一份独家的民调显示大多数的英国民众支持对叙利亚采取进一步行动,以解救受战争蹂躏的东阿勒颇民众。BMG Research为独立报做的调查显示42%的民众支持在这座已经成为叙利亚内战焦点的城市建立禁飞区或禁炸区。
Syrian government forces advance on the southern outskirts of Aleppo on Tuesday, in the ongoing offensive to seize the rebel-held eastern part of the city AFP/GettyA majority of British people would support further action in Syria to ease civilian suffering in war-ravaged eastern Aleppo, an exclusive poll shows.
The BMG Research survey for The Independent reveals that 42 per cent would back either a no-bomb zone or no-fly zone over the city that has become the epicentre of country's civil war.
BMG Research为独立报做的调查显示42%的民众支持在这座已经成为叙利亚内战焦点的城市建立禁飞区或禁炸区。
Others supported a non-military escalation using further sanctions to force Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad to ease up on the bombing that has left rebel-held parts of Aleppo in ruins. While a further small proportion even supported a full-on armed intervention using ground forces.
其他的人则是支持采取非军事行动加大制裁迫使弗拉基米尔 普京和巴沙尔 阿萨德减少对沦为废墟的叛军占领区的轰炸。同时又一小部分人支持使用地面部队予以全面的武装干涉。
Russian and Syrian government bombardment in the divided city has seen a huge reported increase in the use of illegal cluster bombs, while Moscow’s Northern Fleet including an aircraft carrier is heading for the Syrian coast.
The US, UK and other Western powers have already said they will consider further sanctions, but indicated little appetite for further military action after a summit earlier this month.
BMG Research asked a representative sample of 1,500 people to state which policy option, from choices ranging from keeping “the current status quo” to an “extensive military intervention using coalition air and ground forces”, would be “best for the UK Government to consider implementing”.
Just over a quarter, 26 per cent, favoured no change and said the Government should keep the status quo, while a further 22 per cent supported further economic sanctions against Russia and Syria.
Meanwhile 16 per cent supported a “no-bomb zone over Aleppo, enforced with the threat of surface to air missiles against Russian and Syrian aircraft”.
Family buries children killed in Aleppo airstrike
A further 26 per cent backed “a no-fly zone over Aleppo, enforced with US and UK military aircraft”. A smaller proportion, 10 per cent, opted or an “extensive military intervention using coalition air and ground forces”.
The head of polling at BMG Research, Dr Michael Turner, said: “It is interesting to note the different approaches preferred between members of the public when dealing with the situation in Syria.
这次BMG民调的多负责人,迈克尔 特纳博士说”这非常有趣,看到在应对叙利亚现今局势,公众们对于不同的策略有不同的偏好。“
“For instance, although a majority of younger people (18-24) tend to favour the implementation of no-fly or no-bomb zones (55 per cent), older groups (65+) prefer a less involved approach, with a majority (51 per cent) supporting either the status quo or further economic sanctions.
“The results of BMG's latest poll for The Independent show that there is a clear desire among Britons to prevent the further plight of Syrians in Aleppo, but extensive military action, that may involve boots on the ground, would not be a popular policy for most.”
The Violations Documentation Centre, which reports on human rights abuses in the six-year-long Syrian conflict, says figures compiled by doctors and the Aleppo Health Directorate show at least 137 cluster bomb attacks in eastern Aleppo since the renewed regime assault on the city began last month.
While data is hard to accurately assess due to the challenging conditions on the ground, that would make a 791 per cent increase on the average of the previous eight months of the year. Some 30,000 people are thought to have been killed in the city over the duration of the conflict.
Ten days ago both Britain and America warned that Western powers are considering new sanctions against Syria and Russia over the siege of rebel-held Aleppo, which US Secretary of State John Kerry described as constituting “crimes against humanity”.
在10天之前,由于俄罗斯和叙利亚对阿勒颇叛军占领区的围攻,美国和英国对俄罗斯和叙利亚发出警告西方国家正在考虑两国予以新的制裁,美国国务卿约翰 克里说俄叙的行为是对人权的严重侵犯。
Prior to a meeting of Western powers hosted in the UK, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson suggested the West would consider all options, including military ones.
在举行与英国的一个西方国家会议之前,英国外交大臣鲍里斯 约翰逊表示西方国家将会考虑所有可行的措施,包括军事干预。
But asked after the summit whether further military action could be taken, Mr Kerry said: “I haven't seen a big appetite in Europe for people to go to war.”
On Tuesday, Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg warned that Russia’s Syria-bound fleet could be used to launch more air strikes that hit civilians in Aleppo.The battlegroup includes the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier, Pyotr Veliky (Peter the Great) battlecruiser, the Vice-Admiral Kulakov destroyer, Severomorsk destroyers and several supply vessels.
星期二,北约秘书长延斯 斯托尔滕贝格警告说叙利亚边境的俄罗斯舰队可能发动会伤到阿勒颇平民的空袭行动。这个舰队包括库兹涅佐夫海军上将号航空母舰,彼得大帝号核动力巡洋舰,库拉科夫海军中将号驱逐舰,北莫尔斯克号驱逐舰以及其它几艘补给舰。
Mr Putin said on Thursday that Russia had no other option but to clear out what he called “a nest of terrorists” from Aleppo despite the fact that civilians were also present in the city.
He said civilian casualties in conflicts should be mourned everywhere, not just in Aleppo, pointing to what he said were civilians killed around Mosul in Iraq.
Amnesty International has urged the Pentagon and its allies to “come clean” about the full extent of civilian deaths in operations against Isis, with official inquiries so far acknowledging only dozens of casualties.
The organisation published a report claiming at least 300 civilians had been killed in just 11 air strikes by the US-led coalition.