中国以危害国家安全为由逮捕日本男子 [日本媒体]


China detains Japanese man forendangering national security


SHANGHAI —China is investigating a Japanesecitizen on suspicion of endangering national security, China’s foreign ministrytold Reuters on Saturday in a faxed response to questions.


The fax confirmed a report from Japan’sKyodo news agency on Friday, and added that the Japanese embassy had beeninformed.


The man, in his late 50s, was scheduled tostay in Beijing for five days through July 15, but did not return to Japan andhas not answered his mobile phone, Kyodo cited Japanese government sources andothers as saying.


The Japanese government said on Thursdaythat a Japanese man was detained in China, but did not say on what charges.When asked whether he was suspected of spying, Chief Cabinet SecretaryYoshihide Suga said Japan did not engage in espionage against any country.


wildwestJUL. 30, 2016 - 07:44AM JST
Not enough space in detention to hold allthe Chinese doing the same around the world.


sensei258JUL. 30, 2016 - 08:02AM JST
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga saidJapan did not engage in espionage against any country.
And if you believe that, I've got a bridgein Brooklyn I'd like to sell to you


Jay QueJUL. 30, 2016 - 09:37AM JST
This is why I will never set foot in thePRC. I have been politically involved in the US and love freedom, respect humanrights, and have spoken up about it. Who would ever put their life at risk ofbeing a fly where the dictatorship is a huge flyswatter. Nope. Never. Until theregime is put 6 feet under. Same goes for Japanese citizens thinking ofvisiting the PRC; why be a pawn in a rigged game, when its time for the regimeto whip up some anti Japanese hatred. Nope. Guam is safer for a littlevacation.


toshikoJUL. 30, 2016 - 09:53AM JST
Some people try to make money by spyingnecessary daŷa collection without contracts. Lucky Chin do not give deathsentence easily


sensei258JUL. 30, 2016 - 09:58AM JST
China do not give death sentence easily
The People's Republic of China executes thehighest number of people annually,
Better check your facts. China executesmore people per year than any other country. When your time is up, they takeyou outside and shoot you in the back of the head


noriyosan73JUL. 30, 2016 - 10:33AM JST
Don't go to China. Don't go to NK. Don't goto Iran, et al.considered as dangerous and on the list sent out monthly bylocal consulates.(Sign up is available at the web site.) If you want to savepeople in one way or another, try saving your family's future, stay home. Thereare brave spies and there are old spies. There are no brave, old spies. The USApassport as well as the Japanese passport application needs a box to check:"I understand that by going to any country on any list that is considereddangerous to my country I forfeit my right to ask my government to assist,negotiate on my behalf, or make any attempt to rescue me."


Fre OkinJUL. 30, 2016 - 10:48AM JST
"When asked whether he was suspectedof spying, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said Japan did not engage inespionage against any country."
Why deny the obvious? This is not the firsttime, so it looks silly to deny spying that have being ongoing for a while.Even friendly countries spy on each other. Israel spy on US and vice versa.There is no shame to admit the truth.


FarmboyJUL. 30, 2016 - 10:53AM JST
....on any list that is considereddangerous to my country...
I don't think China is on a list like that,are they?


seadog538JUL. 30, 2016 - 12:08PM JST
He could well be getting the Chineseversion of the "third degree" at this very mioment.


NessieJUL. 30, 2016 - 12:42PM JST

口袋妖怪GO 007

StargameJUL. 30, 2016 - 04:51PM JST
Spy vs Spy. The fate of any captured spy istheir country will deny they existed. That is the cardinal rule of the game.


EyeOfTheCatJUL. 30, 2016 - 08:28PM JST
In China, eating a soup of noodles,watching birds, or waiting for the bus, "endanger national security".


bonesJUL. 30, 2016 - 10:32PM JST
Going to Afghanistan is safer!


FarmboyJUL. 30, 2016 - 11:37PM JST
Well, we don't know the guy's name, whathe's accused of doing, or how one 50 year-old was able to endanger nationalsecurity, but really, it seems to portray Chinese security as being very weakif a middle age man can disrupt it.


Jason LovelaceJUL. 31, 2016 - 12:11AM JST
I guess this is why we've never visitedmainland China, even when we were close and lived in Japan for some years.Though I have had and have now many good, good students and friends form themainland, and they have oft invited us to come and visit, we likely won't `tilthings change over there, as far as their form of government is concerned. Wewon't be holding our breath nor waiting by the phone in anticipation...

