英国脱欧辩论首日,纸媒评价:“历史性的羞辱” [英国媒体]


Front pages painta grim picture of Theresa May’s horror day in parliament


Theresa May’s shocking day inparliament dominates the front pages, with papers leading on the prime ministersuffering three defeats including a historic Commons vote that found thegovernment in contempt of parliament.


As Laura Kuenssberg, the BBC’spolitical editor, put it: “That’s an absolutely terrible, terrible set of frontpages for the government.”

正如英国广播公司(BBC)的时政编辑劳拉·库森伯格(Laura Kuenssberg)所说的那样:“这对政府来说,绝对是一个可怕的头版。”

The Mirror runs the headline: “63minutes of mayhem”, saying the day’s events left the prime minister’s authority“in shreds after a humiliating hat-trick of defeats. It threw her Brexit plansinto disarray and created further chaos.”


The Telegraph labels Tuesday “Theday May lost control” saying the prime minister had “suffered humiliation on ahistoric scale … as her government became the first to be found in contempt ofparliament”.


The Telegraph – oneof the few still pushing for a hard Brexit, and unhappy with the agreement Mayreached with Brussels – is pulling no punches. Also on its front page arequotes from various comment pieces, including one labelling May’s actions “incompetenceon a monumental scale” and another that offers the brutal assessment: “Mrs Mayhas a high threshold for humiliation”.


The Express, also apro-Brexit paper, takes a different tack, telling readers that MPs are workingagainst them. “YOUR democratic vote was thrown into jeopardy with brazen MPslaunching a coup on the 17.4m people who voted to leave the EU,” said thepaper. Its headline is a warning to parliament: “Sabotage Brexit at yourperil!”


“May staggers on after threeBrexit defeats in a single day,” is the Guardian’s headline, with the paperreporting that “Theresa May yesterday suffered an extraordinary threeparliamentary defeats in a single day as a rebellious MPs sought to wrest backcontrol of Brexit.”

《卫报》的头条是“英国脱欧计划一天之内三次遭到议会反,特蕾莎·梅将步履维艰”,报道称,“昨日,特蕾莎·梅一天之内三次遭到议会反对,议会试图夺回对英国退欧的控制权。 ”

The Guardian also says May’sdefiant speech to parliament sounded to some “like a first draft of her ownpolitical obituary, with the future of her government in doubt”.


The Times leads with its interviewwith Matthew Hedges, the Durham PhD student who is back in the UK after beingimprisoned in the UAE, but also features a front page story about theparliamentary goings-on, under the headline: “May suffers worst defeats by PMin Commons for 40 years”.


The i adapts the Brexit campaign’sown slogan: “Parliament takes back control”, reporting that Commons would now“get a say on Plan B if May’s deal is rejected”.


The Mail, which has broadlysupportive of the agreement reached by May carries the headline: “Brexit on aknife edge” and warns that “the future of Brexit was in the balance. Though itis generally pro-May, the Mail did concede that yesterday’s “extraordinaryscenes” were a “humiliating defeat” for the PM.


The Sun doesn’tlead on Brexit, featuring it as a small story in the masthead, but, true toform, cannot resist a pun in its headline, calling Tuesday “PM’s darkest May onBrexit”, which the text of the story quickly clarifies is its way of talkingabout “her darkest day”.

