Carbon dating suggests landslide caused a Yellow river deluge matching the time China’s civilisation was said to have begun
The Yellow river near the Jishi gorge where the skeletons of children have revealed clues to the mythical great flood of China.
Analysis of the crushed skeletons of children have revealed that an earthquake 4000 years ago could be the source of a legendary “great flood” at the dawn of Chinese civilisation.
A Chinese-led team found remnants of a vast landslide caused by an earthquake big enough to block the Yellow river in what is now Qinghai province near Tibet.
Ancient sediments indicated the pent-up river formed a vast lake over several months that eventually breached the dam unleashing a cataclysm powerful enough to flood land 2000km (1200 miles) downstream the scientists wrote in the journal Science.
The authors put the Yellow river flood at about 1920 BC by carbon dating the skeletons of children in a group of 14 victims found crushed downstream apparently when their home collapsed in the earthquake. Deep cracks in the ground opened by the quake were filled by mud typical of a flood and indicated that it struck less than a year after the quake.
The flood on Asia’s third-longest river would have been among the worst anywhere in the world in the past 10000 years and matches tales of a “great flood” that marks the start of Chinese civilisation with the Xia dynasty.
“No scientific evidence has been discovered before” for the legendary flood lead author Wu Qinglong of Nanjing Normal University told a telephone news conference.
In traditional histories a hero called Yu eventually tamed the waters by dredging “earning him the divine mandate to establish the Xia dynasty the first in Chinese history” the scientists wrote.
Their finds around the Jishi gorge from about 1900 BC would place the start of the Xia dynasty several centuries later than traditionally thought around the time of a shift to the bronze age from the stone age along the Yellow river.
Some historians doubt the Xia dynasty existed reckoning it part of myth-making centuries later to prop up imperial rule. Written records date only from 450 BC.
The evidence of a massive flood in line with the legend “provides us with a tantalising hint that the Xia dynasty might really have existed” said one of the authors David Cohen of National Taiwan University.
作者之一、来自台湾国立大学的David Cohen称,这次大洪水的证据与传说一致“这向我们提供了夏朝是真实存在的诱人暗示”。
Deluges feature in many traditions from Hindu texts to the biblical story of Noah. In pre-history floods were probably frequent as ice sheets melted after the last ice age ended about 10000 years ago raising sea levels.
Quicklydexed 35m ago
What a treasure trove of archaeological knowledge about unknown cultures and proto-civilizations must lie offshore along the former coastlines. Soon to joined by the ruins and accumulated junk of today's coastal cities.
Wordblind Quicklydexed 23m ago
And I always thought that pre-history was latin on a Tuesday and double maths on a Friday...
ID6568209 1h ago
The last sentence what's pre-history? Isn't it all history?
Aaro Sahari ID6568209 52m ago
It's a technical term in history and archaeology meaning before written records. History has been mostly done with texts while archaeology is focused on the material. The cut-off varies around the world.
quarrytone ID6568209 47m ago
History is documented written records pre history is pre documented.
PragmaticPuppet ID6568209 47m ago
Prior to written records.
Wade Cox 1h ago
Chinese records indicate that their people moved from the western mountains and settled in the bend of the Yellow river ca 1750 BCE.
LouSmorels 1h ago
There is a similar landslide dam on the Hunza River in northern Pakistan. Created about 8 years ago. Has blocked the Karakorum Highway to China.
When it breaks its goodbye Pakistan.
ID6568209 LouSmorels 1h ago
You're a cheerful soul aren't you?
Canuck61 LouSmorels 1h ago
I read something about a highway that runs from China down to Karachi. Apparently the purpose is to allow China to ship goods overland thus avoiding the Strait of Malacca. Is this the same highway you mentioned?
LouSmorels Canuck61 53m ago
Yes that's the one.
In practice it will not be used for trade as it starts in remote western China in the middle of no-where. Largest big city is Kashgar.
And its closed by snow for a few months each year.
PolydentateBrigand 1h ago
Analysis of the crushed skeletons of children have revealed that an earthquake 4000 years ago could be the source of a legendary “great flood” at the dawn of Chinese civilisation.
Bollocks. The Yellow River floods catastrophically every few decades and it has done so for millennia. Any given flood or all of them could be the origin of the legend. To jump from a big flood to the Xia dynasty is like unearthing an old cudgel in Greece and concluding that Heracles was real.
Silgen PolydentateBrigand 43m ago
Who needs fancy pants scientists when we have "random bloke on the internet"?
AllStBob PolydentateBrigand 32m ago
No it would be like discovering evidence for a very big flood in Greece and concluding that a story about a very big flood was real. You don't need a metaphor to understand it.
BonzaBob 1h ago
This just illustrates how little we know about the history of humanity much beyond the last thousand years apart from certain patches ie. Ancient Greek and Roman histories.
TylerSheng 1h ago
It is meaningless to discover whether the Xia dynasty has existed. The Chinese government should have spent the time and money that were invested in archaeology doing something more benefical to the China's future.
steviematt TylerSheng 1h ago
They are far too busy syphoning money to secret banks in the British Virgin Islands while trying to uphold the pretence of a society based on key socialist principles by banning any news that isn't from official part sources.
quarrytone TylerSheng 1h ago
Surely only a philistine would dismiss the value of archaeology? Every country digs groundwork when discoveries are made.
Quicklydexed TylerSheng 1h ago
The Chinese government should have spent the time and money that were invested in archaeology doing something more benefical to the China's future.
There's nothing more beneficial to the future of a country than investment in science including sciences that study it's past. Without knowledge of the past the present is murky and the future can't be planned for.