withother Asian countries.
Led by the Cabinet Secretariat, the project will seek to lower barriers forJapanese nursing care providers aiming to enter Asian markets throughgovernment-to-government talks.
It will also help Japanese nursing care companies make forays overseas byencouraging lending to them via the government-linked Japan InternationalCooperation Agency and a state fund, according to the sources.
A government committee consisting of senior officials from relevant ministriesis expected to draw up a basic outline of the project in July and identify theneeds of Japanese nursing care companies hoping to do business in Asia. The ruling Liberal Democratic Party is also set tocompile its own proposals.
According to data compiled by the Cabinet Secretariat, at least 50 Japanesecompanies engaged in nursing care have been doing business overseas or plan todo so.
Challenges often faced by such companies include overcoming differences innursing care systems and raising awareness of the need for quality careservices, experts said.
In some Asian countries, many people hesitate to place parents in nursing carefacilities. There are also difficulties in securing enough caregivers, asituation faced by Japanas well.
Under free trade agreements, Japanhas been accepting would-be caregivers from Indonesia,the Philippines, and Vietnamto give them necessary training. The Japanese government is also planning toadd nursing care to its list of industries that can accept foreigners under itstechnical training program.
The new project will aim to hire individuals who returned home after undergoingtraining as caregivers in Japan,the sources said.
MoonrakerMAY. 30, 2016 - 07:05AM JST
Another corporate welfare scheme with attached gravy train for senior Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Health, Labor and Welfare bureaucrats and possibly others too.
kurisupisuMAY. 30, 2016 - 07:10AM JST
Will there be seminars on the insertion of feeding tubes directly into the stomach too?
DisillusionedMAY. 30, 2016 - 07:59AM JST
introduce Japanese nursing care services to the rest of Asia and boost exports of robots
This statement seems quite fitting. Most nursing care staff in Japan are treated like robots.
Pukey2MAY. 30, 2016 - 09:07AM JST
How to work your staff to death.How to hire foreign cheap labour, make them spend a lot of the time cleaning toilets, tell them they failed their language tests and get rid of them.
wanderlustMAY. 30, 2016 - 09:44AM JST
Sounds more like a marketing and promotion exercise by JICA on behalf of Japanese medical equipment manufacturers, they did it in the past for drug companies, along with a comfortable semi-retirement position for government and corporate officers. The care in some of the Chinese medical university hospitals and Thai hospitals such as Siriraj may surprise some of these government agents, and those in the LDP. Let's hope that the staff they send as as fluent in the local languages as they require those coming to Japan to be.
MsDeliciousMAY. 30, 2016 - 10:22AM JST
This has me totally confused. Japan desperately needs nurses...so what gives?
IparryUMAY. 30, 2016 - 10:43AM JST
Like what MsDelicious said... isn't Japan in desperate need of medical workers to help out with the elderly? Not to mention child care is still lacking headcount.
Ghost riderMAY. 30, 2016 - 12:03PM JST
I think I is Japan that needs support. Thailand has already a nursing system that works well even with old aged customers from Europe and USA.
peace_zzzMAY. 30, 2016 - 01:08PM JST
Somehow I think this is a good idea. Just wonder why their target to undeveloped countries rather than developed countries like US or UK that could paid high price.
Aly RustomMAY. 30, 2016 - 04:42PM JST
Japan plans to export nursing care system to other Asian nationsYou mean Japan is going to teach other countries how to overwork their nurses and pay them peanuts??Thanks for nothing.
Vernie JefferiesMAY. 30, 2016 - 05:29PM JST
So they are making plans to ship the elderly overseas? I am quite sure the grandparents will agree leaving their home country to live in a foreign land away from the family under the care of strangers.
RashadozMAY. 30, 2016 - 09:02PM JST
Treat your medical health worker in a good way before you go offering your services !!!! Bullying , power harassment . My wife is a doctor , she is japanese , we met and married abroad as a student , now back to japan , she is dead working working and nothing except working . The contract says 8pm to 5 pm , the real work will be till 11 pm . This is not life .
anon_MAY. 30, 2016 - 09:37PM JST
@RashadozThe system is based on payment per visit not quality of care. Your wife probably provides better care than her peers because she is proud to. Unfortunately, the system is against her and she would probably triple her income in your home country. Encourage her to take the tests needed to practice in the country where she studied and your entire family will have a better life. If you are determined to live here in Japan, she should open her own clinic and build a reputation.
RashadozMAY. 30, 2016 - 10:01PM JST
@anon_ Thank you a lot for your advice . I think I will ask her to rest for few months after she is done with her contract and then think about other options. The issue is that she -as you said - is so proud and kind that she never ever say no . You are right , family life is important .
BertieWoosterMAY. 30, 2016 - 10:10PM JST
Japan plans to export nursing care system
There is a system?You live and learn, don't you!
gogogoMAY. 31, 2016 - 08:16AM JST
The nursing system in Japan is not the best and Japan seems to think they can build robots, which they can't, there are far more advanced robots overseas, just take a look at self driving cars they are all foreign.
iammeMAY. 31, 2016 - 10:37AM JST
Led by the Cabinet Secretariat, the project will seek to lower barriers for Japanese nursing care providers aiming to enter Asian markets
Why are the looking to expand overseas when they have so many problems here to take care of?
CoconutE3JUN. 04, 2016 - 04:35AM JST
Is this a joke?