老鼠换现金:雅加达灭鼠运动 [英国媒体]


Cash for rats: on the hunt with Jakarta's rodent eradication movement

With Jakarta’s rats getting ever bigger and more brazen, the deputy governor decided to offer $1.50 per live rodent. But history shows such schemes can have unintended consequences and offering the public a cash bounty could backfire


Samin climbed down into the darkness of the sewer, homemade catapult in hand. He wasn’t using stones this time, concerned they might kill his prey. Instead he formed small balls from damp mud, just enough to stun the rats and get them into a rusty wire cage. The plan was to smoke them out. He threw a fistful of lit rags down the tunnel and waited.


That night, despite an evening thunder storm, the square outside Cakung district administrative office in East Jakarta was packed with street cleaners carrying an assortment of old birdcages and traps made from wire or discarded water dispenser bottles. A good haul for one afternoon – 650 live rats – many of them more than two feet long.


Laoi Primorac ó Murchú 11m ago
Straight out of a Terry Pratchett book (which took its inspiration from the above cobra scéal)

幻想小说作家特里·普拉切特(Terry Pratchett)的一本书中就有这样的情景(这本书就是从以上的眼镜蛇效应中获取灵感的)

durrell1 16m ago
We have a similar problem here in England where rats infest Parliament.....we call them MPs & Lords!


taipingtianguo  durrell1 13m ago
As opposed to the corrupt politicians in Jakarta who are in no way rats


Just40s 19m ago
Didn't a country do this in the past and end up with a bigger rat problem because people started breeding them to swap them for cash?


rebelraising  Just40s 16m ago
The... article. Read the article.


amorcaliente 20m ago
Goodlooking rats! They'd fit in well in Strasbourg and Brussels LOL


josephinireland 23m ago
I remember seeing a rat the size of a dog out there once! I left rapidly.


Michael John Jackson 53m ago
Invest in infrastructure, rats flourish in conditions when humans create the conditions whereby it is easier for them to do so. Improve sanitation, create a cleaner environment and the problem takes care of itself.
Of course, that will cost, probably more than $1.50 per rat.


ibby129 1h ago
Just a thought. Make the bounty finite , i.e only a month at a time, only pay out on mature rats, and don't tell the public when the next one will be.
Should make life difficult for rat farmers as it takes about 8 weeks from conception to maturity.
BTW, by mature I don't mean wearing slippers and a smoking jacket.


davidc929  ibby129 54m ago
or put a limit on the number of rats per person


Michael John Jackson  ibby129 52m ago
BTW, by mature I don't mean wearing slippers and a smoking jacket.
Your concept of maturity is pretty strange.


soapland 1h ago
two foot long rats?!


carlevans  soapland 1h ago
Including the tail


HobbitMassage  carlevans 35m ago
For sure. They outgrow the cats here at times. Woe betide any feline who chases a rat down a sewer and into a rat's nest.


typernotfighter 1h ago
