与中国签订的核协议是史上最疯狂的协议之一 [英国媒体]

今天,卑躬屈膝的丧权辱国行为依然在持续,但是乞丐是没有选择权的。女王及其家人——天吖, 甚至还包括约克公爵——悉数登场。当英国跟在强国后面抓着强国的衣服后摆时,总是冒着被取笑的风险:从我们美国兄弟那里所披露的信息来看,我们的“特殊关系”梦想经常被华盛顿嘲笑。什么样的窃笑回荡在北京的权力迷宫里?

This nuclear power deal with China is oneof the maddest ever struck


The grandkowtow continues its humiliating progress today, but beggars can’t bechoosers. The Queen and all her family – good grief, even the Duke of York –are rolled out as the golden words flow. Britain always risks being a figure offun as it grasps at the coat-tails of the great powers: enough leaks from ourAmerican cousins have revealed how often our “specialrelationship” dream has been mocked in Washington. What snickers echoin Beijing’s labyrinths of power?

今天,卑躬屈膝的丧权辱国行为依然在持续,但是乞丐是没有选择权的。女王及其家人——天吖, 甚至还包括约克公爵——悉数登场。当英国跟在强国后面抓着强国的衣服后摆时,总是冒着被取笑的风险:从我们美国兄弟那里所披露的信息来看,我们的“特殊关系”梦想经常被华盛顿嘲笑。什么样的窃笑回荡在北京的权力迷宫里?

Daniel James 1h ago
You seem to think that the Queen cares...She is one of them, she's having a great time. The super rich are all the same.She and her family couldn't give two shits about how we feel about China or anyother business partner as long as there is profit and power to be had. We areseen as tax-payers, no more and no less.


Mark Joslin 2h ago
I think solar energy is the answer, nuclearwaste lasts for a million years, but solar energy is renewable for the next 4.5billion years. A city built on the edge of earth's atmosphere could operateentirely on solar energy. It could be constructed with moon concrete and peoplecould emigrate there. Over time earth will not be in danger of nucleardisasters or global warming. Space earth will expand and people will be able tovisit mother earth for Holliday's and retirement.


rdwes1 2h ago
If we wouldn't trust them to build tridentsubmarines, then how can we trust them to build nuclear power stations? And ifwe can afford £100bn for Trident, which I agree with, why can't we find themoney for our power stations? It also seems odd that we're told that UKindustry faces energy costs double those of Germany but we're now going tosaddle industry here with even higher potential costs - where's the economicplan in that?

If we think the UK has been fawning overthe Chinese - just imagine what it will be like if we get President Trump in2017?



Helen Cuthbert 2h ago
I would imagine the Chinese insisted thatrenewable energy be sidelined before agreeing to sign any nuclear deal, thewhole thing is. Despicable. How can we stop it?


Simonb101 Helen Cuthbert 1h ago
Because to remain relevant, competitive andhave jobs for people in the UK (i.e. Redcar) we need affordable energy.
Do you think renewables will deliver that?


JoeCorr Helen Cuthbert 54m ago
China leads the world in renewable energy programs,research and development. I live in China and my water system is selffiltering, solar heated and cooled. My house and garage is solar powered and mygarden lights are wind powered or solar powered depending on the weather.Maintenance is minimal. My utility bills are small.

All of this technology is exported and canbe purchased inexpensively just about anywhere now. I have no idea why I neversee any evidence of this when I visit UK.


danfire 2h ago
If their power stations are of the samequality as their power tools we are in the shit.


rooster29 danfire 2h ago
cheapskate. you get what you pay for.


reyapxat 2h ago
The UK should not be involving the Chinesein this for security reasons alone. Besides, the 6bn China is providing couldhave been easily raised through gilts. This truly would have been borrowing forinvestment.


aberystwyth 3h ago
Woah woah, "Britain" isn'tsucking up to the Chinese. An unelected monarch and her cronies controlling thecountry are. The vast majority of Britain can't stand the human rightsdeserters. Not to mention their freedom of speech curtails and the rest of the1.3 billion dog killers.


rooster29 aberystwyth 3h ago
"1.3 billion dog killers."
wow! didn't know there were that many dogs.chihauhuas too? wonder which ones they like the best.


David Edwards  aberystwyth 2h ago
Wonder if Indians call us cow killers inthe same derogatory tone...

