Next stop the Red Sea: Ethiopia opensChinese-built railway to Djibouti
With Chinese conductors at the helm, afleet of shiny new trains has begun plying a new route from the Ethiopiancapital to Djibouti, in a major boost to both economies.
The 750km (460 mile) railway, built by two Chinese companies, which will linkAddis Ababa to the Red Sea port city of Djibouti, was inaugurated at a newstation just outside the Ethiopian capital.
The Ethiopian prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegn, and his counterpart fromDjibouti, Ismael Omar Guelleh, were welcomed by the uniformed Chinese personnelwho will be operating the trains until their local counterparts have beentrained.
DieHerzogin 35m ago
"The new railway, the firstelectrified railway in Africa"
Utter nonsense, I'm afraid. Most of theMoroccan railway system, the ONCF, is electrified and an additional high speedline (TGV) from Tangiers to Casablanca will be opening next year. The lines aremodern too. For instance the passenger line from Casablanca to El Jadida wascompletely rebuilt when the track was doubled, as was the freight spur ontoJorf Lasfar.
Nearly 70% of the S African system iselectrified.
GoingToOman 1h ago
Politics aside, I think this is very cool.
typernotfighter GoingToOman 42m ago
Best comment so far.
Andu68 1h ago
Africa badly needs foreign investment,since it doesn't have enough saving to build its own capital. And the Chinese,with no silly post colonial guilt, are able to do things the West no longerseems interested in doing.
zigzagzig 1h ago
It looks like the Chinese have actuallybeaten the ARROGANT VIOLENT GENOCIDAL Europeans to modernising Africa with athought and doses of humanity for the local people. This is the only reason forthe threats and warnings towards Chinese expansion from the rest of the world.
I can′t wait for them to help take backSouth AfriKKKa so Black people can reclaim their homes there.
typernotfighter zigzagzig 1h ago
I can′t wait for them to help take backSouth AfriKKKa so Black people can reclaim their homes there.
Like a bit of ethnic cleansing do you?
Harry Bhai zigzagzig 1h ago
Brits laid foundation of railroads all overthe world. I bet in China, too.
94Murfatlar zigzagzig 1h ago
You are right, China have just unicorn andrainbow wishes for everyone.
mscommerce 2h ago
Those talking about neo-colonialism inEthiopia have no idea what they are talking about. Except for a relativelybrief occupation by Italy before and during part of WWII, Ethiopia has been aproudly independent, Coptic Christian nation since antiquity.
In particular, even 50 years ago, EthiopianAirlines, with a modern jet fleet, was reknowned for its superb service andcomfort. It was one of the world's finest airlines.
How do I know this? I lived there in themid 1960s.
ommadawn44 2h ago
China subtly creating an empire,and notonly in Africa. You do not have to be a "western expert" to see whatis happening.
History repeating itself.Business as usual.
Mates Braas ommadawn44 2h ago
The Chinese are investing and buying upproperty all over the world, including in western countries. Will these westerncountries also form part of the Chinese empire.
objectinspace ommadawn44 1h ago
Look, I actually critique Chinese actionsin the South China Sea quite regularly. As a one time traveller in Xinjang, I'malso alive to the fact that "China" is - even within it's own borders- an Empire. One could just as easily look at Tibet.
However, this is a far cry from empire. Itis an example of foreign investment in countries that wanted it. Benefit allround.
If we can keep criticisms of China tothings that actually deserve the criticism that would be great.
maumaukid 3h ago
Why is it that any time an investment ismade by Chinese Westerners see this through paternalistic colonial eyes? Why dothey see Africans as children who needs to be told that they are beingexploited? It is always colonizing, exploiting and zero sum games when isAfricans and Chinese isn't it?
These parochial racist attitudes need tostop. They are not children and am sure they can make mature informed decisionswithout attitudes displayed here.