Soak it up: China’s ambitious plan to solveurban flooding with ‘sponge cities’
Can the might of the Chinese governmentovercome complex needs and investor disinterest to deliver an ambitiousprogramme to save China’s 450 million urban inhabitants from floods?
Flooding causes more economic, social andhumanitarian damage than any other natural disaster and has affected 2.3billion people over the past 20 years, according to research from the Global Resilience Partnership. China has been particularly affected. Thisyear saw the worst floods in the country since 1998. In July 150 people were killed incentral and northern China after intense rainfall.
根据GlobalResilience Partnership机构的研究,比起其他自然灾害,洪水引发了更多的经济,社会和人道主义破坏,过去20年来已经影响到了23亿人口。中国受到的影响尤其巨大。今年中国遇到了98年以来最大的洪水。7月份,在强降水后,中国东部和北部共有150人死亡。
Anunprecedented scale
In December 2013 President Xi Jipingannounced a national plan to combat flooding in China’s cities– inhabitedby 450 million people. “He said that during the upgrade of urban drainageinfrastructure they should make it a priority to retain valuable waterresources and to utilise the natural system to achieve drainage, to establishnatural retention, natural infiltration and natural purification – like asponge city,” says Zhao.
Initially 16 cities were selected as pilotsfor China’s “sponge cities” programme, but eventually it will be rolled outnationally. Designers will concede to the wisdom of nature to ensure water isabsorbed when there’s an excess: instead of water-resistant concrete, permeablematerials and green spaces will be used to soak up rainfall, and rivers and streamswill be interconnected so that water can flow away from flooded areas.
The ambitious project is being funded bycentral government (15-20%), local government and the private sector. Thecentral government is giving eachcity 400m yuan (£46m) a year for the first three years. In return, 20%of the chosen cities must be constructed to a sponge city standard by 2020, and80% by 2030. All of the pilot cities need to have completed the pilot areaconstruction by 2017.
这个雄心勃勃的计划将由中央政府(15-20%),地方政府以及私人部门一起出资建设。前三年中央政府将给每个城市每年4亿元。作为回报,被选城市中的20%必须在 2020年前建成海绵城市的标准,另外80%在2030年。所有试点城市必须在2017年前完成试验区域建设。
The sponge city programme takes inspirationfrom low impact development in the US, water sensitive urban design inAustralia and sustainable drainage systems in the UK.
But nothing at this scale has ever beenattempted before. “The sponge city programme is more comprehensive andambitious,” says WenMei Ha, head of the China water management team at Arcadis,an international urban consultancy which was appointed to this plan by thegovernment.
Roland Gilmore 14h ago
On behalf of special corporate interests,U.S. politicians made the People’s Republic of China the greatest manufacturingpower on earth and halted the traditional annual rise in wages of working menand women in the developed world. Now China is showing the rest of world thatsustainability policies can drive economic growth. Sadly, successive UKgovernments have wasted time and opportunity to take the lead in developingthese new technologies.
closedmirror 23h ago
We also need sponge-countries to absorbChinese expansionism.
shanshuitianqi closedmirror 22h ago
Oh dear, there had to be one didn't there.And here you are.
Yes, a few uninhabited outcrops of rocksand reefs claimed by China in 1947 and shared in that claim today by littleTaiwan. No genocide, no ethnic cleansing, no indigenous folk rounded up andleft to fester in paltry reservations.
ashleyhk shanshuitianqi 14h ago
Which just happen to be in other countriesEEZ, have no historical or legal basis and are not recognized by any othercountry or international body.
shanshuitianqi ashleyhk 13h ago
Not at all, according to UNCLOS disputedislets and reefs negates extending an EEZ pending resolution of said dispute ifsaid dispute preceded the attempted extension of the EEZ. For example Japan'sdodgy claim to the Senkaku prevents Taiwan extending an EEZ north of it'sshores.
shanshuitianqi ashleyhk 11h ago
Anyway, stop letting yourself be played.You missed my point, that poster has strayed massively off topic.
Imagine there were an article about a newGM car out of Detroit, and people started whining whatabout Guantanamo,whatabout the 200,000 Muslim civilians blasted to pieces and the global chaoscaused since 9/11? It would be massively off topic. There are plenty ofarticles on the topic of the SCS, in my view far too many, just as there areplenty of articles about US foreign policy to discuss those issues in context.
canbeanybody ashleyhk 6h ago
The UNCLOS does not require China to renderChinese sovereignty over Chinese South China Sea and China does not sign awayChinese ownership inside the 9-dashed line.
Despite their eager those American elitehave no right to "represent" Filipinos or Vietnamese unless they areasked to. At the moment Filipinos are asking the American elite to respect thesovereignty of Philippine while Vietnam is still waiting for the billionscompensation from those American elite over the war damages and sufferings byVietnamese.
Alex Wijaya 23h ago
Battling flood has been in China's foremostmission for survival since ancient time.
ashleyhk 2d ago
One of the reasons why this is such anissue in China is that the infrastructure for dealing with this is hiddenunderground and not visible to visiting dignitaries. Therefore, not such a highpriority.
The worst example I personally experiencedwas in Shanghai, after a tremendous storm which caused the sewage system toback up and overflow caking the area between Nanjing Lu and Huahai Lu inexcrement, which baked hard the next day.
Not nice
canbeanybody ashleyhk 2d ago
Flood water is just flood water and it isnot nice anywhere in this world.
With a few hundreds mm rainfall in a spaceof a single hour it is liable to cause flash flood and it shall happen anywherein the world, not only just Shanghai.
Shanghai is not that much above the sealevel hence it would be more a challenge to eliminate all flash floods.
shanshuitianqi 2d ago
Excellent. We all need more "smartgrowth" and "green growth" in city planning. Especially here inChina.