3艘中国船只进入钓鱼岛附近日本水域 [日本媒体]



NAHA Japan —Three China Coast Guard ships were spotted in Japanese territorial waters around the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea on Monday morning the Japan Coast Guard said.


The intrusion was the first of its kind since June 15. The three vessels including one equipped with guns entered the waters shortly after 10 a.m. said the 11th Regional Coast Guard Headquarters in Okinawa Prefecture.

这是从6月15日以来的第一次"来访"。日本冲绳县11届海岸警卫区长指出:三艘船其中有一艘装备枪炮 ,在刚过10点钟后驶入日本海域。

China and Taiwan claim the Japanese-controlled uninhabited islets which they call Diaoyu and Tiaoyutai respectively.


MoonrakerJUN. 28 2016 - 07:47AM JST
What would North Korea do?

MarkGJUN. 28 2016 - 07:47AM JST
China will not give up. They will continue to antagonize Japan until a mistake is made. Escalation eminent.

SenseNotSoCommonJUN. 28 2016 - 07:53AM JST
Cat and mice: straight out of Mao's playbook.

Kuribo1JUN. 28 2016 - 08:07AM JST
Japan will not instigate it will be China that pushes too far.


sf2kJUN. 28 2016 - 08:16AM JST
China has literally nothing better to do


Alistair CarnellJUN. 28 2016 - 08:29AM JST
In other news election looming.

thepersoniamnowJUN. 28 2016 - 08:36AM JST
Underwater mines.... Please come again

潜艇.... 请再来一次


igloobuyerJUN. 28 2016 - 08:42AM JST
Does this ever really warrant as news!? We get these reports 'Chinese ships in Japanese waters'. These 'incursions' are not very deep and have little if any significance so why bother reporting at all?


borschtJUN. 28 2016 - 08:56AM JST
Also some of these incursions are perfectly internationally legal; the US and the old USSR used to do it to each other all the time - sail between two international bodies of water via cutting very close to another country's land.



garfield1275JUN. 28 2016 - 09:39AM JST
Abe's "stability" card backfired. So make people to look towards China for a couple of days because last week it was North Korea's turn. Meanwhile Abe will figure out a quick fix like Abenomics on domestic front.
As for China this is not new. Chinese forces are constantly sniffing on all their neighbours boundaries in asia pacific region. They are still not as sophisticated as US who do the same from an altitude of 50000 ft.
In real world "A thief is not a thief till he gets caught and gets certified as a thief".



Fre OkinJUN. 28 2016 - 09:57AM JST
Since Diaoyu/Senkaku is disputed territory it is not right to say China enter Japan's 12 NM territorial sea. China is merely trying to set the record straight Diaoyu/Senkaku have being in dispute 'since ancient times'. The so called 'intrusion' by China is merely a reminder to modern generations to brush up their knowledge of the disputes and have a better understanding why China do what she did.

ChaosWyvernJUN. 28 2016 - 10:34AM JST
Diaoyu/Senkaku have being in dispute 'since ancient times'.
Hilarious. Funny that there are no ancient records of any "dispute" (or much of anything really since Japan and China didn't even have official relations for centuries after 894). I notice that whenever someone claims "this was so since ancient times" it usually means "my teacher told me so when I was little it must be true!"



gaijintravellerJUN. 28 2016 - 11:17AM JST
Disputed waters claimed by Japan China and Taiwan.

CyburneticTigerJUN. 28 2016 - 11:21AM JST
Funny that there are no ancient records of any "dispute" (or much of anything really since Japan and China didn't even have official relations for centuries after 894).

From the Chinese perspective "ancient" times did not end until fall of the Qing Dynasty (half joking). Therefore China had claim to those islands since "ancient" times since they were used as location reference markers on "ancient" maps. This is obviously more legitimate than the fact that the island were globally accepted as terra nullius and the first person to actually live there was Koga Tatsushirō a Japanese businessman.


ScroteJUN. 28 2016 - 11:37AM JST
Fre Okin: Taiwan is not part of China; only the unelected Chinese dictatorship claim that. Their claim is as daft as me insisting the Irish Republic is part of the UK. Just because people have the same ethnicity and speak the same language doesn't mean they must also share the same nationality.

As you know Chinese maps in the 1960's showed the Senkaku islands as part of Japan. The corrupt Chinese leaders are trying to censor those maps now but that won't change the fact that the Chinese dictators themselves accepted that the Senkaku islands were part of Japan until quite recently.

I suppose you will now argue that "ancient times" actually means "in the last few years"?

