中国开发超级计算机是目前最快计算机的十倍 [英国媒体]



China has started to build a prototype supercomputer which will run ten times faster than the current fastest system. 


The new machine's calculating capacity will equal to 20 million desktop computer combined.


In other words the world's entire population will need to use calculators together for 320 years to do as many calculations as the supercomputer in one minute.



The world's current fastest computer the Sunway Taihulight was also developed by China.  


The new supercomputer is currently being developed by the National Research Centre of Parallel Computer Engineering & Technology state-run Xinhua reported on November 2.  

据新华社11月2日报道, 这种新型超级计算机正在由国家并行计算机工程技术研究中心研发。

According to CRI English the supercomputer system has an estimated peak performance of over 1000 quadrillion calculations per second. 



Roaming HR Sliema Malta 13 hours ago
Wonder where they nicked the plans from.


CHORLEYFELLA CHORLEY United Kingdom 11 hours ago
Will break down after 12 months ;-)

12个月后会坏掉 ;-)

Roaming HR Sliema Malta 7 hours ago
Not all Maltese residents are Nationals just as not all Londoners are Brits.


John Buis Rotterdam Netherlands Netherlands 13 hours ago
Well doneand all those naive western company's and gouvernments where you stole all the technology from dont even have a clue....


mick Channel islands Jersey 13 hours ago
China the new and only super power in ten years time.



Monalisa Oak London United Kingdom 7 hours ago
Wait a minute dear you are jumping too high a fence you need to see whether that super duper computer works for at least a day or two before crashing it like an inflated balloon with a hole in it.


BoycottEU Goods United Kingdom 5 hours ago
Are you taking the mick? I'd analyse China's finances first if I were you. And this must be the longest period in history they've gone without a revolution. Still lovely people - far nicer than their island neighbours.


John Wiltshire United Kingdom 10 hours ago
Damn! I've just bough a new one. Should have waited for this one.


Scottie-Dog Somewhere Up Norf United Kingdom 9 hours ago
Give it 3 years - they'll be everywhere. AND SMALLER TOO


Nigel Coventry United Kingdom 9 hours ago
Where did they steal the plans from



Ian Gloucester United Kingdom 8 hours ago
So many comments about stealing the plans yet it's more advanced than what they could have copied from - so go figure.


Nigel Coventry United Kingdom 7 hours ago
But they do steal from western countries open your eyes look at the news more often


jyd london 9 hours ago
Those takeaways will arrive almost before we've ordered them.


tynes oxford 9 hours ago
Well if those 20 million desktop computers working simultaneously are all as slow as mine is then I hope they've got a good book handy !


Dennis Luanda Angola 9 hours ago
They will spy better with this one


Englishjames007 Manchester Sweden 8 hours ago
Well steal intellectual property that is the nations favourite pastime.


Darrens40 Macclesfield United Kingdom 9 hours ago
Arh ok just dont put windows 10 anniversary upxe on it ya get me crash bang wallop

oh 不要在win10周年纪念的时候告诉我这个,我的小心肝碎了一地


John Gee London United Kingdom 6 hours ago
Means they can hack our computers even faster.


null 6 hours ago
"Independently developed" from plans lifted off a western laptop no doubt


null 6 hours ago
Whilst in the U.K. We struggle to get 3G network and channel 5 in many places. What does that tell you?

而同时,在英国很多地方却为建设3g网络和channel 5电视网络努力着。 这说明了什么?

SJ London United Kingdom 4 hours ago
Is not getting channel 5 a bad thing?

难道建设channel 5电视网络不是一件坏事吗?

Colin Thompson Calpe Spain 6 hours ago
Hmmmm. Wonder which company they copied the designs from?


null 6 hours ago
Copied from....?


sceptical Ware United Kingdom 9 hours ago
It must exist somewhere else for them to copy surely?


Hohliu London United Kingdom 9 hours ago
Goodness maybe the British will be doing that in 10yrs. Since the education system in UK is nothing like 40yrs ago.... You may want to move on from your 40's thinking and live in the 21st century. Stop looking down on others. the Western have copied more from China in the early Centuries.

也许英国10年内也会开始建造。自从英国的教育系统不再是40年前那样... 你可能需要从过去40年的思维中跳出来,更好地生活在21世纪。不要看不起其他国家,更早时候西方从中国那里抄的更多。


rick914 san jose United States 3 hours ago
This is what happens when a people pay attention to math and science instead of the Kardasians.


Ron Leeds 6 hours ago
Rumour has it we will all have broadband one day.


John Herts 6 hours ago
I've heard that rumour many times ;-)


Themeaningoflife Toronto Canada 9 hours ago
Is it faster than Apple's new MacBook Pro?

它快的过苹果的MacBook Pro么?

BoycottEU Goods United Kingdom 5 hours ago


Levelandsane17 Sheffield United Kingdom 6 hours ago
Yawn!wait till the quantum computers are switched on!a thing the size of a briefcase will make this look like an antique!!!.....



Mustafa Leak Sin City United Kingdom 7 hours ago
probably used stolen tech and will be used to hack other countries systems.


ukokay stoke United Kingdom 7 hours ago
Lies all lies propaganda machine on overdrive don't believe a word of it.


BruteForce London United Kingdom 9 hours ago
Where are all the bitter cries of copying it from the west? No?

那些哭喊着从西方复制的在哪里? 没有?

jeems robert Camborne United Kingdom 8 hours ago
From where has this been copied?


Leo McGoohan Basingstoke United Kingdom 7 hours ago
Skynet gets built....


GB Belfast United Kingdom 8 hours ago
Does it run Windows 10?

