给小费是种族主义吗?奶昔小屋汉堡CEO称顾客不应该给小费,因为那让人想起美国内战 [英国媒体]



The multi-millionaire owner of popular burger chain Shake Shack has said he will stop customers from tipping his staff because the practice has a 'racist' history.


Danny Meyer revealed that tipping customers stems from the American Civil War when the government accepted a petition to allow restaurants not to pay its staff.


To get around new slavery laws customers were advised to leave a small payment for servers so that no-one could argue that they were enslaved. 



Most waiting staff at the time were African-American Meyer said. 


In the US it's accepted that customers should tip up to 20 per cent for every meal - but Meyer points out that in other cultures it's very different.  


Calling tipping one of 'the biggest hoaxes ever pulled on an entire culture' he told The Sporkful podcast: 'You don't see it in Asia you don't see it primarily in most European countries. 



'It created a completely false economy so that when you see a menu price at a restaurant you know and I know that it includes the cost of the food the cost of the linen the rent but it doesn't include the service and here's what finally moved me to my own tipping point a year ago' he said.


Meyer said that tipping isn't fair on other restaurant employees such as pot washers and low-level chefs whose wages are not topped up by tips.


He also said that waiting staff who aren't white tend to get less tips from customers on average. 



IWannaComment Derby United Kingdom 20 hours ago
Tipping is cultural throughout the world not a solely american tradition so nothing to do with the civil war. Most of the world actually has a far longer history.


Lonestar Iago Gun Barrel City United States 10 hours ago
Tipping is just good manners for good service. Color does not enter into it. Unless you are a complete idiot.


ualreadyknowhoitis XXX United States 10 hours ago
Actually no lol


Divingjohn Cambridge United Kingdom 20 hours ago
There should be no such thing as tipping anyway except at customers discretion



Dystopian Harbinger Dystopia United States 16 hours ago
The wage must be raised accordingly if tipping is to be banished. People who make this claim have clearly never worked a day in their life as a tip based employee.


Ella London 20 hours ago
As a waitress please don't stop tipping!! I'm lucky enough to get minimum wage so I can just about to pay my bills. I use my tips for little luxurys and treats. I often work 12-13h days with only a 20 min break. All waiting staff do their best and those tips go a long way.


Popcorn25 Dublin Ireland 10 hours ago
What about all the other people in service roles on minimum wage who don't get tipped? Why are waiting staff above others?



floss5 Leeds United Kingdom 8 hours ago
No one tips me for doing my job why should I tip you for doing yours?


Drewsonny Portsmouth United Kingdom 20 hours ago
I've never known a waiter/waitress to be offended by receiving a tip.


Sam Kelly Petersfield United Kingdom 18 hours ago
Try Japan. Or try tipping your gp and see how they feel about it.


Righton54 London United Kingdom 20 hours ago
Another load of c**p article


mytwocents London United Kingdom 19 hours ago
I agree actually tipping goes much further back. In Europe during the hedonistic days of the aristocracy entertaining large parties in their homes the visitors would leave tips for the Butler down to the kitchen help. I don't know where this practice actually started but certainly before the days of the American Civil War.

我认为小费的历史确实更为久远些。在欧洲贵族们在家里举行大型宴会的快乐日子,拜访者通常会给 帮厨的男仆小费。我不太清楚这种习惯从哪开始的,但形成时间肯定要早于美国内战。

Dee22- New York United States 12 hours ago
@mytwocents If you bothered to read the article it says it was started in England in the 17th century

@mytwocents 如果你读一下文章就知道小费文化源于17世纪的英格兰

Common Sense Footloose 20 hours ago
He is very wrong if he thinks there is no tipping culture in Europe. Most waiters in Spain and Portugal and the UK for that matter aren't paid much and rely heavily on their tips! However I do obxt strongly to restaurants anywhere automatically adding a service charge to the bill or being told how much I am expected to leave as a tip!


mytwocents London United Kingdom 19 hours ago
Yes but not an automatic 20%!!


Common Sense Footloose 18 hours ago
@mytwocents. That's exactly what I mean. I obxt to an automatic any percent!

@mytwocents, 我说的就是这个,我讨厌自动加上的每一分。


LadyJJ Blackburn United Kingdom 20 hours ago
If people were paid a decent wage they wouldn't need to rely on tips.


JannaM New York United States 12 hours ago
Maggie: Your logic makes no sense. According to you my lawyer doctor mechanic mailman and insurance broker do a good job because they're paid to.... But if waiters were simply paid (instead of getting tips) they wouldn't do a good job? Ridiculous!


ndonthebeach NOYB United States 8 hours ago
Steve. Your bro sounds like a dork.


Hamburgler Dixie United States 19 hours ago
This guy needs to be slapped.



alex bristol United Kingdom 19 hours ago
Very hard


Smallgreenbouncyone here 12 hours ago
Can I join in?


Melinda Hanmer Pentraeth United Kingdom 20 hours ago
So the 10-20% added as service charge should be stopped too as usually that ends up in the owners pocket. As the Indians used to say ......you speak with a forked tongue.


GUIT4R Chorley 20 hours ago
The idea for tipping after a meal or service may indeed come from the American civil war. But it's roots are somehow different. The word tip is in fact an acronym "To Improve Promptness" and should be discretely passed to the Maitre De prior to the meal. This was to guarantee good service and impress the customer's lady and imply the gent has some standing. So the idea of using it as a way of supplementing a server's wage is a later change to the original intent.



Steve Seattle 14 hours ago
"Tip" was indeed an acronym and was often printed on bowls and cups in 17th century English pubs. "To Improve Promptitude" was the verbiage.


Dee22- New York United States 12 hours ago
Nobody reads the artilce based on similar comments like these. The artilce says came from England.


Mrjoshua New York 18 hours ago
I think people are going out of their way to call anything racst these days.



Seriousenough The Beach United States 18 hours ago


Yes you did A very strange place United Kingdom 19 hours ago
He's an idiot using the race/slavery card to avoid letting his staff earn some extra cash to subsidise his poor wages.

他就是个傻瓜,因为种族/奴隶 歧视之类的标签就丢掉了赚点外快增加那点可怜工资的机会。

Chief Wahoo Cleveland United States 17 hours ago
In modern society is there ANYTHING that is not ra.cist? The term has lost its meaning because it is so overused for every situation.

当今社会是不是什么东西都能扯到种族主义者身上去? 这个词因为滥用已经失去了它的本身意义。