Japan may stop financial contributionsto UNESCO: Suga
TOKYO —Chief Cabinet Secretary YoshihideSuga said Monday the Japanese government will consider stopping financialcontributions to UNESCO or reducing the amount, given the U.N. body’s decisionto add Chinese documents on the Nanjing Massacre to the “Memory of the World”program.
The top Japanese government spokesman madethe remarks on a TV program.
Alistair CarnellOCT. 13, 2015 - 07:13AM JST
Akin to a child leaving the sandpit andtaking all the toys home with them. How petty.
MoonrakerOCT. 13, 2015 - 07:17AM JST
And I thought China was petulant. We paythe money, we decide what is history, eh?
Papi2013OCT. 13, 2015 - 07:19AM JST
Japan registered with UNESCO, the shipislands where forced laborers from Korea who were tortured and forcibly workedto death. Then they tried to register with UNESCO, the Kamikaze pilots asvictims and heroes. Now that China registers the Nanjing massacre which reallydid happen, Japan puts on a hissy fit. Immature nationalism from a governmentthat wants to take Japan back to the 1930's because they look back at thosemilitaristic times fondly.
DeDe MiuraOCT. 13, 2015 - 07:25AM JST
Very childish reaction...
BertieWoosterOCT. 13, 2015 - 07:41AM JST
Please, please Japan wake up and start toget angry about this kind of baby behaviour. This is not a time for "shoga nai."
Suga has to go. Abe and his right wingfascist buddies need to go. Or we're going to have the whole thing over again.
Do we really need more war?
Because this is the direction these guysare leading.
Kasper123OCT. 13, 2015 - 07:51AM JST
It's unreasonable for Japan to do such apity thing! Japan were granted World Heritage Site status for theirindustrialization plants, were also chinese war prisoners worked under WW2! AndChina has now their status on the Nanking massacre! What more is there to argueabout? It's like a compromise, were both countries have been accepted theirnominations for World Heritage status!!
shonanbbOCT. 13, 2015 - 07:53AM JST
Donations should be based on GNP. Startcoughing up China.
YubaruOCT. 13, 2015 - 07:54AM JST
In the Okinawan language there is a termfor this type of behavior....nachibusa (なちぶさー) aka...crybaby!
GarthgoyleOCT. 13, 2015 - 08:26AM JST
Ahaha my God, what a freaking baby! Youknow? Yes, Japan should be out of UNESCO. And next time they ask to getsomething related to their victimization during the war recognized underUNESCO, the organization should laugh at their faces and call them by thehypocrites they (Japan) are.
kaiser90OCT. 13, 2015 - 08:39AM JST
This will show the world that Japan has notgrown up since WW2. So just do it.
marcelitoOCT. 13, 2015 - 08:41AM JST
" China “should not unnecessarily usethe arena of UNESCO for a political purpose,” according to Japaneseofficials."
But please can we have the kamikaze pilotsletters recognized by UNESCO - because they were so pure and innocent Yamatoheroes and all that you know...... What a pathetic response by J-govt. insteadof using this as an opportunity to once and for all recognize and acknowledgethe Imperial Army,s not so pure past in order to finally move forward.
crustpunkerOCT. 13, 2015 - 08:47AM JST
The average person could care less aboutUNESCO anyway. Suga gets butthurt, wah wah wah. Demonstrating that this currentadmin is incapable of anything but being prideful.
My question is, what kind of connection dothese people feel to the Japan of the past that motivates them to be sodefensive of past atrocities?
That Japan is long gone.
No sense in trying to revive it. Pleasefind someone who can move this country forward. Repeating the past hardlyrequires any effort as it has been done before.
PTownsendOCT. 13, 2015 - 08:47AM JST
@Marcelito instead of using this as anopportunity to once and for all recognize and acknowledge the Imperial Army,snot so pure past in order to finally move forward.
This is the most worrisome part for me. Itseems clear the Japanese right wing and other cultural extremists have zerodesire to move forward.
sf2kOCT. 13, 2015 - 08:54AM JST
Bad move. By protesting this it looks likeJapan still sides with its Imperial past instead of looking beyond it