Counterfeit goods are even better than the products they are copying China’s richest man has said.
Self-made billionaire and Chinese businessman Jack Ma said there was little difference in the way luxury goods and knock-off products are made with many made with the same materials in the same factories.
Speaking from his Alibaba headquarters in Hangzhou China Mr Ma said: ‘We have to protect (intellectual property) we have to do everything to stop the fake products but OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) are making better products at a better price.
‘The problem is the fake products today are of better quality and better price than the real names.
‘They are exactly the (same) factories exactly the same raw materials but they do not use the names.’
Instead luxury brands need to accept that the way to do business has changed he told investors at a company event on Tuesday.
The 51-year-old billionaire later defended his remarks saying: ‘This is simply my observation of the issues facing brands and OEMs. Counterfeiting is not a quality problem; counterfeiting is an intellectual property problem.’
SamuiDunc Koh Samui Thailand Thailand 15 hours ago
I remember a Thai court case against a fake Ray Ban seller where they proved in court that the fakes gave better UV protection than the real ones. The originals in many cases are better than the fakes but not to the extent of the ridiculous extra costs
justin.fuller Metro Manila Philippines 14 hours ago
Probably because the so called originals were made in China!
jennifer sydney Australia 14 hours ago
They cost about $3 to make so selling them for $200 give Ray Ban the profits they need to chase down fakes. It is all marketing and fluff.
mikey195 Plymouth United Kingdom 14 hours ago
Most of us already knew this designer brands just deny it to keep prices artificially high.
Natalier London United Kingdom 13 hours ago
He must be referring to Prada and recently Louis Vuitton - handbags made in China at a fraction of the cost of a made in Italy bag but sold at a made in Italy price to the end customer.
Kiernan Manchester United Kingdom 14 hours ago
I buy fake brand named shirts in Turkey when on holiday. The quality is excellent. Buying fake car parts or aircraft spare parts is a totally different matter.
Dr.R .Slicker bongo bongo Botswana 14 hours ago
What is the problem with fake goods when you buy a gucci handbag at the sunday market for a few quid you know it's a fake as long as the buyer is made aware it is not the genuine article what's the problem ?
No name Nowhere United Kingdom 9 hours ago
It is the damage it does to the brand and future sales. Nobody buys a Rolex because it is the best way to keep track of time they buy it as a status symbol and a sign of wealth. If everyone has a Rolex and most are chesp fakes it is no longer a symbol of wealth. Therefore they lose the main reason people buy Rolexes and sales will fall that is the problem.
jackie Exeter United Kingdom 14 hours ago
My son bought a 'Bali Rolex' an Omega Seamaster 007 watch in Thailand which is brilliant. It is so good I woner why the company doesn't just make them under their own name. Just goes to show how idiots with more money than sense pay for style over substance. They spend money to impress people that they don't even know.
JayGee123 Nottingham United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Made in the same factories half the price. What's the problem?
othepoorfeminists Northern Ireland United Kingdom 4 hours ago
half the price? you have been over charged :p
virtious8 Manchester United Kingdom 10 hours ago
No different here - Audi A3 or VW Golf. One is priced and marketed as a luxury premium vehicle the other is a car for the masses. Yet many of their parts come from the same factory.
这俩没区别---- 奥迪A3和大众高尔夫。前者定价和定位成 豪车,后者是大众代步工具。可是它们的很多零部件都由同一家工厂生产。
Mr Horikawa Melbourne Australia 12 hours ago
I've been wearing a fake or better described as a replica Steel Rolex Daytona for 13 years it's got an automatic ETA movement works perfectly and looks exactly the same as the real thing...it cost me approx $30
Kiernan Manchester United Kingdom 14 hours ago
If you would never buy an original---why does buying a fake copy damage the profits of the original makers. They are not going to sell more originals if people stop buying fakes.¿also the markets in Turkey would have to close down if they stopped selling---genuine fakes.
tuguybear newcastle 12 hours ago
Anyone who buys a knock off from China knows it is fake. As long as they know and are not being duped into paying the exorbitant price of an original what is the problem.
alimac Reading 8 hours ago
Many of us already know that! Premium products at 1000% higher prices are generally a rip-off.
Joshua_USA17 NYC United States 15 hours ago
China is becoming too economically strong we're on the verge of the market collapsing once again because Obama never fixed the last recession we're in a bubble and now it is crashing. Once this happens China will suffer but ultimately become even more of a need for us Western countries as wages rise and we rely on them for basic goods. We're giving collectively $20 TRILLION a year to a communist country that treats their citizens like crap. God help us.
Rick Hernan Gold coast Australia 14 hours ago
Obama Onama Obama bbla bla bla ..Typical Trump and Melania Garbage GOD help you You are too far going for get God's help ..try Medication I'm sure will help ..
奥巴马、奥巴马、奥巴马bbla bla bla……川普和Melania 将会帮助你,你得不到上帝的帮助……我相信吃药是有帮助的
bestflowergirl geneseo United States 12 hours ago
Thanks Rick i needed that laugh so badly...
Jack Opupanik NYC United States 10 hours ago
As a lifetime consumer of luxury brands I completely agree with Ma. There is nothing more abominable than overpaying for something that is priced 80% over its value and that is what we have been all doing all these years. I rather buy a good quality knock-off now that they are available and donate the money i would otherwise be giving to Arnault and Pinault to the needy children. I know those two hate to hear it but the new times are coming and it is only prudent to rethink how the luxury goods business is being operated.
作为一个日常的奢侈品消费者,我完全同意马的观点。没有比为一件东西多付超过其价值80%价钱更加可恶的事情。这是我们这些年一直在做得事。我宁愿买优质的仿冒品,把省下来的钱捐给需要的孩子,而不是花那么多钱购买 Arnault 和 Pinault的产品。我知道这两人肯定不喜欢听我这么说,但是新的时代正在来临,是时候重新思考奢侈品商业的运营模式了。
Tracie Bowman shildon United Kingdom 12 hours ago
I've got a fake Louis vuitton handbag I could never afford a real one . Mine looks the part without the price tag.
GotMullet St Petersburg United States 13 hours ago
All I know knock-off Rolex's keep better time. And they work fine for appearance.
someone somewhere United Kingdom 10 hours ago
Luxury items should not have a 'Made in China' logo on them. When I think luxury I think hand made by time served craftsmen/craftswomen and not made on the cheap in a generic Chinese factory with a label sewn on afterwards. He has a point.
dw212 Charlottesville United States 13 hours ago
like they said in the article all of the originals and fakes are made in the same factories.
sslain Norwood United Kingdom 11 hours ago
The truth of the matter id that 'Branding' is all a con! Mt definition of a brand is merely ''Cheaply made goods or services that are heavily marketed and sold fro maximum profit''! Basically milking the sheeple!!
Eoj Zürich Switzerland 9 hours ago
They're made in the same factories so they will be at least as good.
Bee Gee Derby 9 hours ago
I dont doubt this luxury goods are nothing but a brand tag and are usually assembled in china anyway as cheaply as possible to maximise revenue
daveoconnell marylebone United Kingdom 9 hours ago
Bring on the fakes - much better value
Kiernan Manchester United Kingdom 12 hours ago
Legitimately British factories make products---- non brand names---for various retailers---they will supply them in boxes with your name on if you buy enough. My wife worked for a company that made goods for top end stores and market traders----same product --different box.
法理上说英国工厂制造了这些产品----没有品牌名字----供给不同的零售商----如果你购买数量够大,工厂就会在包装盒印上你的名字 。我老婆供职的公司就是为顶级终端商铺和贸易商提供产品----同样的产品----不同的包装。