Japan considers building more ships to patrol areas around Senkakus
TOKYO — The Japanese government is considering building more ships to patrol areas around the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea amid China’s growing maritime assertiveness.
The Japan Coast Guard is expected to acquire about three new ships, with the costs likely to be included in a draft supplementary budget for fiscal 2016, which the government will seek to pass during the upcoming Diet session.
Tensions remain in the waters near the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, which China claims and calls Diaoyu. On Aug. 8, 15 Chinese government vessels sailed in Japanese territorial waters around the Senkakus and the adjacent so-called contiguous zone—the largest Chinese fleet ever to sail in the areas at the same time.
The Japan Coast Guard has beefed up patrolling activities in the waters following the Japanese government’s purchase of most of the islands from a private Japanese owner in 2012, a move which has angered China and has led to repeated entries by Chinese government vessels into Japanese waters.
In April this year, the Japan Coast Guard finished deploying 12 ships to exclusively patrol the areas, which consisted of 10 newly built 1,500-ton patrol ships and two helicopter-equipped patrol vessels.
But Chinese vessels have continued to sail in the areas, prompting the Japanese government to consider the need to further enhance protection of the waters around the islets.
WakarimasenAUG. 23, 2016 - 05:22PM JST
Quite right. couple of subs too.
Just a userAUG. 23, 2016 - 06:47PM JST
“smithinjapan: It's a shame they had to nationalise the islands a while ago and start all this ruckus just when China and Japan were making headway on the joint development projects.”
That is merely an excuse by China - does what China is doing really seem like a balanced response to you
zones2surfAUG. 23, 2016 - 07:09PM JST
Japan just needs to decide whether it wants to be a contender or pretender.
If it wants to be a contender and is serious about the Senkakus, just get on with it and do it China style. Japan has the technology and resources.
Deploy a flotilla of reclamation ships to the area, build a port and an airstrip on the islands, deploy SDF forces and ships and planes/helicopters. And advanced radar.
And if China complains, just say, hey, seems to be OK for you in the South China Sea.
OssanAmericaAUG. 24, 2016 - 01:51AM JST
“Christopher Glen Aug. 23, 2016 - 06:02PM JST Japan considers building more ships to patrol areas around Senkakus Surely it would be far cheaper in the long run to sit down with China to resolve the existing disupute.”
I want your car and your house. When can we sit down and resolve this?
garymalmgrenAUG. 23, 2016 - 08:49PM JST
The Japan Coast Guard is expected to acquire about three new ships
I know vaguness is a Japanese thing, but "ABOUT" three ships.
That will really keep the Chinese guessing and on their toes.
Chris LoweryAUG. 23, 2016 - 08:51PM JST
I just think perhaps Japan needs a bit more urgency in this matter. A few more ships, although state of the art, is just not going to pusuade China. Japan needs to understand that the senkaku Islands are a core issue for China. They have a dedicated plan to retake those islands.
What I mean to say is that China is not thinking about taking those islands, they are on a course TO TAKE those islands right now. It may seem that there is some place for discussion, but in halls of the Chinese Government, there is none. It has already been decided. Japan needs to understand this and act accordingly, by defining it's goals with the Senkaku Islands and then immediately set about accomplishing those goals. If not, it's hard to think of Japan having those islands in the next 20 to 50 years. Peace on the seven seas. Look it up: http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blog/ellen-bork/china%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%98core-interests%E2%80%99
我觉得日本要加紧他们的战略部署,也许再来几艘船吧。日本要明白尖阁列岛对中国很重要,他们早有决心有计划拿下这些列岛。我的意思是中国不止计划拿下这些列岛,他们实际上正在拿下这些列岛。现在看起来还有谈判的余地,但实际上中国已经下定了决心。日本政府要明白这个事实并且做出反制,否则接下来的20至50年日本将会失去这些岛屿。看看这个吧: http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/blog/ellen-bork/china%E2%80%99s-%E2%80%98core-interests%E2%80%99(译注:分析中国的“核心利益”)
OssanAmericaAUG. 24, 2016 - 09:03AM JST
timtakAug. 24, 2016 - 06:58AM JST Japan took the Senkaku's in the aftermarth of the first war with China
Nope, that's Chinese propaganda. If the Senkakus were actually Chinese territory, all Japan had to do was add them to the list of territories that China was to cede to Japan, like Taiwan and the Paracels at the Treaty of Shimonoseki which ended the Sino-Japanese War of 1884/1885. But instead Japan spent time and effort following the international protocol for incorporating territory that was Terra Nullius, and no nation, including the Qing dynasty (China) raised any objection. The concept that Japan "took" the Senkakus was created by China in 2012.
Japan TAUG. 23, 2016 - 09:25PM JST
The only thing that China will agree to is that they and, much more importantly, the extention of China's fisheries and mineral rights be accepted. If Japan and other countries that China is pushing around don't agree, negotions end.
Japan better eef up double quick or they will have to decide between accepting the reality that China is in possession or go and remove China from them. Niether being a good choice. Easier to turn them away than to clear them out.