A new breakthrough could enable us to tell what colour dinosaurs were based on their fossils.
Researchers have pinpointed the oldest known example of beta-keratin - a common red-orange pigment - in a 130-million-year-old bird feather fossil.
The fossil of the extinct Eoconfuciusornis bird was collected from the Early Cretaceous lake deposits in Hebei northern China.
Feathers and feather-like features of the skin of several types of dinosaurs and basal birds are well documented.
The term 'basal birds' relates to species that are close to the base of the evolutionary chain.
Microbodies associated with these feathers were first interpreted as microbes - single-cell organisms.
However many scientists now believe that these are actually remnant melanosomes - the part of an animal cell where melanin is synthesised and stored.
Melanin is the most common light-absorbing pigment found in animals and is also responsible for skin colour in humans.
Remnant melanosomes could tell us more about the colour behaviour habit and physiology of dinosaurs and ancient birds.
ajl1950 windsor United Kingdom 2 days ago
i find the study of dinosaurs way more interesting than the the human history or at least the modern humansi believe humans were put on this planet to..... SUCK.....and we are doing a awesome job
wiseandwonderful Venus United Kingdom 1 day ago
We were doing okay until about 10000 years ago then we screwed up.
M D Johnson Springfield United States 2 days ago
Could have told you this right off! My old bird is always redfaced!!
Realist Reality United Kingdom 2 days ago
Do you embarrass her that much?
gavinj90 Hong Kong Hong Kong 2 days ago
How did I know that as soon as I went to the comments it would be full of young-Earth idiots?
bewilderedone wolverhampton United Kingdom 2 days ago
Not going to bed tonight. Knowing this will keep me awake all night
Mind Burner belfast United Kingdom 1 day ago
News flash... Creationists continue their attacks on science with their new daring theories. The stork theory of reproduction. The leech theory of medicine and the flat earth theory.
Peter . Kingston United Kingdom 1 day ago
They make a lot of noise which to them is an argument but they never offer any real challenges nor can answer the holes in their own little fantasies.
olive grove In the Sunshine Portugal 2 days ago
Creationists the Flintstones were made up they are not history sorry.
Open Eyes London 2 days ago
That's impossible there is no way colour pigment could last that long it only goes to show more and more that the dinosaurs were not millions of years old it's all made up by men who refused to follow the evidence that leads to the revelation the earth is actually quite young.
Tuna Sandwich Unfriendly to dolphins United Kingdom 1 day ago
Gazzeel please provide us with the name of a single form of creature which is not transitional.
回Gazzeel: 请给我们列出一种非过渡型的单一类型生物的名称。
Peter . Kingston United Kingdom 1 day ago
Open Eyes - Well there is no way your grasp of Evolution science and logic accords to reality. You have made a fantasy version that is utterly stupid and obviously impossible yet you inhabit it. Fine. but just stop posting mo ro nic gibberish
睁眼看看吧- 你们关于进化方面的理解和逻辑不符合现实,你们只是编造了一些虚幻的版本,愚蠢而又不现实。别在网上瞎咧咧了。
HarvestMoonPerson Trigger Article Fifty United Kingdom 2 days ago
Feathers become flight Caudipteryx was the first known feathered animal it was a terapod which is closely related to birds.
尾羽龙是第一种已知的有羽毛的动物。它是一种非常接近鸟类的四足动物。 (原文 terapod 应为 tetrapod)
Playability Cádiz Spain 1 day ago
Aww don't you love it when the Mail tries to do science!
Margaritaflower Eagle Pass United States 2 days ago
The fossil looks like one of my chickens...a road kill chicken.
Mind Burner belfast United Kingdom 1 day ago
Maybe he should publish this if it's what he says it is. It would surely win a Nobel or two at the very least. Waiting for the big win ....
Tuna Sandwich Unfriendly to dolphins United Kingdom 1 day ago
From an interview with Mary Schweitzer in the Smithsonian May 2006: "Meanwhile Schweitzer's research has been hijacked by "young earth" creationists who insist that dinosaur soft tissue couldn't possibly survive millions of years. They claim her discoveries support their belief based on their interpretation of Genesis that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Of course it's not unusual for a paleontologist to differ with creationists. But when creationists misrepresent Schweitzer's data she takes it personally: she describes herself as "a complete and total Christian." On a shelf in her office is a plaque bearing an Old Testament verse:" Google 'Mary Schweitzer Smithsonian' to find out more about how she feels about liars like jabez7.
2006年5月,玛丽.史怀哲在史密森尼的采访报道:“与此同时,史怀哲的研究被”年轻地球创造论者“所绑架,这些人坚信恐龙的软组织不可能经过百万年时间还能保留下来。他们声称史怀哲的发现,对于他们的信仰-即圣经创世纪中记录地球只有几千岁,是一种巨大的支持。当然,古生物学家和神造论者意见相左是稀松平常的。当神造论者歪曲她的研究结果时,她非常的生气。虽然她称自己为百分之百的基督徒。她办公室的一个架子上放着一个写着旧约全书的牌匾。 谷歌玛丽.史怀哲 史密森尼,找到更多关于玛丽.史怀哲对象 jabez7这种骗子的评价。
Gazzeel Wigan United Kingdom 2 days ago
Even if you debunk this rubbish the 'scientists' will stick to their guns. TO KEEP THEIR JOBS!!!!
JCP Haslemere 2 days ago
Gazzeel - You will have read the explanation for why red pigment has been detected; and if you understood it you ought to be able to present a coherent case that argues against it. You are signally unable to do that. Instead the best you can do is the silliness above. Do you sometimes wonder whether you actually are in fact just stupid?
回Gazzeel: 读一读那些解释,了解一下为什么红色素会被探测到。如果你读明白了,那么就用清楚明了的证据来反驳它,但是很明显你做不到,你就只会胡搅蛮缠。你有没有意识到,你真的是个蠢猪?
highestb1d manchester 2 days ago
This is what religion does to people dinosaurs disprove their faith so they either deny dinosaurs existed or claim the fossils are less than 2000 years old. Religion is a mental illness