The US navy has confirmed that a Russian spy ship has been stationed in international waters off Hawaii but says its presence is not affecting military exercises.
Pacific Fleet spokesman Lt Clint Ramsden said Wednesday the Russian Navy Balzam-class auxiliary general intelligence ship had recently arrived.
Sav2014 21m ago
One boat...those expansionist war mongering Russians at it again..!
一艘船...... 那些领土扩张主义者再次为此贩卖俄罗斯战争威胁论......!
btw..Guardian any upxes on the 30000 Nato am sure friendly troops amassed a few miles from Russias Baltic border..??
Scouts jamboree or something ..
FromAmerica 36m ago
International waters are just that. When China claims that the Spratly's are not in International Waters the US claims they are and sends in ships and surveillance aircraft. This is just the way the naval game is played. And always has been. In this case the US isn't disputing anything.
It's good that these news stories are reported as so many people have no idea what goes on between navies in peacetime.
JYIyypccvWH 1h ago
Russian ships have about as much right off the coast of Hawaii as the US Navy does in the Baltic Sea. (Or South China Sea.?)
Both Navies constantly monitor and test each others capabilities. World wide.
Alistair Hall 1h ago
This is news? What about NATO's build up of military all along Russia's borders? ... Shhhh .. we can't talk about that.
antoniomandre Alistair Hall 1h ago
In case you missed:
I must reassure you that the Chicago Tribune piece of news above is not a NATO plot as Brezhnev's demise has also been aknowledge by Pravda which attributed it to medical conditions.
bjammin187 2h ago
“Obviously we are aware that it is there and we’ve taken all precautions necessary to protect our critical information” Ramsden said. “Its presence has not affected the conduct of the exercise.”
“很显然,我们都知道它的存在,我们已经采取了所有必要的措施以保护我们的关键信息”拉姆斯登说。 “它的存在并没有影响演习的行为。”
In fact its probably assisting it. Thanks for the unintentional freebie Russia!!
RayofBlackburn 3h ago
This is why we need so many new submarines.....those sneaky Russians.
Jeffrey_Harrison 4h ago
Why is this even news? The US does this sort of thing on essentially a non-stop basis. What goes around comes around.
HauptmannGurski Jeffrey_Harrison 3h ago
It keeps the military industrial complex going.
djarvis77 4h ago
i am sick of all the international waters war posturing. I wish the u.s. would make it common place to invite the other nations crews over to our ships to have some wings weed beer and video games. This crap is silly as hell. I have met drank with and loved chinese and russian women...have played music and sports with both russian and chinese guys and i have found both to be wonderful people.
It's the leaders of all three nations (u.s. russia china) that seem to fuck it all up.
Defiini djarvis77 2h ago
As if. They're all desperate to steal one another's military/tech secrets.
raskolixov 5h ago
"stationed in international waters"
yesplease1975 5h ago
It's not a very good spy ship....
Notjimdewar 5h ago
I thought "spies" worked in secret. Stop the press - rival nations keep an eye on naval exercises?
HauptmannGurski Notjimdewar 3h ago
You must have an enemy or your military could be obsolete.
Truthsandlies 5h ago
Pacific Fleet spokesman Lt Clint Ramsden said Obviously we are aware that it is there. Good one Sherlock how observant for them to detect a ship with dimension of 3470 tones fully loaded ship with a lenght 94.4 m.
newbieveryday 6h ago
And the beat goes on... the Cold War needed ramping up a bit; business has been slow and god knows war is good business. Why do you think we have it so regularly?
mikea1 6h ago
They're just watching the strokes of the exceptional golf player on Hawaii.
Buddy12345 6h ago
Sink it simple
HauptmannGurski Buddy12345 3h ago
You must be an American destroy destroy destroy.
SocratesP 7h ago
Arbmahla I accidentally recommended your comment when I only wanted to condemn its aggressive myopic tone.
You are wrong American spy ships do the same thing all the time and are not attacked as you claim.
America almost outspends the rest of the world combined in military expenditure. It is also the most aggressive when it comes to using that force to further its economic interests.
I also condemn your assertion that not fighting is a sign of weakness. It's a statement that beggars belief coming as it does on the day the Chilcott report came out in England. A report that is scathing on unbridled impatient militarism in Iraq a war fought to further a certain American family's oil interests amongst other things.
hungrycocky SocratesP 6h ago
Grow Up!
Your guilty of the same crap your accusing other people of mate. Pretending the Russians are goodies because you don't like Americans is one pathetic ideology sunshine!
Truthsandlies hungrycocky 5h ago
The difference between the U.S and Russia is that U.S sees enemies if you don't agree with them the Russian's build relationships. Look it about in the history books.
jezzam Truthsandlies 5h ago
"the Russian's build relationships" - presumably this is why they are on such excellent terms with their ex-allies in E Europe.