我很强大!三个专业摔跤手输掉了和年轻狮子的拔河比赛 [英国媒体]


I'm roarly strong! Three professional wrestlers LOSE tug-of-war with a young lion


Three burly wrestlers were no match for a lion as they took on the big cat in a game of tug-of-war.


In the hilarious footage filmed at San Antonio Zoo in Texas the crowd cheers as the muscular trio of Ricochet, Fabian Aichner and Killian Dain to best the still-young cub.  


Families look on as the team try their hardest to pull the rope which feeds through into the lion enclosure.


On the other side of the glass the lion holds the rope with an iron grip, refusing to move even an inch.


The crowd can be seen capturing the moment on their mobile phones while the zoo staff grin, clearly amused.


The camera pans back to the deflated wrestlers who have by this point admitted defeat.


raven041, orlando, United States, 11 hours ago
Everyone bashing the zoo and the men involved. Anyone notice the setup and take into account maybe the lioness likes to play tug of war? ever notice how cats love to play with things like this? if you think that tug of war hurt her you are sadly mistaken.


CarabecRusino, Fullerton, 13 hours ago
Three Big Strong Men, beaten by one GIRL!


three curls, huddersfield, United Kingdom, 8 hours ago
on a straight pull the men would have easily won, the 90% angle of the rope gave the lion the advantage.


Lonestar369, Tucson, United States, 9 hours ago
This shows poor sportsmanship... they didn't bother to go shake the lion's paw after their defeat.


mako23, london, United Kingdom, 10 hours ago
For the lion involved it is engaged in behaviour that it wants to do. No one can force a lion to play tug of war unless it wants to. For these animals it¿s good mental stimulation, and lots of animals like and understand competition. I had a dog that loved playing tug of war with rope. This dog would go for a run with you and at the last 50 meters before reaching home would sprint ahead to win. I even had a cat that played tug of war with my dressing gown cord. These even been stories of horses attacking the winning horse in horse racing events. Animals do understand games and do enjoying participating in them


IcyGal, Seattle, United States, 8 hours ago
Exactly. Went to six flags once and they had a tiger show. Part of the show is showing them swimming and diving for food. One of the lions was not having it and his trainer said they have their own minds and we will not force them to do what they do not want to. So she got her chunk of food on dry land lol


Bazz, West of London, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
I suspect that turning the rope through 90 degrees on the Lion's side was the main reason the Lion one. This would have changed the whole dynamic of the 'competition'.


ShortSouthernGal, San Antonio, United States, 5 hours ago
Get a grip people! If the lion wasn't loving this she would have simply let go. She's doing it because she's a big kitten and loves To play.


Likeit Ornot, London, United Kingdom, 5 hours ago
As a consolation prize,the young lion must get one of the wrestler for food.


zone, Danbury, 8 hours ago
Lonely life for a caged king of beasts and suspect this playful contest is welcome entertainment.


mmd, Mesa, United States, 12 hours ago
Not only in captivity, but forced to play human games. Why don't you strap some raw steaks to these guys and put them in the cage! That's the type of game the lion was designed for.


LeoMom, Pennsylvania, United States, 11 hours ago
My dog forces me to play tog of war every day. I'm ok with it.


Grretscher, Toronto, Canada, 11 hours ago
Although this is good fun and a stimulating activity for the lion, I think the risk of damaging his teeth should be taken into consideration


robj3123, tring, United Kingdom, 12 hours ago
this is NOT what zoos are for ....................... conservation and education; NOT a circus act... shame on San Antonio zoo


LeoMom, Pennsylvania, United States, 11 hours ago
My dog forces me to play tug or war everyday, so far I'm doing ok.


robj3123, tring, United Kingdom, 6 minutes ago
your dog is a domesticated animal wild lions are not ; that's the difference


LexCorp, New York, United States, 9 hours ago
Leave that poor lion alone.


Lonestar369, Tucson, United States, 7 hours ago
As much as I prefer that wild animals be living in the wild, people make it unsafe for them to do that anymore. Without zoos our descendants may never even see a lion let alone all the other species. Sad but true.

