When I was in Senegal in 2003 the few Chinese vessels fishing along the coast from Mauritania to Liberia were unseaworthy rust-buckets existing off what licences they could cadge.
Then in the past five years shining new trawlers appeared on the horizon churned out by subsidised Chinese shipyards earning their owners handsome subsidies if they travel outside China where they run on subsidised fuel and exploit subsidised freight rates to get their frozen cargo back home. There seem to be unlimited funds available to buy licences to fish in ways that are far from transparent – and which have long been exploited by other Far East fleets and resourceful members of the European unx.
China’s distant water fleet is now the largest in the world with about 3400 vessels fishing in the waters of nearly 100 countries. Researchers estimate thatnearly 75% of all the fish it caught came from African waters with almost 3m tonnes from west Africa.
And there is as far as we can see a problem. Scientists working for the University of British Columbia using a new way of estimating the size and value of catchesreported this year that just 9% of the millions of tons of fish caught by the Chinese in African waters is officially reported to the UN. All nations have to report annual catches to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Once if you wanted to understand how global trends in food consumption were affecting the health of the ocean you would travel to different countries stand on the fish dock and watch the boats come and go. Now you get a far better grasp of what is going on from a computer program that tracks fishing vessels by satellite. Focus in on west Africa and you will notice the extraordinary upsurge in the number of Chinese trawlers fishing there in the past four years. The program displays the routes of more than 400 industrial vessels 220 of them from China – more than any other nation.
kritstopher 2h ago
It's definitely in step with the FAO guidelines hashed out decades ago but the pact hashed out between Liberia and China on maritime transport is I think of greater interest as reflagging is the name of the game and Ports well....
Hopefully the EU fleet with its new/2015 agreement ant quotas will help monitor...
The same goes for satellite monitoring and cyber security as these ships as well as those of other nations have managed to hack the systems in place positioning themselves wherever they want to appear to be.
I hope it works this time but where the oceans and fisheries are concerned I am hesitant as the good intentions of the brokers is usually skin deep and desperate fishers consider marine reserves regulations easily subverted.
ajostu 7h ago
We can't stop overfishing the oceans are doomed.
Without wanting to downplay the significance of climate change overfishing is the single biggest challenge/danger facing the world both from the standpoint of ecology and human survival.
Despite the good news aspect of this story there is no sign that we will solve the problem in global terms.
PeterOfPlumpton 8h ago
China's own territorial waters have been fished out. I would argue that China's aggressive foreign policies in the South China Sea are often about fish too. They almost always send fishing ships in with shoals when the warships arise. The massive overpopulation of China means that they are hugely dependent on natural resources from all over the world. Ominously the government calls Africa "its second continent" in private meetings.
molemen 9h ago
Its almost like national borders are there to protect resources and enable management for the benefit of the population living there....
artisanal fishermen now i think Ive read the strangest euphemism ever what do they do catch only cubist or post modern fish?
randomguydeaustralie 13h ago
You would have to wonder what the Chinese have in mind to do when the trawlers come back empty. I would guess that there is such a plan. They are not silly people unless you consider plundering and obliterating wild fish stocks as silly which personally I do. The answer may not be fish farms either according to a recent 4 Corners programme about salmon farms in Tasmania
-------------译者:Mister Peter Pa-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------
Bradtheunveiler 13h ago
When they come into a nations waters they should be sunk. Simple.
shanshuitianqi Bradtheunveiler 8h ago
Er yes WWIII will solve the real problem... Overpopulation.
I assume that's what you had in mind with your psychosis?
Bradtheunveiler shanshuitianqi 7h ago
Theft must be punished so I will compromise seize their ships jail the captains and ship the crew home in disgrace. Happy now?
shanshuitianqi Bradtheunveiler 5h ago
That's better thanks. Its a shame that the west in its long history of pillage was never punished or ever paid reparations instigating as it has the appalling and shameful Anthropocene Extinction Event. I find it disturbing the way the west now seeks to distract from its appalling crimes by pointing strenuously at China as if the west and its continued slash and burn globally were innocent. Luckily Greenpeace are on the case spotlighting the appalling deforestation for ridiculous and totally unnecessary narcissistic crap like face cream.
westhaditsday 19h ago
This is something China does need to tackle. It is a challenge to feed a large population sustainably and we need to get our acts together sooner rather than later.
Rick Shea 20h ago
So exactly where will the food come from if all the illegal fishing is halted? The planet has subsidized a large human population by drawing down fish stocks and arable land. With the U.N. projections that global population will grow to 11 12 or even 13 billion within 84 years (and low confidence that growth will stop even then) how can legal fishing keep up with demand? Didn't the Liberians just push the problem elsewhere?
所以确切点,如果非法捕捞被禁止了那么食物从哪来呢?这颗星球已经为无数的人们赐予了鱼群和耕地。根据联合国的条案世界人口将增加11,12甚至13 亿(尽管如此也有很小可能这种增长会停下),在这样的需求之下“合法捕鱼”可以维持(生存)吗?这不是利比亚问题的延伸吗?
PeterOfPlumpton Rick Shea 7h ago
By the time we get to 84 years from now unless climate change has been addressed (hahaha) the Shanghai area will be under water. I doubt we will get to 13 billion. The total melt-down in the global system will happen before then. With Trump committed to tearing up the Paris accords and drilling and fracking everything in sight a catastrophe is coming.
Rick Shea PeterOfPlumpton 7h ago
I for one dread the impact on the other creatures on this planet if we do somehow make it to 13 billion humans. If we think that today's Sixth Great Extinction of other species is horrendous imagine the impact on local wildlife (in areas that still have a significant amount) if other food suddenly becomes scarce. We're now eating fish that we formerly considered to be "trash" fish and the same will happen to every other species on this planet. But 13 billion humans! The obxtive after all is to stuff as much human flesh onto the planet as possible. Right?
linense 20h ago
South America waters have been obliterated by the Chinese fleets.
Bonzetta 21h ago
Great example from Liberia of how to tread lightly on the oceans by setting really clear limits and giving local fishemen ownership. Is here a lix to the satellite surveillance website you mention - or did I miss it?