Deaths of 7 Japanese in Bangladesh attackconfirmed
TOKYO —The Japanese government said lateSaturday that the deaths of seven Japanese nationals — two women and fivemen — in the terror attack at an upscale restaurant in Bangladesh havebeen confirmed.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga saidat a news conference that the confirmation was “extremely regrettable” andcondemned the attack in Dhaka that police sources said killed at least 20hostages, most of them foreigners.
The seven victims and one rescued Japanesenational were working as consultants for the Japan International CooperationAgency’s development project in Bangladesh and researching heavy traffic in thecapital caused by rapid population growth.
erbavivaJUL. 03, 2016 - 08:06AM JST
my condolences to those brave people whowent up to be of help yet murfered with no mercy by the religion ofpeace,,,Where is the outrage my dear muslim brothers? A tragic day for Japan.
SchopenhauerJUL. 03, 2016 - 08:07AM JST
Isramic countries say they have nothing todo with IS They also say IS is not true islam. Who is the leader of isramicworld? Who is the top of the isramic religion.? To whom we can talk to? Theworld still cannot find a way to stop terrorism since Sept. 11. The world needsorder. We need a strong leader.
Tokyo-EngrJUL. 03, 2016 - 08:42AM JST
My condolences to the victims as well andtheir families. The victims were there to help the country and they arerewarded with savagery. It has been reported the perpetrators singled outvictims by seeing who could cite passages from the Koran. Those that could citewere spared. This is another slaughter perpetrated by followers of Islam.
sandiegoluvJUL. 03, 2016 - 08:44AM JST
My condolences to the victims, theirfamilies and Japan. The terrorists who preformed this dastardly deed and theirsupporters are no better than pond scum. The world should stand up against thiskind of tyranny.On the other hand, I do feel sorry for many Muslims who aregoing to be singled out for this, and it is not right. We all have to stand upand prevent these horrific events from happening again. No country is safe fromthese monsters.
Harry_GattoJUL. 03, 2016 - 09:00AM JST
Sad news indeed and not entirely unexpectedin that part of the world; the message is simple, don't go there.
On the subject of condolences, you can'toffer condolences to victims, only their friends and relatives etc.
smithinjapanJUL. 03, 2016 - 09:26AM JST
This is a horrible tragedy for those lost,those who have survived, Bangladesh, and the world in general. These Japanesepeople were over there helping with infrastructure and aid, and if nothing elsehow Japan implements aid and loans out money and expertise are now going toface stricter review and guidelines, and that hurts a lot of people as well.RIP to those lost.
couversakaJUL. 03, 2016 - 09:28AM JST
It is unfortunately time for Japan and thewestern world to boycott Bangladesh, until Bangladeshis choose to sortthemselves out, and end this anti-foreigner violence.
cla68JUL. 03, 2016 - 09:50AM JST
Trump proven right again.
fondofjJUL. 03, 2016 - 10:05AM JST
This was not a simple robbery or randomgunman killing incident. This is definitely far deeply ideological, religiousand turned into extreme hatred towards certain countries and select softesttargets. Last time we saw innocent Italian and Japanese citizen were killed inBangladesh and this time again victims are of Italy and Japan in larger scale.
This certainly gives the clue thatterrorists were brainwashed enough to fulfill their wrath against these twocountries.