Whether he wins or loses the US presidency next November Donald Trump has already come up with one of the defining slogans of 2016 – “Make America great again”.
Trump’s vision of an America in precipitous decline is all-encompassing. At home he points to falling living standards for many Americans and the disappearance of well-paid manufacturing jobs. Overseas he claims the world is laughing at the US and laments that “we don’t win any more”.
Many in Europe are tempted to see Trump as an “only in America” aberration. Yet the fear of economic and geopolitical decline that Trump is capitalising upon is widely visible across the west. The coalition of frustrated working-class voters and nostalgic nationalists that the Republican has put together is uncomfortably reminiscent of the alliance that voted for Brexit in the UK. Trump’s “make America great again” mantra has an echo of the Brexit campaign’s winning slogan – “Take back control”. Nor is this is just an Anglo-American phenomenon. Across the EU including in France the Netherlands Italy and Poland protectionists and nationalists are gaining ground.
As Trump might put it: “Something’s going on.” That something is a historic shift in economic and geopolitical power that is bringing to an end a 500-year period in which western nations have dominated global affairs. This erosion of the west’s privileged position in world affairs is creating new economic geopolitical and even psychological pressures in both the US and the EU.
The driving force of this change is the extraordinary economic development of Asia over the past 50 years. In 2014 the IMF reported that measured in purchasing power China is now the world’s largest economy. The US had held this title since 1871 when it displaced the UK; now China is number one. The rise of China is just part of a broader shift of economic power towards Asia. The IMF reports that three of the world’s four largest economies are now in Asia. China is first the US is second India third and Japan fourth.
Tony Dean 17h ago
Let the Asians worry about China and let the Europeans worry about Putin. We in the US have put our neck out for too long to benefit these peoples. If the Germans who are practically right next door don't want to help the Baltics repulse Russia why should the US?
brianboru1014 Tony Dean 13h ago
As the world pie has shrunk and as the US owns or controls less and less of it It is indeed time for the US to retreat everywhere. We simply can't afford what the Europeans handed us on a plate 70 years ago
GeorgeButterworth 19h ago
So you reckon that the US will go to war with China over American control of the South China Sea ?
I'd be very surprised.
GorCro GeorgeButterworth 17h ago
There will be confrontations. China cannot just claim waters where shipping lanes pass through and neighboring countries have claims also. The US will help act as a peacekeeper.
GeorgeButterworth GorCro 15h ago
The problem is that the Americans have total control of the South China Sea and are not prepared to relinquish that control.
Why ?
Because they can pressure China by threatening Chinese trade.
The US 7th Fleet makes regular patrols from its base in Japan. An Aircraft Carrier Strike Group often accompanied by submarines.
Yes the Americans call it a Strike Group.
The Americans are the belligerents here.
Kirkaiya GeorgeButterworth 13h ago
It's completely untrue to claim that America has "total control of the South China sea". In fact the U.S. Navy along with navies from Japan the Philippines Vietnam Indonesia Australia and even Taiwan all operate in the South China sea and four of those countries (notably NOT the U.S.) have claims on land and sea there. The point is that no country can legitimately claim the entirety of the sea as China has done. And given China's childish and aggressive behavior they've managed to accomplish only pushing countries like Vietnam closer to their former opponent (the U.S.)
Ultimately the decision will be China's over whether to act on threats to strike Australia or to attack and invade Taiwan in order to force "re-unification" (eg subjugation) on it's currently free people. And in some cases yes the United States may risk war especially if China were to attack Australia or Japan or probably Taiwan.
frankieboy 20h ago
"It is now giving way to an epoch that looks altogether darker and more dangerous."
You mean like before the First World War?
simaqingshan 20h ago
I like trump very muchhope him to win the hillary in the campaign
GorCro simaqingshan 17h ago
Trump has no chance. He has support from a very limited demographic. And the man is an imbecile; a loutish cretinous boor. He is a bully and a coward. In short he is a Big League Loser.
Azzathemerciful 21h ago
Sorry to say but I think it will be dictatorships and regimes like those found in China and Russia that will have an increasing influence on the world stage over the course of this century.
Democracy in the West is in crisis because its leaders are little more than vassals for multinationals that have no regard for the populations where they are supposed to serve. US aligned democracies are being manipulated by the likes of Goldman Sachs and the IMF at every turn (Brazil a most recent example) leading to more inequality at a time when the increasing abundance that technology engineering and science can provide should see this reverse drastically.
China on the other hand does not need to kotow to banks or energy companies and can plan 50 years ahead with ease. The way they operate isn't pretty but if we don't pull our fingers out these places will be heavenly in comparison to what we've devolved into.
GeorgeButterworth Azzathemerciful 19h ago
Yes it's the self serving multi national corporations and authoritarian nations and empires which are currently prospering and are well set up to achieve further success.
paoburen Azzathemerciful 15h ago
China can plan 50 years ahead with ease? You clearly have little understanding of how banking works. The Chinese since 2008 have used massive fiscal monetary and loan injections to spur domestic growth which has only hampered them for the foreseeable future. The Chinese borrowed against themselves to create growth when 20%+ of their GDP -- i.e. exports -- dried up -- and now they need to pay for it. All of the empty apartments malls and excess inventory need to be paid for because it was borrowed to produce but they cannot sell it at the prices asked because locals do not have sufficient income.
One issue with Chinese GDP is they calculate it based on production or finished production instead of sales. For example if I produce apartments I only need to build it and get an inspection to say it is finished in order to calculate my apartment as GDP growth I don't need to have a buyer purchase it. Or if I produce widgets I only need to produce the widget I don't need to sell it to any store/re-seller to calculate it as GDP.
China does not have the sort of leeway you think because in the end math accounting and finance rule. You can play and tweak and manipulate for only so long before it all comes back to the average.
whitewolfe 21h ago
I am not very convinced about the growth of China.
There is no doubt that the country has gone through an economic miracle since the early 80s but current growth (since 2008 crash) has been fuelled by vast amounts of debt. And no one really knows that the numbers are since the Chinese have a habit of lying about the real numbers.
China remains a poor country its population is rapidly aging and the workforce has been shrinking (1 child policy) for the last 3/4 years (depending on the numbers).
For the communist party to keep things quiet it will require even more spending on social welfare programs but unlike EU/USA China is not that rich.
The industrial economy has a Huge Overcapacity that will require consolidation and millions of well paid jobs to be lost. And as the costs of manufacturing go up (we have seen it in the textile industry) companies will move their factories to cheaper places such as Vietnam Bangladesh etc.
And there is no real visibility about political reforms it is easy to buy social peace during rapid economic growth. Time will tell if China can manage social peace if the debt bubble bursts.
GeorgeButterworth whitewolfe 19h ago
Growth of nations and businesses is always fueled by debt.
Just as
The family advances by taking on massive debts starting with the mortgage so they can own their own home.
paoburen whitewolfe 15h ago
Currently in China there are many illegal immigrants for example from Vietnam that work for lower wages than locals will accept.
paoburen GeorgeButterworth 15h ago
But I would not get a mortgage of 1 million on a house only worth half a million...
I know a guy who just bought three parking spots (his family has two cars) because hey all his friends were doing it! Debt doesn't matter everything increases in value forever!
This logic of debt without proper research is faulty. A good business needs to find a market find a demand and supply that demand. In order to supply that demand debt will likely be used. To simply use debt to buy buy buy is like playing the boardgame Monopoly.
Sullaa 21h ago
Trading with China does not seem to benefit anyone in the west apart from CEOs who can get their goods made on the cheap. I think we'll regret giving so much money and technology to a country with such a terrible system of government soon enough and for what benefit to the average consumer here how much of the savings these company's are making do we see? https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/balance/c5700.html
KeithMC 22h ago
Nuke em! That's the only answer. Show em whose boss still. Palmerston was right!
核平他们!这是唯一的答案。告诉他们谁才是老大。Palmerston 是对的
canbeanybody Coops73 21h ago
Where is "China threat" from?
OverPopulationCrisis Coops73 21h ago
They're doing tremendously better than the European unx.
And the EU is failing in large part due to the calamitous Eurozone.
It's pulling them down like a fouled anchor
And they refuse to cut it away.
Davy Jones' Locker awaits.
Shenmejoe OverPopulationCrisis 13h ago
Ah yes the Eurozone !
Bad news for every member except Germany.
And yes
The political European unx may well fail as a consequence of the EZ.
blutgraetsche 23h ago
The biggest problem for the West is not China but how the concept of a united 'West' has been eroding for years. China's best bet for 'world domination' is not confrontation but adapting the 'divide and conquer' strategy that the West so successfully used for centuries.
Coops73 blutgraetsche 23h ago
Luckily (or not depending on your position) China is dealing with its neighbours so clumsily that they are coming together (and getting closer to the US); quite the opposite of divide and conquer.
OverPopulationCrisis Coops73 21h ago
China's neighbours are so weak as to be irrelevant.
Several of them are American vassals which again puts the focus on the US orchestrating opposition to China's existence.
OverPopulationCrisis blutgraetsche 21h ago
World domination is exercised by the US.
They even obxt to the Chinese navy leaving their own coastal waters.
Seems that when they do it upsets the US 7th Fleet which regards all the China Seas and the Indian Ocean as being their exclusive domain.