穆斯林的哥拒载携犬残疾人因为有违其宗教 [英国媒体]

这名穆斯林的哥拒载一名携带导盲犬的残疾人,称这“有违其宗教”。视频显示Charles Bloch和自己的女友还有导盲犬想打的,可是被司机告知因为宗教信仰他不能载狗。英国网友:这家伙太荒唐了,都不了解自己的宗教,我有穆斯林朋友,狗狗并不违反他们宗教,特别是工作狗,我觉得是这家伙白痴,和他所信仰的宗教没有关系。

Muslim taxi driver refuses to take disabledpassenger with his guide dog 'because it's against his religion'


This is the moment a Muslim taxi driverrefused to transport a disabled man with his guide dog after claiming it is'against his religion'.


Footage shows Charles Bloch, with his guidedog Carlo and girlfriend Jessica Graham, trying to get in the taxi before beingtold by the driver that he will 'not take the dog' because of his religion.

视频显示Charles Bloch和自己的女友还有导盲犬想打的,可是被司机告知因为宗教信仰他不能载狗。

Mr Bloch, who is registered blind afterbeing born visually impaired, had booked the cab using firm ADT Taxis inLeicester but was shocked to be told the driver would not take him uponcollection.

Charles Bloch先生一出生就是视力障碍被登记为盲人,在莱斯特市他通过软件预订了的士,的士到达时却被告知不能上车。

His partner, 21, who was also born with avisual impairment and is registered blind, filmed the encounter on her phoneand posted the footage - which now been viewed by millions – online.


chippyking, guildford, United Kingdom, 10hours ago
When they renew their taxi license only reissue to people who are willing take guide dogs


FairLady, Belfast, United Kingdom, 10 hoursago
I wouldn't want him driving me any where.


Peggy, Built on rock and roll, UnitedKingdom, 10 hours ago
Hope the taxi driver is sacked


Graham Ellis, Southampton, 10 hours ago
He broke the law, remove his licence thenhe can't discriminate again.


Dazbertnobacon, Wigan, United Kingdom, 10hours ago
Sack him. You are a taxi driver. You arethere to transport people.


mrsVandoorne, london, United Kingdom, 10hours ago
No it's not against his religion. What anidiot.


Lovelylucy, London, United Kingdom, 11 hoursago
Guide dogs are highly trained anyway, it'snot going to lick him or poop in his car.


indigo1691, york, United Kingdom, 11 hoursago
Disappointing behaviour. Education andenforcement are the tools needed to resolve this and prevent it happeningagain..


Anonymous1470, Bedfordshire, UnitedKingdom, 11 hours ago
The council will not say nothing


haydenb, bradford, 11 hours ago
The Taxi firm should have confirmed thepassenger had a animal before placing the driver in this situation.


çise, lstanbul, Turkey, 11 hours ago
I'm wondering what religion is he talkingabout. I am muslim and helping people is my religion's one of the toppriorities. And dogs, cats, pigs etc. are creation of God's and you should loveand protect them. I own a cat and i would like to own a dog as well if my housewas available.


Mrberts, Ripon, United Kingdom, 11 hoursago
Abide by the laws of the law or get lost


ManTastic, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 11hours ago
Absolutely ridiculous how the guy doesn'teven know his own religion I have Muslim friends and dogs are not against theirreligion especially working dogs I think it is down to the individual being anidiot nothing to do with his religion


ikkerzz, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 12hours ago
This is the most ridiculous thing I've everseen. I am Muslim and I love dogs.. there's nothing wrong with them.. what anabsolute idiot.


Northenmonkey, Newcastle, 12 hours ago
When I was working in Oman, a muslimcountry, I had a dog as did several other expats, never bothered anyone. Theymake the rules up to suite themselves.


FSK Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 12hours ago
Should not be driving a Taxi....


Max Lingham, London, United Kingdom, 12hours ago
I love dogs. :D


Mia100, Lancashire, United Kingdom, 12hours ago
Absolutely disgusting !!!


Newman Noggs, Yorkshire, Faroe Islands, 13hours ago
Religion !

