Ask a North Korean: are women treatedequally in your society?
in an ongoing series, NK News poses areader’s question to a North Korean defector. This week’s is about genderequality – or the lack thereof
Shuang Lin in China asks:
Generally, do you feel that there is genderequality in North Korea society? Do women face serious discrimination?
通常来说,你感觉朝鲜社会男女平等吗?女性是不是面临严重歧视?(译者:这是中国读者发邮件问的哟,具体邮件地址可以去NY news找)
North Korea is highly patriarchal. Forexample, women are advised not to visit to other houses on 1 January as it isconsidered bad luck. It is also bad luck for a shop if the first customer ofthe day is female. In the past, women faced criticism if their husbands wereseen in the kitchen, though things might have gotten slightly better thesedays.
North Korean men are expected to go to workearly every morning, even if they don’t get paid. It is thought to beappropriate and ideal that men obey this policy of the Workers’ Party of Korea(WPK), even if the family has nothing to eat.
Therefore women, and not men, are expectedto take care of everything that happens within the house. No matter how hard itis to make a living, the only duty men are expected to perform at home is toban family members from doing anything against the policies of the WPK.
In other words, it is thought that the roleof men is to teach their wives and children so that they will not do anythingthat interferes with party ideology, even if they’re on the verge of starvingto death. This is often reflected in divorce cases. If a husband or wife doesanything contrary to party ideology, even to make a living, this is consideredgrounds for divorce.
Also, a WPK membership card is somethingyou don’t show, even to your spouse, because party ideology is considered farmore important than the affection between husband and wife. Men are expected tobe able to maintain a distinction between their public and personal lives.Women shouldn’t want to know about the things happening to their men out ofhouse.
And if husbands are violent towards theirwives the government doesn’t interfere, leaving women to bear the consequencesalone. In my hometown, I’d say domestic violence occurred on a daily basis inthree out of 10 households, and less often in others.
‘Hard-working heroines’
North Korea was officially pushing for andencouraging gender equality before South Korea, but this wasn’t for the good ofwomen. When China and North Korea officially campaigned for gender equality, itwasn’t done to free women from the patriarchy: the motive was to encouragewomen to go to work to re-build the economy after the Korean War.
Actually, women played a large role in thisrebuilding. The government bestowed awards for working women who achieved greatthings, labeling them “hard-working heroines” to encourage more women to workharder.
But when things got better in the 1950s and60s, when the North Korean economy was outperforming that of South Korea, theydidn’t need the women’s labour force anymore, so they stopped encouraging womenin the workplace.
Gender equality and women’s role in societywere considered important when women were needed but not when the need passed.In North Korean society, when women do a good job at cooking, cleaning andother housework or when they bring home money from selling goods at the marketthey are highly praised.
But when a woman breaks the glass ceilingto get a highly respected job or becomes a high-ranking party member, peoplequote the old Korean saying: “It goes ill with the house when the hen sings andthe cock is silent.”
SquidwardTenticles LaSi
14 Feb 201518:00
One could add 'corporate state' to thatlist. For example, it has always struck me how the way the formal dress andhairstyle codes of North Korea are enforced pretty much mirrors the way dressand hairstyle codes are enforced in the typical western business school!
ABitRightWing SquidwardTenticles
14 Feb 201518:05
I agree with you on that.
Many years ago I knew a young talentedsoftware developer who was going places.
He was discreetly told to get a hair cut ifhe wanted a promotion. That was the UK in the 1980's when apparently we wereall 'free'.
SquidwardTenticles Minion
14 Feb 201517:41
I would say that violence inflicted byindividuals on other individuals, even if the state should be doing more tostep in, is rather a different issue to direct discrimination mandated by thestate itself.
I am not arguing that there are many thingsabout life in North Korea that disadvantage women, but I do wonder if all ofthese put together could be seen as even balancing the requirement to do 10-13years military service, which I have little doubt is pretty close to hell formany of those men who are forced to endure it.
15 Feb 20150:17
Using women from another country, anotherculture to point to "inequality" felt by the writer in her own head.
I haven't seen this tactic used sinceyesterday.
用一个从另外一种文化,另外一个国家的女性来点明作者脑海中想象的的这个国家的不平等 (译者:指作者不是朝鲜人,却被用来表现朝鲜的不平等,其实作者的确是朝鲜人)我从昨天起就没看到过这种策略
Rhiaden WeHappyFew
15 Feb 20155:50
The woman being from the other country, theother culture?
Answering a question sent to her by a reader?
I haven't seen the level of whatabouteryand illiteracy in your comment since about 10 minutes ago on a youtube commentpage.