Swipe right? 'Toilet paper' for smartphones trialled in Japanese airport bathrooms
Japan has taken its reputation for hygiene up another notch with the introduction of “toilet paper” for smartphones inside toilets at Narita international airport.
In a new take on the meaning of public convenience, users are invited to pull off a piece of paper from a dispenser next to the regular toilet roll and give their phone screens a germ-busting polish.
The smartphone sheets, which bear the message “welcome to Japan”, were installed in 86 cubicles at Narita’s arrivals hall this month, according to the Mainichi Shimbun.
The telecoms company behind the service, NTT Docomo, said the option of an extra wipe would remain until next March.
安装这个设施的电信公司NTT Docomo称将一直延用到明年三月份。
The introduction of the cleaning paper came in response to studies showing that smartphone screens typically house more germs than toilet seats. Surveys show that foreign visitors are universally impressed with the cleanliness and versatility of Japan’s public toilets.
seamanjive 20h ago
Can our Japanese friends invent something that will get British people to wash their hands after taking a sh*t?
mugsey seamanjive 20h ago
How do you know everyone doesn't already do that? Serious question.
seamanjive mugsey 20h ago
I keep my eyes open.
PeteSaman seamanjive 20h ago
Can our Japanese friends invent something that will get British people to wash their hands after taking a sh*t?
Its called Brexit
Hobobyatoaster 21h ago
Why do we not have toilets like this in the UK? It's a disgrace. Instead of ploughing this extra £350,000,000 a week we're definitely getting from Brexit into the NHS I demand every town in Britain be equipped with a karzie that that fires warm water up my arse and plays a reveille when I fart.
JohnBinxBolling 19h ago
If I use the smart phone toilet paper to wipe myself rather than my smartphone would that make me a smart-ass?
MyfatherknewLloydG JohnBinxBolling 18h ago
Very good !
OldDirtyBAStart JohnBinxBolling 17h ago
Well it's covered in anti-bacterial substance (I would imagine alcohol) so I don't think it would.
Steff Clarke 21h ago
Another nail in the coffin of the paperless office.
PrakashShah 21h ago
Surely the headline should read ... "Wipe right". Also, Japanese toilets are bloody marvellous. It's a much neglected area of human comfort. Still have to wipe my own arse though so needs more work.
Gav67 PrakashShah 19h ago
I hate them.
It goes back to my Fukuoka university days in the 80s, when these things first appeared. My mate John invited us round to a student's house, which was very posh and had one of the new smart toilets. Needless to say, I had to use it, and John says "just be careful which button you press when you flush."
I crap, and press a random button. A jet of water spurts up from the rear. Next button, a jet from the front. Then sides, then the seat warmed up, music played...everything but flushing away the monstrous foreign turd in the nice people's house.
I give up, put the lid down, and sneak back, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.
"I couldn't find the fucking button!" I whisper to John.
"Did you try the chain hanging by the side of the cistern?" The bastard replied.