日本电通公司员工自杀后,日本终于考虑工作时间改革 [日本媒体]



TOKYO —Japan is finally starting to seriously seek ways to curb excessive work hours with the overwork-related suicide of a young employee spotlighting a long-standing issue that has always been in question but never quite addressed.


The traditional corporate culture in Japan of punishing hours has persisted since the postwar era of rapid economic expansion when hard work seemed to lead to growth.


But that is no longer a driving force with working conditions dramatically changing after the burst of the economic bubble in the early 1990s and the financial crisis in 2008 both of which led Japanese companies to undertake drastic restructuring such as massive job cuts.



Japan worked the third longest hours in 2015 among the Group of Seven industrialized countries according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.


But the world’s third largest economy’s work productivity was the worst last year among G-7 nations according to the Japan Productivity Center.


The aging population in Japan leaves the country at risk of labor shortages which could add more pressure on future workers.

日本的人口老龄化问题留给这个国家的是 劳动力短缺一系列问题,只会给未来的工人群体带来更大的压力。

“Japan is still a country where working long hours is considered a virtue” said Kazunari Tamaki a lawyer who specializes in “karoshi” cases or death from overwork.

”日本终究会是一个将长时间工作作为美德的国家。”Kazunari Tamaki,一个专注于超时间工作引发”过劳死”领域的专业律师如是说。

“But we need to focus on improving efficiency within fixed hours to boost productivity.”



The suicide of 24-year-old Matsuri Takahashi an employee of advertising giant Dentsu Inc due to overwork last year sparked criticism of illegally long working hours and a push for a fundamental reform of working conditions.

二十四岁日本Dentsu(电通广告)总部员工——高桥小姐 由于在去年长时间工作而自杀的案件,引发非法长时间加班的批评狂潮和推动关于工作状态的基础性改革。

She had logged 105 hours of monthly overtime work before jumping from a company dormitory. The labor ministry referred the company and an executive to prosecutors in late December over the suicide.

在从公司宿舍跳楼的前一个月中,她记录显示每月加班达到105个小时。 劳动部门指出这家公司和相关管理层将在去年十二月份成为自杀案将的被告。

Among the 34 OECD member countries Japan’s average annual hours actually worked per worker stood at 1719 hours in 2015 longer than 1371 hours in Germany 1482 hours in France and 1674 hours in Britain but shorter than 2113 hours in South Korea.



StrangerlandJAN. 02 2017 - 08:36AM JST
the bonus that they get during winter is huge compared to other countries so there is no need to complain so much.


It's not truly a bonus though. They take the person's yearly salary split it into 18 payments instead of 12 (though the actual split can vary by company) then pay the person 1/18 each month with an additional 1/6 as a 'bonus' in the summer and another 1/6 'bonus' in the winter.


It's a forced-savings plan more than it is a bonus.


YubaruJAN. 02 2017 - 06:42AM JST
“But we need to focus on improving efficiency within fixed hours to boost productivity.”


Kind of hard to focus on improving efficiency when the first thing you need to do is get rid of unneeded and superfluous staff and employees.


I wonder if these efficiency measures are limited to the private sector alone? Seems like my local city office has way too many staff and too many buy bodies sticking their noses into everyone's business.



goldorakJAN. 02 2017 - 10:27AM JST
The concept of work-life balance is still foreign to most J ppl and I don't see that changing any time soon (apart from the few j men and women who are in a relationship with foreigners and/or have worked and lived overseas). The vast majority agree that yes they work too hard and are exploited yet they always find reasons/excuses to justify their boss' unrealistic demands.


They don't even know they are getting screwed. Awareness is the n1 problem right now.


Shynell DeVauxJAN. 02 2017 - 08:08AM JST
tessa the problem is that 1. because of these deadly hours people die.. well thats the most obvious. second to that is that it creates a barrier between home life and work life. these hours and commitments are why women can't work and be a mother at the same time. it's also why farthers are hardly home and can't spend time with their wives and families it's also why doing things other than work is near impossible because they can't even take holidays without being seen as "uncommitted".. and basically it could be related to why the birth rate has gone down but thats a whole other essay lol

Tessa: 问题是: 1. 显然,正是这些加班要了人的命。 其次,加班彻底杜绝了家庭生活。正是这些加班和繁重的工作任务使得女性无法在工作的同时照顾子女,使得男人们无法准时下班和妻子家人们共度晚间美好时光,使人们除了工作什么都干不了,因为他们要完成业务要求的话,根本连休假的时间都没有。这些加班和繁重的工作任务甚至造成了日本生率的持续下降,关于这点可以单独写篇论文了。
there's so much wrong with the work pressure culture in Japan it's surprising they let it go on for so long..



DisillusionedJAN. 02 2017 - 07:52AM JST
2017年1月2号早上7点52分   幻想破灭的日本(报刊名)
Why has it taken this one suicide for them to take action? At least half of the 30000 odd suicides in Japan every year are related to work pressures.


But we need to focus on improving efficiency within fixed hours to boost productivity.


This has been an ongoing problem for many years and has been getting worse every year. Many not all of these people doing many hours of overtime are doing it because they do not work efficiently. This comes from secondary and tertiary education. Companies have openly stated they want 'clean slates' to employ but unfortunately in many cases clean slate means empty headed. These people have no organisational skills and have no idea how to prioritise tasks. This means they have to do overtime work to complete their given tasks. It will be impossible to reduce overtime hours and increase productivity with the brain-dead zombies coming out of tertiary education. Yeah Japan keeps bragging about its higher education standards but these statistics only belong to an elite few. For the majority the reality is quite different.



wontondJAN. 02 2017 - 05:59PM JST
when I first came to japan many years ago one person said to me . "Japanese work long hrs but arnt really that productive in those hrs worked" many years later statistic proved him right. Spending long hrs at the office doesn't mean your a productive worker.


@wtfjapan I think a good number of people stay at the office for long hours so they don't appear expendable. They're afraid to leave at a decent hour because the guy in the desk next to them is staying until 9. In reality if the majority of the office is staying late then the office is under-staffed. From the few people I've talked the key is to look busy but in reality they're bored. But companies don't care because they don't pay extra for overtime. They need to start paying employees time and a half for overtime. Compensate workers for putting in long hours and make is costly for companies that are under-staffed.



sf2kJAN. 02 2017 - 06:54AM JST
9 to 5
Yeah they got you where they want you
There's a better life
And you dream about it don't you?
It's a rich man's game
No matter what they call it
And you spend your life
Putting money in his wallet


since1981JAN. 02 2017 - 08:44AM JST
Why spend taxpayer' money on reform? How much intelligence does a CEO need to figure it out? And as for the workers Just say NO!



wtfjapanJAN. 02 2017 - 01:22PM JST
when I first came to japan many years ago one person said to me . "Japanese work long hrs but arnt really that productive in those hrs worked" many years later statistic proved him right. Spending long hrs at the office doesn't mean your a productive worker.


wontondJAN. 02 2017 - 02:22PM JST
I honestly don't see the problem. Japanese are the longest-lived and healthiest people in the world to the point that their long life expectancies are creating a demographic crisis. Someone explain to me: what's the problem?
quality vs quantity.



Charles PribylJAN. 02 2017 - 08:41AM JST
Tessa: Have you ever been to Japan? Have you been in a Japanese office or have you ever worked in Japan (other than a job where you were treated special and were walled off from others)?

Tesa: 你去过日本么?你在日本的办公室里待过还是在日本工作过(那种被特别优待并和其他同事隔离开来的工作不算哦)?

sf2kJAN. 02 2017 - 09:06AM JST
Why spend taxpayer' money on reform? How much intelligence does a CEO need to figure it out? And as for the workers Just say NO!


Because everyone who died presumably paid their taxes. It would be amazing if tax money went to help people for once and not cashola for local or int'l white elephants



BlacklabelJAN. 02 2017 - 02:48PM JST
It worries me that more companies are starting to ask employees to come in earlier to avoid overtime. Seems they want people to work even more hours but now 5am-8pm intstead of 9am-10pm. I guess its not overtime if its BEFORE work not AFTER?


TravelingSalesJAN. 02 2017 - 05:46PM JST
They need to get out of the office go home and have fun making babies.
