日本上升的儿童贫困暴露了二十年经济衰弱的真正代价 [英国媒体]



The smell of beef stew wafts from a kitchen as a brigade of volunteers put their cooking skills to use on a recent Saturday evening in Tokyo’s commuter belt.


In an adjoining room children chat and make paper cutouts while they await the arrival of what for some will be their only proper meal of the day.


Kawaguchi children’s cafeteria is one of hundreds to have sprouted up in Japan in recent years in response to a problem few associate with the world’s third biggest economy: child poverty.



An estimated 3.5 million Japanese children – or one in six of those aged up to 17 – are from households classed as experiencing relative poverty defined by the OECD as those with incomes at or below half the median national disposable income.


Japan’s relative rate of poverty has risen over the past three decades to 16.3% while the rate in the US though higher at 17.3% has fallen.



Skytree 3h ago
One of the difficulties of making comparisons between Western countries and Japan is that the Japanese government collects statistics in its own way for its own needs. As a result when organizations like Unicef make international comparisons much of the data for Japan is 'missing' from the indices. It's certainly true that Japan has a relatively high proportion of children living in below median income households - but careful follow-up work by the local Unicef office showed that Japan ranked 16 out of 31 for child deprivation health and safety 1st for education 1st for behaviour and risks and 10th for housing. So it does pretty well in these other aspects of children's lives.



judeanpopularfront 3h ago
Apart from the 4 dollar 20 budget to buy a bento box... The article has no other money value on what the poverty threshold is what the family income is how much the lowest incomes are. Japan is expensive there's no one really poor there.


sgwnmr 3h ago
School lunches are free in Japan though with a pay-in scale if you earn more . . .


Ogriv 3h ago
I thought that Japan was an example of a developed society with low wealth inequality. Has another succumbed?



StanKowalski 3h ago
its inevitable that some people will be crushed under the bulldozer of capitalism
darwin showed this a long time ago
the fit eat the unfit
so it goes


sgwnmr  StanKowalski 3h ago
What the...
Is that you Adolf?


Shepgg  StanKowalski 3h ago
Your silly.



PostTrotskyite 3h ago
Once again we are seeing the failure of corporatocracy that thin veneer of prosperity and democracy has worn away to show the injustice of a rotten system that is designed for by and of the corporate class.


brituser PostTrotskyite 3h ago
On the other hand Japan does have now the world's highest life expectancy whereas Japan had low third world levels in the 1950's.
Is that not worth something?


Mackname brituser 2h ago
I was actually thinking about it as well. I think ageing has less to do with biology and might have a lot to do with mentality.


Then I noticed an interesting thing about Japan and that is it: no revolution (socio-political) has ever happened in there.


Japan is an unique nation with no obxtion to serve for a greater entity.


As long as one is total obedient to the system he or she would hardly get bothered mentally and psychologically attempting to do anything to change things so then they willingly accepting to get on well peacefully.



petervietnam 3h ago
I've seen many people sleeping on the streets and in underground stations in Tokyo. It's a disgrace. Men old women children. Never seen one person homeless in Vietnam. If a country can't provide for the basic needs of its citizens - clothing food and shelter - it's an abject failure. Governments fail not people.


ausgirl  petervietnam 3h ago
I've seen many people sleeping on the streets and in underground stations in Tokyo


I've seen some - wouldn't say many. Not as many as in some British or Australian cities for example. 
Not saying that poverty isn't a problem but it's all relative. Interesting that the definition of poverty is relative to the median income of a country.


jujubeads  ausgirl 3h ago
I think it's bizarre that poverty is defined that way and also misleading.


Of those 3.5m kids living in relative poverty in Japan how many do you think really are going hungry? Certainly not all of them as the subtitle says.



MrWangincanada 3h ago
The nation of Japan is in a steady decline driven by a shrinking population and sccessive inept governments.


Due to the average Japanese is docile and disciplined there is no social rebellion. The Abe government takes a right wing hawkish policy to hind the deep problems in his country and he is actually rather popular.


Japanese doesnt seem like changes. The Meiji restoration was forced by American gunboats the recent economic miracle was the result of their devastating defeat in WWII. Does Japan really need a bloody nose to make a real culture change and a deep reform? Being polite and diciplined isnt enough.


sgwnmr MrWangincanada 3h ago
This is the problem of relying on silly stereotypes you come across as ignorant. Japan has a history of social rebellion before and after WW2 the 60s in particular had protesters bringing the country to a grinding halt.


sgwnmr MrWangincanada 3h ago
Also Abe's popularity dropped by 20 percentage points after he expanded the role of japan's military. And there was plenty of protest.



jujubeads 3h ago
I very much doubt that every single of the 3.5m children living in "relative poverty" (in a household earning less than the relatively extremely high median national disposable income of Japan) are going hungry - as the subtitle says.


But wait...the article contradicts itself with - "few are living in abject poverty" "Several though come from families who cannot afford to feed them properly"


The subtitle is emotive and false.
And an insult to people living in actual poverty around the world.



Tatsurmon 4h ago
Japan is not wealthy country at all. Japanese housing is so small and poor compared to the other western standards. I do not wonder even though quite a few children are suffering from starving in Japan.


Monkeybiz Tatsurmon 3h ago
Japan is a very wealthy country but like the UK the wealth is highly unequally distributed.


sgwnmr Tatsurmon 3h ago
Japan is a very wealthy country. Japanese houses are larger than UK houses. I think you're confusing apartments in big cities and "bed towns" for houses.


dorothyperkinsex sgwnmr 2h ago
Japanese houses are not larger than UK houses. That is utter nonsense!



usasoneiaswe 4h ago
The poverty is here growing and it isn’t going away.


jujubeads 4h ago
Relative poverty is defined by the OECD as those with incomes at or below half the median national disposable income.


OK 3.5 million children live in "relative poverty" in Japan.


The subtitle states 3.5 million children going "hungry" in Japan. 
In Japan that's got to be a lot of money but doesn't provide any statics to support the claim that all those kids are hungry - just assumes they are.


But wait...the article contradicts itself with - "few are living in abject poverty" "Several though come from families who cannot afford to feed them properly"


The subtitle is emotive and false.



exposethecorrupt 4h ago
“Politicians only seem to think about the short-term. They’re unable to think about the lives of children today and the people they will become in 40 or 50 years from now.”


And there lies the problem; politicians in the main are only thinking about themselves and/or being re-elected not just in Japan but around the world. If child poverty is not a vote winner why would they fix it? 
Perhaps if it was made a crime and politicians were held accountable for rising poverty with stiff prison sentences hanging over them for failing then something would be done?


hennagaijin 4h ago 
Thank you for this article. One indeed suspects that there is more deprivation under the surface than is readily noticeable. The issue of stigma (s) is quite important; in addition to material wealth mental health is another issue that does not seem to have as much recognition and understanding as it could.

