因很多人不信上帝,瑞典开辟无神论者墓地 [英国媒体]


Sweden opens its first cemetery for ATHEISTS because the majority of the population do not believe in God 


Sweden has opened its first cemetery for atheists because the majority of the population do not believe in God.


The neutral burial place is in Borlange in central Sweden and was proposed by a teacher in the country, who is originally from Kurdistan.  


Josef Erdem applied for the land after negotiations with the Church of Sweden.

在与瑞典教会谈判后,Josef Erdem申请了这块土地。

Following the discussions, it was agreed that the church will maintain the graveyard but will have no further involvement with the cemetery.


Sweden has the second-highest number of non-religious people in the world, per head of population.


Mr Erdem told The Local: 'People can decide for themselves what their graves should look like, but the cemetery will be free of all religious and nationalist symbols.

Josef Erdem对媒体说:“人们可以决定自己的坟墓应该什么样,但是这块墓地上不能有宗教或者民族主义的标记出现。”

Stoat, Seattle, United States, 9 hours ago
Given the particular religion which is now either dominant or soon will be in Sweden, these Atheist graves will be under just as much or even a greater threat from vandalism as those of Western religions. "Tolerance" is only demanded of some.


Little..Sitter, MothersResidence, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Typical kipper!


ThisWorldStinks, StinkyStinkStinks, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago
Little sitter, wonder why your comment is the top most disliked!


GMartyn, Bristol, 8 hours ago
Considering how fast Sweden is importing certain immigrants it won't be atheist for long.


smookie, Los Angeles, United States, 7 hours ago
You have to get rid of one religion to install another.


Right all the time, LONDON, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
No religion now, however in a few years it will be mu. sli m


jam1, london, 8 hours ago
Funny how they are importing followers of an even backward religion on masse.


Daniel1978, Andover Hampshire, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
Give it less than 10 years and the majority of Sweden will believe in al'lah and the headstones in these ap0state graves will be removed. Sweden is very close to its extinction as a nation.


Petrus Barba, Definitely not the EU, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
After the story about our new friends being given free housing and driving licences in Sweden, and now this, I've come to realise just where Cloud Cuckoo Land is!


Quantumsorcerer, Davis , United States, 8 hours ago
Good for Sweden! Science Rules.


charliegeorge, Pembroke, United Kingdom, 6 hours ago
Yes it does. The two cannot be reconciled. Ever. Despite your feeble statement to the contrary.


rockdjuk, Spalding, 5 hours ago
Name one christian scientist born after 1970.


Louisa, London, United Kingdom, 7 hours ago
That cemetery will only be for non-believers for this generation. With Angela's strange new chums spreading north to Sweden, r@ ping and pillaging as they go, the next generation will be praying towards M e c c a five times a day.


babylonia, Somewhereoutthere, United States, 7 hours ago
Soooo true.

