The most heartbreaking decision: Distraughtfarmer forced to leave his 6000 pigs as floodwaters engulf their pens
This is the heart-rending moment anemotional farmer breaks down as he is forced to leave his 6000 pigs afterfloodwaters engulfed their pens.
The farm manager, Li Xiaobo, can be seenhugging the animals and bidding them a teary farewell as they await their fatein neck-deep waters. Torrential rains battered central China’s Shucheng countyover the weekend, blocking rescue efforts at the farm in Bailin city.
Rescue teams later scrambled to pull someof the pigs from harm's way, including workers from agricultural companyXishang Group and nearby volunteers, reports China Daily.
MsNic17, Brisbane, Australia, 16 hours ago
Sad, but why didn't he open the pens? Givethe poor things a fighting chance!
dailymailonline, New York, United Kingdom,1 hour ago
Maybe he wasn't allowed to? For fear ofcausing a swine flu epidemic?
Casa Nova, berlin, Germany, 15 hours ago
He is only crying because of the financialcost. You may ask why he doesn't open the gates to release them? Well he needsthe bodies to show the insurance company.
Alex, london, United Kingdom, 9 hours ago
Of course he is sad because of thefinancial cost, he didn't buy 6000 pigs to have as pets.
dailymailonline, New York, United Kingdom,5 hours ago
Wouldn't you cry too if your bank accountwas wiped suddenly? Especially if you worked hard for your money. I'm sure it'ssorrow for the pigs as well.
EvelynIvy, London, United Kingdom, 15 hoursago
Does he get that emotional when he'ssending them off to the abattoir to be slaughtered.
LisaNorge, Oxford, United Kingdom, 11 hoursago
I'm vegan, and I hope you are too.Otherwise, your comment would be nothing short of ridiculously stupid.
TheKid, Hampshire, United Kingdom, 15 hoursago
that's sad. Pigs are very intelligent, somust have been terrifying for them. Nice to hear some sort of rescue effort wasput into play though.
This Pathetic Island, Guildford, UnitedKingdom, 6 hours ago
Pigs aren't intelligent - 17m of them votedLEAVE.
moscheeno, essex, United Kingdom, 14 hoursago
He isnt crying for the pigs, if he was hewould have let them out their pens so they could fight for life. He is cryingbecause its his stock down the drain.
BoredMuffins, Wherever home is, UnitedKingdom, 11 hours ago
And there isn't anything wrong with that,that's his livelihood. It wasn't that long ago when our own farmers were intears when our farming communities were affected by floods and their livestocksdiminished
dailymailonline, New York, United Kingdom,6 hours ago
Have you not heard of a thing called mixedemotions?
MHALLIFWWAS, Sunderland, United Kingdom, 13hours ago
Pigs can swim, if he let them out theycould have had a better chance.
This Pathetic Island, Guildford, UnitedKingdom, 6 hours ago
Pigs are too heavy to swim!
Chris, cambs, United Kingdom, 14 hours ago
The flooding is so vast I doubt they wouldhowever it looks like they may have a much better chance at surviving in theirpens as they will not have currents and fast moving water tiring them out...Hopefully most of them survived...