日本敦促老年司机用驾照换廉价面条 [英国媒体]

日本警方正在尝试说服老司机用驾照换取廉价的面条,因为该国正在面临一个令人担忧的老司机事故。上周,日本中部的爱知县启动了一个计划:老司机交出自己的驾照之后,就会在176家寿贺喜屋连锁店里的日本拉面有优惠。英国网友:给他们一种便宜的极低动力带有明亮颜色的车,同时有一个闪光灯在车的顶部,警报显示着“老不死 老不死 老不死……”以便他们时刻保持着自豪感!


Police in Japan are trying to coax elderly drivers from behind the wheel with offers of cheap meals as the country confronts a worrying rise in accidents involving older motorists.


Under a scheme launched last week in Aichi prefecture in central Japan elderly drivers will be given discounts on ramen noodles at 176 outlets of the Sugakiya restaurant chain but only after they surrender their driver’s licence.


The move comes after the prime minister Shinzo Abe called for more action to address the steep rise in road accidents some of them fatal caused by drivers in the over-74 age group.



Although the overall number of traffic accidents has declined in recent years those involving drivers aged 75 and over has risen from 7.4% to 12.8% over the last decade according to the national police agency.


In a reflection ofJapan’s rapidly ageing population an estimated 17 million Japanese aged 65 or over hold driver’s licences. Of those 4.8 million are over 75 – compared with 2.4 million in 2005.


Many accidents involve drivers mistaking the accelerator for the brake anddriving the wrong way along motorwaysafter entering via interchanges and toll booths.



PariahCarefree 12m ago
It could be an idea to provide incentives for people to give-up their right to drive cars here in exchange for using sustainable transport instead. But I guess that would piss-off some transport tycoon friend of a Tory or smack of communist dictatorship to the nutters.


I can't fathom why anyone living in London would regard owning a car as anything other than a burden - and pretty futile too.


crayoh 14m ago
How about creating little enclosed golf carts that can only get up to 15 mph for the oldies?


RobertAussie 20m ago
Give them a cheap and ultra low powered brightly coloured car with a flashing light on the top and a siren that says "old-ie old-ie old-ie..." so that they can keep their dignity!

给他们一种便宜的极低动力带有明亮颜色的车,同时有一个闪光灯在车的顶部,警报显示着“老不死 老不死 老不死……”以便他们时刻保持着自豪感!


Tatsurmon 23m ago
They should offer nice sushi at least; otherwise old Japanese won't return their licences


Incertus2 24m ago
"accidents ... involving drivers aged 75 and over has risen from 7.4% to 12.8% over the last decade"
Relevant to uating the significance of the above stats are stats on how much the share of over 75 year olds in the total Japanese driving age population has risen in the last decade. That share has risen substantially. Japan has the fastest rate of aging of any major country -- see Wikipedia "Aging of Japan."

上述统计数据的意义在于,这是统计在过去十年中,75岁以上的老司机在日本所有年龄段的司机中所占的比率上升了多少。事实是该比率大幅度上升。在主要的大国中日本的老龄化速度是最快的 - 参见维基百科“日本的老龄化”。


Surrendering one's driving licence is tantamount to surrendering one's ego. Accepting old age is an extremely difficult thing. Infirmity that comes with old age is the main cause for accidents in this group of people. A person can drive a vehicle with a degree of assurance only upto the age of 65 provided he is having a good alround health. Beyond this age if you are still driving your vehicle without involving in accidents you simply owe it good luck and nothing else. Even though driving is a passion amongst all groups of people it should be allowed upto certain age say 65. Driving should be treated as an occupation with a fixed retirement age. This should become a universal law. In that case we can save a pot of noodle or a bottle of coke. I know my views will not go down well with the oldies.



tomkun  tomkun 1h ago
forgot to mention the kid was on a push bike when the accident happened


LessSensational  tomkun 52m ago
Yeah totally ludicrous - That must be the reason that the have amongst the lowest crime rates in the world...
Do yourself a favour and look at some statistics - http://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/profiles/Japan/Crime


ildfluer  LessSensational 19m ago
Their low crime rates are due to negligible income/wealth inequality. Fact.


haymother 2h ago
They should start with removing the TV screens from the front of their vehicles. Most blokes over 50 in Japan are glued to the baseball on the freeway. It does my head in. I guess that when you are 75 you don't adjust back to the traffic as quickly.



Major MajorMajor 2h ago
Old people shouldn't be allowed outside.


clshannon  Major MajorMajor 1h ago
Stuff it major.


ShadyCrackers 2h ago
Report them to the NooDVLA.


godsdad 2h ago
In Britain retired people travel free on the buses.


sgwnmr  godsdad 2h ago
Public transport prices in Japan are a few pennies anyway with senior discounts and transport passes it's effectively free. The government pays subsidies for routes that don't make a profit.

