有毒雾霾来袭,中国要求道路和工厂关闭 [英国媒体]



Hospital visits spiked roads were closed and flights cancelled Monday as China choked under a vast cloud of toxic smog with forecasters warning worse was yet to come.


At least 23 cities in the world's most populous nation have issued red alxs for air pollution since Friday according to the official Xinhua news agency.


A host of emergency measures have been implemented to protect the public's health from the smog which is smothering almost a ninth of the entire country.


On Monday evening -- the fourth day of the alx which is scheduled to end on Wednesday -- Beijing's air quality was better than feared with PM 2.5 levels hovering around 200 according to data maintained by the US embassy.



Aleric Louisville United States 12 hours ago
That must be all the pollution the UN is trying to force America to pay for. See the UN has no problem with China and Russia pouring out massive amounts of pollutants into the air since they know they arent going to pay them a cent for BS Global Warming scams.


Jerryjojerry Liaoyang China 6 hours ago
You forgot India which is way ahead of Russia as a major world-polluter. Recall that that pollution can be blown across the Pacific to the US west coast.


John Martin Utopia Croatia 11 hours ago
China has taken trillions of dollars of money from Americans.....in manufacturing jobs....they call it an economic miracle there...for 30 years now.....Hundreds of millions entering the middle class in China while American middle class is dying......The result of this pollution is....even with advanced American medical care...Chinese life expectancy is EQUAL to Americans....they are just much richer...while Americans more in poverty.....That is what the Environmental movement did.



loreng phoenix United States 11 hours ago
This is what happens when you pack billions of people in a space. The US population would be shrinking if it weren't for our uninvited guests and their 5 kids each


mainstreet USA United States 9 hours ago
This is happening in China but California loses their global warming noodles and wants to kill their dairy industry due to gassy cows (I don't mean the Kardashians).


sevans15 Amberland United States 5 hours ago
Machismo Minnapolis 8 hours ago
China's air is hardly breathable. Can you please add up the carbon tax amount you are going to bill them? Good luck collecting. Meanwhile Obama wants to charge cows for farting in the USA.



driveby_poster Boston 11 hours ago
President Trump should dispatch Algore to China as Ambassador he'll fix this. One wonders what the air quality is like inside the buildings housing the top echelons of Chinese government.


Tom Bell Denver United States 9 hours ago
Send in Al Gore he will sell them carbon credits that will cure it......


Kenneth Dawson Winston-Salem United States 9 hours ago
Where's Leonardo DiCaprio when you need him?


speedracer8384 Olathe United States 8 hours ago
Come on Al Gore. Get on their a$$ as they have ZERO pollution controls. Why should the U.S. spend billions of dollars to reduce carbon emissions when this crap is going on in China?



MasterLD Ellensburg United States 7 hours ago
And India and Iran and south America and Mexico etc etc etc.


cosmicwx minneapolis United States 4 hours ago
Carbon emissions? You mean CO2? CO2 has nothing to do with air quality you ignorant twit.


Bernie Sanders New York United States 11 hours ago
China is literally choking on their environmental disaster. Communism kills in many ways. Here...it kills because the needs and policies of the communist state are more important than the powerless inmates.


Baroke Oblamer BushsFaultsville United States 9 hours ago
Goodbye pResident B. Hussein Obysmal. President D. J. Trump will correct your mistakes at home and abroad.


lafe Beachside United States 8 hours ago
Trump won't even last two years. #ImpeachTrump



MoeMentum Inside the borders United States 4 hours ago
It's the Russians they are controlling the weather after fixing the election.....


John Martin Utopia Croatia 11 hours ago
For every picture of a smog day in a Chinese city...also show an American whose job was shipped to China...now living under a bridge in a box.


Jamie Huntoon brandford United States 4 hours ago
Good thing they are exempt from the Paris Climate Agreement.


John Martin Utopia Croatia 11 hours ago
That smog represents money in rich people's pockets...and jobs that left Americans in poverty.


Sarah the nurse Ohio USA United States 11 hours ago
The hypocrites who have 100% Chinese made presents under their trees will now make comments on how horrible it is that they are polluting our Earth


beijingyank beijing 8 hours ago
The air is brutal in China. There are very few places in China that escape the filthy air. It's really unbearable.



on the right side california United States 10 hours ago
Disgusting. They're poisoning the whole world!


John Martin Utopia Croatia 10 hours ago
But environmentalists are getting rich.


centralscrutinizer Centerville United States 5 hours ago
If Obama was a truly compassionate person he would immediately send 90% of our EPA staff to China to offer assistance.


Corinne Waters Big Sky United States 9 hours ago
Newflash: When you cut down all the trees and replace them with chemical plants GUESS WHAT?


Ricsav8333 pekin United States 4 hours ago
China is screwed they don't care about their environment only money they will be dying by the millions soon


MichaelRoss Albuquerque United States 3 hours ago
Apparently 49% of America is not far behind.



D.Trump Washington DC United States 7 hours ago
So how does a company that wants to make wrenches compete against workers making $1 an hour and can pollute like this? This is why Trump is right to bring those companies back home and close the door with tariffs.


ShamedAmerican Bluemont United States 10 hours ago
And our "green" president signed a deal with them and gave them 30 more years to clean up their act - smh.


charles32504 Pensacola United States 10 hours ago
Im still amazed they have that huge population I mean they are doing everything they can to kill it!! Oh by the way this article right here is why I give one damn about climate change because there is nothing we can do when this country gets a pass because its so called developing!!


cosmicwx minneapolis United States 4 hours ago
Climatechangeglobalwarming is a natural process. A process that is as old as the earth itself.



Bernie Sanders New York United States 11 hours ago
China may choke on their lack of environmental policies. Communism does that. The communist state is more important than the people.


John Martin Utopia Croatia 11 hours ago
China's middle class is growing...America's is dying.


partyduck Boston United States 11 hours ago
Stephen Hawking's prediction of the human race having about 1000 years left sounds on the generous side. It's the extreme consumerism that's killing us. All the crap that we absolutely must have and then throw out until the new version comes out.


bilwill atlanta 11 hours ago
The banksters model of never ending growth to survive.


Baggo Spanners Metropolis United States 5 hours ago
I never thought America's last remaining advantage over China would be the air quality of Pittsburgh.

